Symmetric encryption principles
Security depends on the secrecy of the key, not thealgorithm
A good algorithm is a good trade-off between security and efficiency
Stream ciphers
Stream ciphers: RC4
Designed by Ron Rivest, 1987
Variable key size, byte-oriented operation
Used in SSL, WEP, WPA etc.
Efficient to implement in software, relatively
for i =0 to 255 do
S[i] = i;
T[i] = K[i mod keylen];
/* Initial Permutation of S */
j= 0;
for i= 0 to 255 do
j =(j + S[i] + T[i]) mod 256;
Swap (S[i], S[j]);
/* Stream Generation */
i, j = 0;
while (true)
i = (i + 1) mod 256;
j = (j + S[i]) mod 256;
Swap (S[i], S[j]);
t = (S[i] + S[j]) mod 256;
k = S[t];
1. Bias in initial output: Pr[ 2nd byte = 0 ] = 2/256
2. Prob. of (0,0) is 1/2562 + 1/2563
Block ciphers
A block cipher processes the plaintext input in fixed sized blocks and produces a block of ciphertext of equal size for each plaintext block
◦ Block size
◦ Key size
◦ Number of rounds
◦ Subkey generation algorithm
◦ Round function
feistel network
general structure used by symmetric block ciphers
All rounds have the same structure
Decryption process is exactly the inverse of encryption. (Why?)
16 XOR F
XOR Fk16(RE15)) XOR Fk16(LE16)
=(LE15 XOR Fk16(RE15)) XOR Fk16(RE15)
LEi= REi-1
REi= LEi-1 XOR F(REi-1)
A 16 round feistel network
It is a “block’’ cipher with key length 56 bits.
It was designed by IBM in 1976 for the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), with approval from the National Security Agency (NSA).
It had been used as a standard for encryption until 2000.
A new encryption standard was adopted in 2000, as a replacement of DES.
The same 56-bit cipher key is used for both encryption and
The origin 56-bit key is expanded into 16 48-bit round keys
DES takes 64-bit plaintext and creates a 64-bit ciphertext
Initial permutation and final permutation
◦ F, the function
The analysis of security property of DES is out of the scope of this course,
1997: DES broken by exhaustive search
3DES was incorporated as part of the Data Encryption Standard in 1999 with the publication of FIPS 46-3
A replacement for DES was needed because DES is subject to exhaustive key search attacks.
US NIST issued call for ciphers in 1997
15 candidates accepted in Jun 98
5 were shortlisted in Aug-99
Rijndael was selected as the AES in Oct-2000
Issued as FIPS PUB 197 standard in Nov-2001
A private key symmetric block cipher
128-bit plaintext block, 128/192/256-bit keys
Stronger & faster than “Triple-DES”
Active life of 20-30 years
Efficient in both software and hardware implementations
Simple in design
Suitable for smart cards (memory requirement)
An initial round-key addition
9/11/13 rounds, corresponds to, 128/192/156 bit keys
A final round, similar to other round, but without mixed column operations
Round Function : ByteSub
Multiplicative inverse in GF(28) is used