之前一直KiCad画画电路板,Matalb模拟个小图图,习惯一直是把东西随手写在小本子上。现在来看似乎各大公司招聘的时候都希望应聘者可以有自己的博客作为积淀体现。 恰好, 现在到了新的阶段,也该做一个好好的总结了,可以把之前记下来的内容写到博客上,保存也更加安全 (I hope so)。这些内容没有什么前后逻辑,因为小本子上有些内容实在是太基础啦... 挑些重要的概念和tricky方法记录下.
Javascript is a objects-based language, I was a little bit confused about this so-called 'object-based language' here, why was that?
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6954293/difference-between-object-oriented-and-object-based-language <--- this article explained clearly.
But I think I can give a more intuitively explanation here: based on
it says 'JavaScript has an inheritance mechanism based on prototypes for both built–in objects (like Arrays) and host objects (like NodeLists)', and check this,
typeof Array.prototype #Object
Now I can understand why Js is a OBL la!
How Can I perform Array's method ex. slice(), pop() upon a ChildNode since it is NOT a array?
Call and Apply! Array.prototype.call(arguments) and I can even Array.prototype.call(arguments).forEach('arg', ()=>{}); Cannot be cooler and more elegant(Manson likes to use this phrase, 'elegant' codes XD) from my point of view.
What are the differences between .call and .apply?
To give a simplest sentence here:
.call(execution context, arg1, arg2, arg3 ...)
while .apply use array as an argument like follows:
.apply(execution context, [arg1, arg2, arg3 ,arg4 ]
But what more of ???? UNDER CONSTRUCTION HERE
Things need to know about Variables.
3种主要数据类型:string, boolean, number
2种复合型数据类型:function,object ----->>> 这里需要做出更正, 书上写说只有六中数据类型,刚刚查到说function 应该被认为是Function object, 不然Array怎么算.
以及特殊数据类型:null and undefined ----> buttypeof null #'object'
简单数据类型(或基本数据类型):Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String
另一种xx类型叫做引用类型,解释为:‘引用类型是一种数据结构,用于将数据和功能组织在一起,有时候也称为对象定义,因为它们描述的是一类对象所具有的属性和方法, 而对象其实就是指某个特定引用类型的实例’