DataCenter is Computer

David Patterson 在 Communication of ACM 的专栏中发表了"Techinical Perspective: Datacenter is computer"

David Patterson 从一个计算机体系结构的研究者角度出发, 将如何设计Data Center的架构以提供可靠,可伸缩 的 Internet Service 类比成设计一种新的体系结构。
在这一体系结构中,Patterson 提出了三个基本的问题:

• What are useful programming abstractions for such a large system?
• How do thousands of computers behave differently from
a small system?
• What must you do differently to run the abstraction on thousands
of computers?

进一步, Patterson将 MapReduce 比喻为传统体系中的最基本的ADD指令。并对未来计算机体系的发展给予展望:

”If MapReduce is
the first instruction of the “data center computer,” I can’t wait to see
the rest of the instruction set, as well as the data center programming
language, the data center operating system, the data center storage systems,
and more.“
