[置顶] clearcase check in时遇到Evil Twin found问题

前段时间做了一个feature,是从solaris port 到 linux 6.3 上,当文件check in的时候遇到Evil Twin found问题

PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table是一个新文件需要check in,首先是check out 目录(省略),然后建立element

c mkelem -c "DR-2-210-643" PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table

Caution: Evil Twin found : /usr1/arbor/sdg_bp_site/dba_project/oracle/customer/tables@@/main/rl_telus11.7/6
Please perform a ct ln (unix) or merge (win/ccrc) from the original element to the new location.
cleartool: Warning: Trigger "PRE-MKELEM" has refused to let mkelem proceed.

cleartool: Error: Unable to create element "PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table".


If you attempt to create an Evil Twin, you will receive an error similar to the following:
“Caution: Evil Twin found: Please perform a ct ln (unix) or merge (win/ccrc) from the original element to the new location.” And it will list for you where the original element was found.
To resolve an Evil Twin, you must either merge the directory from CCRC or link the original element to your view directory.
For CCRC merge option:
Since the element does not exist on the current branch you must merge the directory.
1. First, make sure to run a full update on your view(this should be the view you want to merge to), then from the directory where you want to merge to, right click -> click ClearCase Merge Search.
2. Choose destination view (your current view) and click Next.
3. Select the directory element you want to merge and click Next.
4. Select the branch where the original element is from and click Finish.
You will then have a list of files to be merged. From the drop down on that window you can choose whether to merge all automatically or merge manually. If you merge manually it will ask you to choose which version to select. If possible, choose to merge automatically. If you don’t want to merge a certain file(s) within this directory, you can unco the file to not merge it. (your merge is not committed until checkin) Then merge the remaining elements.
Once all is merged, checkin directory and all elements that were merged.


1.进入要check in的文件所在目录,check out目录
kco -c "DR-0-210-643" .

c ln -c "DR-0-210-643" .@@/main/rl_telus11.7/6/PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table

3.check in 目录
kci -c "DR-0-210-643" .

4.  check out 文件
kco -c "DR-0-210-643" PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table

5.check in文件
kci -c "DR-0-210-643" PROJ_RC_CHANGE_HISTORY.table

经过以上几步文件check in成功。



1.cd /usr1/arbor/sdg_bp_src/denver_src/project
2.kco -c "DR-0-210-643" .
3.c mkdir  -c "DR-0-210-643" prebip

Caution: Evil Twin found : /usr1/arbor/sdg_bp_src/denver_src/project@@/main/rl_telus11.7/1
Please perform a ct ln (unix) or merge (win/ccrc) from the original element to the new location.
cleartool: Warning: Trigger "PRE-MKELEM" has refused to let mkelem proceed.
cleartool: Error: Unable to create directory element "prebip".

如果要新建一个目录时:(用kaddref命令即可,不用check out目录,脚本会自动check out目录和check in目录,不过我们这里为了找到要从哪个branch过来所以check out目录病试图建立一个目录))

4.kaddref -c "DR-0-210-643" -f rl_telus11.7 prebip
Find pre-existing invisible links...
cleartool: Error: Element "." is already checked out to view "helen.telus.bp12.5_fx2.5_mnt_dcmvrh12".
checkout error...aborted.(所以目录就不用check out了)

取消check out
5.c unco .
Removed branch "/usr1/arbor/sdg_bp_src/denver_src/project@@/main/rl_telus_fx2.5_00_ebf".
Checkout cancelled for ".".

6.kaddref -c "DR-0-210-643" -f rl_telus11.7 prebip
Find pre-existing invisible links...
Perl OSname is: linux
Created branch "rl_telus_fx2.5_00_ebf" from "." version "/main/18".
Checked out "." from version "/main/rl_telus_fx2.5_00_ebf/0".
Link created: "./prebip".
Checked in "." version "/main/rl_telus_fx2.5_00_ebf/1".


Usage: kaddref [-k/eep] [-c/omment comment-string ] [-nci] [-ncp]
               [-t/odir target-dir ] [-f/rom branch]
               pname ...

这样就可以用以上check in element的文件的步骤来check in文件了。如果这个目录还有目录就还是按照以上的方法。

