

 * An OFBiz container. A container can be thought of as a background process.
 * <p>
 * When OFBiz starts, the main thread will create the <code>Container</code> instance and
 * then call the container's <code>init</code> method. If the method returns without
 * throwing an exception the container will be added to a list of initialized containers.
 * After all instances have been created and initialized, the main thread will call the
 * <code>start</code> method of each container in the list. When OFBiz shuts down, a
 * separate shutdown thread will call the <code>stop</code> method of each container.
 * Implementations should anticipate asynchronous calls to the methods by different
 * threads.
 * </p>
 * <p>Containers might be loaded more than once (have more than one instance).<p>
public interface Container {

    /** Initialize the container. This method must not block - implementations
     * should initialize internal structures and then return.
     * @param args Command-line arguments.
     * @param name Unique name of the container's instance.
     * @param configFile Location of the configuration file used to load this container.
     * @throws ContainerException If an error was encountered. Throwing this exception
     * will halt container loading, so it should be thrown only when other containers
     * might depend on this one.
    public void init(String[] args, String name, String configFile) throws ContainerException;

     * Start the container process. This method must not block - implementations
     * that require thread blocking must create a separate thread and then return.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the process started.
     * @throws ContainerException If an error was encountered.
    public boolean start() throws ContainerException;

     * Stop the container process. This method must not block.
     * @throws ContainerException If an error was encountered.
    public void stop() throws ContainerException;

     * Return the container name.
     * @return Name of the container's instance.
    public String getName();



<ofbiz-containers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

    <!-- load the ofbiz component container (always first) -->
    <container name="component-container" loaders="main,rmi,pos,install" class="org.ofbiz.base.container.ComponentContainer"/>

    <container name="component-container-test" loaders="test" class="org.ofbiz.base.container.ComponentContainer">
        <property name="ofbiz.instrumenterClassName" value="org.ofbiz.base.config.CoberturaInstrumenter"/>
        <property name="ofbiz.instrumenterFile" value="runtime/logs/cobertura-components.dat"/>

    <container name="component-container-limited" loaders="limited" class="org.ofbiz.base.container.ComponentContainer">
        <property name="update-classpath" value="false"/>

    <container name="component-container" loaders="testlist" class="org.ofbiz.base.container.JustLoadComponentsContainer"/>




// get this loader's configuration file
// default: framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml
this.configFile = config.containerConfig;

Collection<ContainerConfig.Container> containers = null;
try {
    containers = ContainerConfig.getContainers(configFile);
} catch (ContainerException e) {
    throw new StartupException(e);

for (ContainerConfig.Container containerCfg : containers) {
    if (this.unloading) {
    boolean matchingLoaderFound = false;
    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(containerCfg.loaders) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(loaders)) {
        matchingLoaderFound = true;
    } else {
        for (String loader: loaders) {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(containerCfg.loaders) || containerCfg.loaders.contains(loader)) {
                matchingLoaderFound = true;
    if (matchingLoaderFound) {
        Debug.logInfo("Loading container: " + containerCfg.name, module);
        Container tmpContainer = loadContainer(containerCfg, args);
        Debug.logInfo("Loaded container: " + containerCfg.name, module);

private Container loadContainer(ContainerConfig.Container containerCfg, String[] args) throws StartupException {
    // load the container class
    ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if (loader == null) {
        Debug.logWarning("Unable to get context classloader; using system", module);
        loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    Class<?> containerClass = null;
    try {
        containerClass = loader.loadClass(containerCfg.className);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new StartupException("Cannot locate container class", e);
    if (containerClass == null) {
        throw new StartupException("Component container class not loaded");

    // create a new instance of the container object
    Container containerObj = null;
    try {
        containerObj = (Container) containerClass.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new StartupException("Cannot create " + containerCfg.name, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new StartupException("Cannot create " + containerCfg.name, e);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new StartupException("Cannot create " + containerCfg.name, e);

    if (containerObj == null) {
        throw new StartupException("Unable to create instance of component container");

    // initialize the container object
    try {
        containerObj.init(args, containerCfg.name, configFile);
    } catch (ContainerException e) {
        throw new StartupException("Cannot init() " + containerCfg.name, e);
    } catch (java.lang.AbstractMethodError e) {
        throw new StartupException("Cannot init() " + containerCfg.name, e);

    return containerObj;



List<ContainerConfig.Container> containersDefinedInComponents = ComponentConfig.getAllContainers();
for (ContainerConfig.Container containerCfg: containersDefinedInComponents) {
    boolean matchingLoaderFound = false;
    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(containerCfg.loaders) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(loaders)) {
        matchingLoaderFound = true;
    } else {
        for (String loader: loaders) {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(containerCfg.loaders) || containerCfg.loaders.contains(loader)) {
                matchingLoaderFound = true;
    if (matchingLoaderFound) {
        Debug.logInfo("Loading component's container: " + containerCfg.name, module);
        Container tmpContainer = loadContainer(containerCfg, args);
        Debug.logInfo("Loaded component's container: " + containerCfg.name, module);



ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
Enumeration<URL> resources;
try {
    resources = loader.getResources("hot-deploy-containers.xml");
    while (resources.hasMoreElements() && !this.unloading) {
        URL xmlUrl = resources.nextElement();
        Debug.logInfo("Loading hot-deploy containers from " + xmlUrl, module);
        Collection<ContainerConfig.Container> hotDeployContainers = ContainerConfig.getContainers(xmlUrl);
        for (ContainerConfig.Container containerCfg : hotDeployContainers) {
            if (this.unloading) {
            Container tmpContainer = loadContainer(containerCfg, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
    Debug.logError(e, "Could not load hot-deploy-containers.xml", module);
    throw new StartupException(e);


public synchronized void start() throws StartupException {
    if (!this.loaded || this.unloading) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("start() called on unloaded containers");
    Debug.logInfo("[Startup] Starting containers...", module);
    // start each container object
    for (Container container: this.loadedContainers) {
        if (this.unloading) {
        Debug.logInfo("Starting container " + container.getName(), module);
        try {
        } catch (ContainerException e) {
            throw new StartupException("Cannot start() " + container.getClass().getName(), e);
        } catch (java.lang.AbstractMethodError e) {
            throw new StartupException("Cannot start() " + container.getClass().getName(), e);
        Debug.logInfo("Started container " + container.getName(), module);
