Use the UPDATE
statement to change existing values in a table or in the base table of a view or the master table of a materialized view.
Additional Topics
For you to update values in a table, the table must be in your own schema or you must have the UPDATE
object privilege on the table.
For you to update values in the base table of a view:
You must have the UPDATE
object privilege on the view, and
Whoever owns the schema containing the view must have the UPDATE
object privilege on the base table.
system privilege also allows you to update values in any table or in the base table of any view.
You must also have the SELECT
object privilege on the object you want to update if:
The object is on a remote database or
initialization parameter is set to TRUE
and the UPDATE
operation references table columns, such as the columns in a where_clause
(DML_table_expression_clause::=, update_set_clause ::=, where_clause ::=, returning_clause::=, error_logging_clause::=)
(subquery::=--part of SELECT, subquery_restriction_clause ::=, table_collection_expression ::=)
subquery_restriction_clause ::=
table_collection_expression ::=
update_set_clause ::=
where_clause ::=
Updating a Table: Examples The following statement gives null commissions to all employees with the job SH_CLERK
UPDATE employees SET commission_pct = NULL WHERE job_id = 'SH_CLERK';
The following statement promotes Douglas Grant to manager of Department 20 with a $1,000 raise:
UPDATE employees SET job_id = 'SA_MAN', salary = salary + 1000, department_id = 120 WHERE first_name||' '||last_name = 'Douglas Grant';
The following statement increases the salary of an employee in the employees
table on the remote
UPDATE employees@remote SET salary = salary*1.1 WHERE last_name = 'Baer';
The next example shows the following syntactic constructs of the UPDATE
Both forms of the update_set_clause
together in a single statement
A correlated subquery
A where_clause
to limit the updated rows
UPDATE employees a SET department_id = (SELECT department_id FROM departments WHERE location_id = '2100'), (salary, commission_pct) = (SELECT 1.1*AVG(salary), 1.5*AVG(commission_pct) FROM employees b WHERE a.department_id = b.department_id) WHERE department_id IN (SELECT department_id FROM departments WHERE location_id = 2900 OR location_id = 2700);
The preceding UPDATE
statement performs the following operations:
Updates only those employees who work in Geneva or Munich (locations 2900 and 2700)
Sets department_id
for these employees to the department_id
corresponding to Bombay (location_id
Sets each employee's salary to 1.1 times the average salary of their department
Sets each employee's commission to 1.5 times the average commission of their department
Updating a Partition: Example The following example updates values in a single partition of the sales
UPDATE sales PARTITION (sales_q1_1999) s SET s.promo_id = 494 WHERE amount_sold > 1000;
Updating an Object Table: Example The following statement creates two object tables, people_demo1
and people_demo2
, of the people_typ
object created inTable Collections: Examples. The example shows how to update a row of people_demo1
by selecting a row from people_demo2
CREATE TABLE people_demo1 OF people_typ; CREATE TABLE people_demo2 OF people_typ; UPDATE people_demo1 p SET VALUE(p) = (SELECT VALUE(q) FROM people_demo2 q WHERE p.department_id = q.department_id) WHERE p.department_id = 10;
The example uses the VALUE
object reference function in both the SET
clause and the subquery.
Correlated Update: Example For an example that uses a correlated subquery to update nested table rows, please refer to "Table Collections: Examples".
Using the RETURNING Clause During UPDATE: Example The following example returns values from the updated row and stores the result in PL/SQL variables bnd1
, bnd2
, bnd3
UPDATE employees SET job_id ='SA_MAN', salary = salary + 1000, department_id = 140 WHERE last_name = 'Jones' RETURNING salary*0.25, last_name, department_id INTO :bnd1, :bnd2, :bnd3;
The following example shows that you can specify a single-set aggregate function in the expression of the returning clause:
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE department_id = 100 RETURNING SUM(salary) INTO :bnd1;
90. View the Exhibit and examine the descriptions of the DEPT and LOCATIONS
tables.You want to update the CITY column of the DEPT table for all the rows
with the corresponding value in the CITY column of the LOCATIONS table for
each department.Which SQL statement would you execute to accomplish the task?
A. UPDATE dept d SET city = ANY (SELECT city FROM locations l);
B. UPDATE dept d SET city = (SELECT city FROM locations l)
WHERE d.location_id = l.location_id;
C. UPDATE dept d SET city = (SELECT city FROM locations l WHERE d.location_id
= l.location_id);
D. UPDATE dept d SET city = ALL (SELECT city FROM locations l
WHERE d.location_id = l.location_id);
Answer: C