Some Advices

Graduate Orientation Notes

Dr. Duane Larick:

1. Avoid bad habits

2. Don’t limit your curiosity

3. Be determined in achieving your goal

Dr. Larry Nielsen:

1. Really, Really, Really talk to your advisor

2. Take the advantage of the university

Dr. Bryce Lane:

1. Close relationship with your advisor

2. Be professional

3. Relax. We don’t expect you to know everything

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

5. Stop doing things halfway. (Know your limitations and work on it)

6. Make selections to develop  yourself

7. Show respect to your peers

8. Balance work and life

9. Don’t take your life too seriously

10. Graduate studies are about RELATIONSHIPS

RA Orientation Notes:

Have a lab notebook

Document your methods, data, and observations; establish date of discovery.

Always write in ink

Make a table of contents

Have each note signed (& co-signed if possible)

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