how to use google

  1. Use quotes “jack london”搜索整体
  2. Use a hyphen to exclude words Mustang -cars 过滤
  3. Use a colon to search specific sites nullpoint exception site:hkmovie6.com在指定网页搜索
  4. Find a page that links to another page link:nytimes.com搜索链接到此网站的内容
  5. Use the asterisk wildcard “你在 * 大雪纷飞,我在 * 四季如春”搜索歌词最好不过了
  6. Find sites that are similar to other sites related:amazon.com搜索类似的网站
  7. Search for multiple words at once “Best ways to running” OR “How to prepare for a running” 扩大搜索内容
  8. Search a range of numbers What teams have won the Stanley Cup ..2004 | 41..43指定数字范围搜索
  9. Find a specific file hours filetype:pdf搜索指定文件


I’m fish, I’m on.
