PSInSAR方法的特点:形变监测的时间覆盖范围大,因为可用的影像比较多,而不用过分考虑时间基线和垂直基线过大带来的去相关问题;PS点上的地形精度可以提高到传统InSAR无法企及的高度;大部分的大气因素可以去除,这在小形变监测中比较重要。但是PSInSAR处理方法比较复杂,对数据的时间覆盖范围要求高( ≈30InSARimages ),因此PSInSAR并不会试图取代传统方法,但是会在影像充足情况下的小形变(太小以至于传统方法无法监测)监测发挥重要作用。
PS方法开始于PS点的选取,但是这并不是个一劳永逸的事情,后面会逐步的去除错误的和不当的候选点,也会逐步添加一些ps点以提高PS点的密度。后面每一步的处理中判定PS的条件是:(去相关)相位噪声的级别(the level of decorrelation noise)。这主要有两种方法:
DePSI 是一种PSInSAR处理方法,处理步骤主要有:
SBAS方法的命名来自于其基线配置方面的考虑:小基线,即最小化时间、视角方面的差异,以最大限度地减小去相关和高程误差的影响,这也是其和PS方法的最主要区别。去相关的影响还可以进一步通过spectral filteringin range and discarding of the non-overlapping Doppler frequencies in azimuth以及multilooking interferograms 等方法削弱(虽然并不会总是奏效,例如对于森林区域的一片空地,多视处理只会增加去相关)。是否进行预滤波和多视处理也是其和PS方法的主要区别。
SBAS的处理对象不再是PS点:PS targets resolution cells dominated by a single scatterer and the latter targets cells with many scatterers, none of which dominate.
SBAS方法利用解缠后的相位,估计出平均形变速度之后,可以通过时域的高通滤波和空间域的低通滤波(大气带来的相位信息是空间上相关,时间上随机的)去除大气的影响,估计形变时间序列常用的方法是singular value decomposition (SVD) approach
One might suppose that a full-resolution small baseline approach is equally good as a persistent scatterer approach alsofor cells dominated by a single scatterer, but in fact there are two advantages that the PS approach has in this case. The first is that all interferograms can be created with respect to a single master. This allows for a reduction of the noise contribution of the master image prior to phase unwrapping, as it is present in all interferograms. The second is that no spatial filtering is applied, which avoids increasing the noise contribution of non-dominant scatterers by coarsening of the resolution. Therefore the two approaches can be considered as complementary, in the usual case where a data set contains pixels with a range of scattering characteristics.
By combining both approaches signal can be extracted from more pixels overall, improving the spatial sampling, and the signal-to-noise ratio can be improved for pixels that are selected by both approaches. Improvement of the spatial sampling is important not only because the resolution of any deformation signal is increased, but also because it allows for more reliable phase-unwrapping.。
参数估计的有:least-squares , singular value decomposition, or L1-norm minimization.
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