[C++]pseudo-random numbers(random库)

pseudo-random numbers(random库)


First you need to know is the idea of the method:
1. Linear-Congruential: (a * x + c) % m, a > 0, m > 0, m % a < m / a.
This formulus is a linear function to generate random numbers
a - multiplier | x - seed | c - increment | m - modulus
note: You may know that every random-number-engin generater need a seed.
2. calculation of (a * x + c) % m.
This formula need to avoid integer overflow, that means when x is
very big like 2147483646, it should still return the right answer.
The algorithm is very well-known and you should find by yourself.

Then, you should learn something about ‘mod’ and ‘linear_congruential_engine’
1. class mod is a model for linear_congruential_engine, which realize the
formula “(a * x + c) % m” in calc();
2. class linear_congruential_engine is a generater which sets seed and make
random-number with its public member ‘mod_temp’

———- mod_my ———-

int m, a, c; // This define the three parameters for the formula.

mod_my(int _m, int _a, int _c); // Constructer, initialize three params.

int calc(int x); // Caculator, take x as a seed to make number and return.

———- linear_congruential_engine ———-

int multiplier, increment, modulus; // Correspond to a, c, m
// Initialize to 16807, 1, 2147483647 as default.

unsigned int default_seed_my, seed_my; // Initialize to 1u as default.

mod_my mod_temp; // It is the model for this engin.

linear_congruential_engine_my(); // Default constructer.

linear_congruential_engine_my(int _m, int _a, int _c, int _s);

void seed(unsigned int); // Set seed.

int min(); // Return the least bound of the range

int max(); // Return the most bound of the range.

void discard(unsigned long long); // Discard the generator.
// Use its own seed to generate x random numbers (x is the input param).

int operator()(); // Overload the ‘()’


#include <iostream>
#include "random_my.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace RAND_GEN;

void test_calc() {
    mod_my mod_1(9223372036854775807, 16807, 1);
    if (mod_1.calc(9223372036854775) != 7443261233741790514 ||
        mod_1.calc(922337203685477580) != 6456360425798331301 ||
        mod_1.calc(9223372036852222220) != 9223371993936639099 ||
        mod_1.calc(922337203685473330) != 6456360425726901551 ||
        mod_1.calc(9223372022254775806) != 9223126654654759001)
        cout << "Your calc() is wrong.\n";
    else cout << "Pass all tests for calc().\n";

void test_engin() {
    linear_congruential_engine_my lce;
    int count = 1000;
    int num[1001] = {0};
    while (count--) num[lce()%5]++;
    if (num[0] != 216 || num[1] != 190 ||
        num[2] != 203 || num[3] != 216 ||
        num[4] != 175) {
        cout << "Your engin class is wrong in generator.\n";
    } else if (lce.min() != (lce.increment == 0u ? 1u : 0u)) {
        cout << "Your engin class is wrong in min().\n";
    } else if (lce.max() != (lce.modulus - 1u)) {
        cout << "Your engin class is wrong in max().\n";
    else cout << "Pass all tests for class engin.\n";

void hard_test() {
    long long m, a, c, n, num[5] = {0};
    unsigned long long s;
    unsigned long long discard_n;
    cin >> m >> a >> c >> s;
    mod_my mod_1(m, a, c);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cin >> n;
        cout << "(MOD CALC) ";
        cout << n << ": " << mod_1.calc(n) << endl;
    linear_congruential_engine_my lce(m, a, c, s);
    cin >> discard_n;
    cin >> n;
    while (n--) num[lce()%5]++;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cout << "(ENGIN) ";
        cout << i << ": " << num[i] << endl;

int main() {
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    if (t == 0) {
    } else {
    return 0;
#ifndef RANDOM_MY_H
#define RANDOM_MY_H

namespace RAND_GEN {
class mod_my {
    long long m, a, c;
    mod_my(long long _m, long long _a, long long _c) : m(_m), a(_a), c(_c) {}

    long long calc(long long x) {
        if (a == 1) {
            x %= m;
        } else {
            long long q = m / a;
            long long r = m % a;
            long long t1 = a * (x % q);
            long long t2 = r * (x / q);
            if (t1 >= t2) x = t1 - t2;
            else x = m - t2 + t1;
        if (c != 0) {
            const long long d = m - x;
            if (d > c) x += c;
            else x = c - d;
        return x;

class linear_congruential_engine_my {
    long long multiplier, increment, modulus;
    unsigned long long default_seed_my, seed_my;
    mod_my mod_temp;

    : multiplier(16807), increment(1), modulus(2147483647)
    , default_seed_my(1u), mod_temp(modulus, multiplier, increment)
    { seed(default_seed_my); }

    linear_congruential_engine_my(long long _m, long long _a,
    long long _c, long long _s)
    : multiplier(_a), increment(_c), modulus(_m)
    , default_seed_my(_s), mod_temp(modulus, multiplier, increment)
    { seed(default_seed_my); }

    void seed(unsigned long long s)
    { seed_my = s; }

    long long min()
    { return  increment == 0u ? 1u : 0u; }

    long long max()
    { return modulus - 1u; }

    void discard(unsigned long long z)
    { for (; z != 0ULL; --z) (*this)(); }

    long long operator()() {
        seed_my = mod_temp.calc(seed_my);
        return seed_my;

}  // namespace RAND_GEN


Schrage’s algorithm

//  General case for x = (ax + c) mod m -- use Schrage's algorithm
//  to avoid integer overflow.
//  (ax + c) mod m can be rewritten as:
//    a(x mod q) - r(x / q)  if >= 0
//    a(x mod q) - r(x / q)  otherwise
//  where: q = m / a , r = m mod a
//  Preconditions:  a > 0, m > 0.
//  Note: only works correctly for m % a < m / a.    long long calc(long long x) {
    if (a == 1) {
        x %= m;
    } else {
        long long q = m / a;
        long long r = m % a;
        long long t1 = a * (x % q);
        long long t2 = r * (x / q);
        if (t1 >= t2) x = t1 - t2;
        else x = m - t2 + t1;
    if (c != 0) {
        const long long d = m - x;
        if (d > c) x += c;
        else x = c - d;
    return x;


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