Pair<Integer,Integer>[] intPairArr = new Pair<Integer,Integer>[10]; // illegal
Object[] objArr = intPairArr;
objArr[0] = new Pair<String,String>("",""); // should fail
Pair[] intPairArr = new Pair[10];
数组仅保留了其原始类型(raw type)。这样一来,数组就会接受任何类型的键值对了,如Pair<String,String>。这就破坏了数组元素单一性原则。
Node<?>[] nodes = new Node[10]; //这是可以的
No, because it is not type-safe.
Arrays are covariant, which means that an array of supertype references is a supertype of an array of subtype references. That is, Object[] is a supertype of String[] and a string array can be accessed through a reference variable of type Object[] .
Example (of covariant arrays):
Object[] objArr = new String[10]; // fine
objArr[0] = new String();
In addition, arrays carry runtime type information about their component type, that is, about the type of the elements contained. The runtime type information regarding the component type is used when elements are stored in an array in order to ensure that no “alien” elements can be inserted.
Example (of array store check):
Object[] objArr = new String[10];
objArr[0] = new Long(0L); // compiles; fails at runtime with ArrayStoreException
The reference variable of type Object[] refers to a String[] , which means that only strings are permitted as elements of the array. When an element is inserted into the array, the information about the array’s component type is used to perform a type check - the so-called array store check. In our example the array store check will fail because we are trying to add a Long to an array of String s. Failure of the array store check is reported by means of a ArrayStoreException .
Problems arise when an array holds elements whose type is a concrete parameterized type. Because of type erasure, parameterized types do not have exact runtime type information. As a consequence, the array store check does not work because it uses the dynamic type information regarding the array’s (non-exact) component type for the array store check.
Example (of array store check in case of parameterized component type):
Pair<Integer,Integer>[] intPairArr = new Pair<Integer,Integer>[10]; // illegal
Object[] objArr = intPairArr;
objArr[0] = new Pair<String,String>("",""); // should fail, but would succeed
If arrays of concrete parameterized types were allowed, then a reference variable of type Object[] could refer to a Pair<Integer,Integer>[] , as shown in the example. At runtime an array store check must be performed when an array element is added to the array. Since we are trying to add a Pair<String,String> to a Pair<Integer,Integer>[] we would expect that the type check fails. However, the JVM cannot detect any type mismatch here: at runtime, after type erasure, objArr would have the dynamic type Pair[] and the element to be stored has the matching dynamic type Pair . Hence the store check succeeds, although it should not.
If it were permitted to declare arrays that holds elements whose type is a concrete parameterized type we would end up in an unacceptable situation. The array in our example would contain different types of pairs instead of pairs of the same type. This is in contradiction to the expectation that arrays hold elements of the same type (or subtypes thereof). This undesired situation would most likely lead to program failure some time later, perhaps when a method is invoked on the array elements.
Example (of subsequent failure):
Pair<Integer,Integer>[] intPairArr = new Pair<Integer,Integer>[10]; // illegal
Object[] objArr = intPairArr;
objArr[0] = new Pair<String,String>("",""); // should fail, but would succeed
Integer i = intPairArr[0].getFirst(); // fails at runtime with ClassCastException
The method getFirst is applied to the first element of the array and it returns a String instead of an Integer because the first element in the array intPairArr is a pair of strings, and not a pair of integers as one would expect. The innocent-looking assignment to the Integer variable i will fail with a ClassCastException , although no cast expression is present in the source code. Such an unexpected ClassCastException is considered a violation of type-safety.
In order to prevent programs that are not type-safe all arrays holding elements whose type is a concrete parameterized type are illegal. For the same reason, arrays holding elements whose type is a wildcard parameterized type are banned, too. Only arrays with an unbounded wildcard parameterized type as the component type are permitted. More generally, reifiable types are permitted as component type of arrays, while arrays with a non-reifiable component type are illegal.