import collection.mutable.{Map,HashMap,SortedSet} def indexs(str:String):Map[Char,SortedSet[Int]]={ var map = new HashMap[Char, SortedSet[Int]](); var i = 0; str.foreach{ c=> map.get(c) match{ case Some(result) => map(c) = result + i case None => map += (c-> SortedSet{i}) } i += 1 } map } println(indexs("Mississippi"))
import collection.immutable.HashMap import collection.mutable.ListBuffer def indexs(str:String):Map[Char,ListBuffer[Int]]={ var map = new HashMap[Char, ListBuffer[Int]]() var i = 0 str.foreach{ c=> map.get(c) match{ case Some(result) => result += i case None => map += (c-> ListBuffer{i}) } i += 1 } map } println(indexs("Mississippi"))
def removeZero(nums : List[Int]):List[Int]={ nums.filter(_ != 0) } println(removeZero(List(3,5,0,2,7,0)))
def strMap(strArr : Array[String],map : Map[String,Int]) : Array[Int] = { strArr.flatMap(map.get(_)) } val a = Array("Tom","Fred","Harry") val m = Map("Tom"->3,"Dick"->4,"Harry"->5) println(strMap(a,m).mkString(","))
import collection.mutable trait MyMkString{ this:mutable.Iterable[String]=> def myMkString = if( this != Nil) this.reduceLeft(_ + _) } var a = new mutable.HashSet[String] with MyMkString a += "1" a += "2" a += "3" println(a.myMkString)
val lst = List(1,2,3,4,5) println((lst :\ List[Int]())(_ :: _)) println((List[Int]() /: lst)((a,b) => b :: a))
val prices = List(5.0,20.0,9.95) val quantities = List(10,2,1) println((prices zip quantities) map { Function.tupled(_ * _) })
def divArr(arr:Array[Double],i:Int)={ arr.grouped(i).toArray } val arr = Array(1.0,2,3,4,5,6) divArr(arr,3).foreach(a => println(a.mkString(",")))
val frequencies = new scala.collection.multable.HashMap[Char,Int] with scala.collection.mutable.SynchronizedMap[Char,Int]
frequencies(c) = frequencies.getOrElse(c,0) + 1
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaConcurrentMap val frequencies:scala.collection.mutable.ConcurrentMap[Char,Int] = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Char,Int]
val frequencies = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Char,Int] for(c <- str.par) frequencies(c) = frequencies.getOrElse(c,0) + 1
为什么说这个想法很糟糕?要真正地并行化这个计算,他应该怎么做呢?(提示:用aggregate) 并行修改共享变量,结果无法估计。
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap val str = "abcabcac" val frequencies = str.par.aggregate(HashMap[Char,Int]())( { (a,b) => a + (b -> (a.getOrElse(b,0) + 1)) } , { (map1,map2) => (map1.keySet ++ map2.keySet).foldLeft( HashMap[Char,Int]() ) { (result,k) => result + ( k -> ( map1.getOrElse(k,0 ) + map2.getOrElse(k,0) ) ) } } ) println(frequencies)
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