


'===================================================================== ' Constant ' Configuration '===================================================================== Const MainConfigFilename = "Main.Conf" Const ConfigFileDir = "Config/" Const KeyValueDelimiter = "=" Const ColorDelimiter = "," Const MarkDelimiter = "|" Const CommentMarkDelimiter = "," Const ConfigCommentsMark = ";" Const ConfigKey_Description = "Description" Const ConfigKey_CaseSensitive = "isCaseSensitive" Const ConfigKey_KeyWordColor = "KeyWordColor" Const ConfigKey_KeyWordConf = "KeyWordConf" Const ConfigKey_ExtKeyWordColor = "ExtKeyWordColor" Const ConfigKey_ExtKeyWordConf = "ExtKeyWordConf" Const ConfigKey_BackwardWord = "BackwardWord" Const ConfigKey_CommentsMark = "CommentsMark" Const ConfigKey_StringMark = "StringMark" Const ConfigKey_FontName = "FontName" Const ConfigKey_FontSize = "FontSize" Const ConfigKey_FontColor = "FontColor" Const ConfigVal_CarriageReturn = "/n" '===================================================================== ' Constant ' Registry '===================================================================== Const RegKeyType = "REG_EXPAND_SZ" Const RegKeyValueTemplate = "%windir%/System32/CScript.Exe ""$ScriptPath$"" ""%1""" Const AssociateKeyTemplate = "HKCR/.$Extention$/" Const CommandKeyTemplate = "HKCR/$AssociateKeyValue$/shell/To PDF(&T)/command/" Const RegTempKey_ScriptPath = "$ScriptPath$" Const RegTempKey_Ext = "$Extention$" Const RegTempKey_AssocKeyVal = "$AssociateKeyValue$" '===================================================================== ' Constant ' Convertion Process '===================================================================== Const STR_ProgDesc = "A tool to convert files into PDF" Const STR_Rights = "Igame 2011. All rights reserved." Const STR_From = "原文件 " Const STR_To = "目标文件" Const STR_Line = "行数" Const STR_Folder = "目录" Const STR_FolderNotSpecified = "未指定目录" Const STR_WordTempFilePrefix = "~$" Const STR_FileDoesNotExist = "文件不存在" Const STR_JobDone = "完成" Const STR_FileConverted = "文件被转换" Const STR_Format = "格式" Const STR_PlainText = "普通文本" Const STR_RegSuccessfully = "Text To PDF tool registered successfully!" Const STR_UnregSuccessfully = "Text To PDF tool unregistered successfully!" Const PDFExt = "PDF" Const WordFormatPDF = 17 ' PDF Format. Const FolderView_Window_Handle = &H0 Const FolderView_Option_EveryThing = &H4000 Const FolderView_Option_RootRecent = 8 Const FolderView_Caption = "请选择要转换成PDF的目录" Const KillWordAppCommand = "taskkill.exe /f /im winword.exe" Const DefaultWordEncoding = "msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseGBK" Const ArgPrefix = "/" Const ArgRegister = "/Register" Const ArgUnregister = "/Unregister" Const ArgVersion = "/V" Const ArgSupportedFileList = "/S" Const ArgHelp = "/H" ' Word enumeration status Const Stat_Comments = "1" Const Stat_String = "2" Const Stat_Other = "3" Dim IsCScript Dim RemoveOriginalFile Dim DefaultKeyWordColor, DefaultExtKeyWordColor, DefaultCommentsColor, DefaultStringColor Const DefaultFontName = "微软雅黑" Const DefaultFontSize = "13" Dim DefaultFontColor RemoveOriginalFile = false DefaultKeyWordColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) DefaultExtKeyWordColor = RGB(0, 128, 128) DefaultCommentsColor = RGB(0, 128, 0) DefaultStringColor = RGB(128, 0, 0) DefaultFontColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
