头文件 结构体和相应函数的定义,声明
#ifndef _SEQLIST_H #define _SEQLIST_H #include<iostream> #include<assert.h>//断言 #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; #define ElemType int #define SEQLIST_DEFAULT_SIZE 10 #define ERROR -1 /* 结构体 用于存贮顺序表基本信息 */ typedef struct SeqList { ElemType *base; size_t capacity;//顺序表的容量 size_t size; }SeqList; int begin();//0 int end(SeqList *list);//表尾 void menu();//菜单函数 void InitSeqList(SeqList *list);//初始化函数 bool isempty(SeqList *list);//判断是否 空 bool isfull(SeqList *list);//判断是否 满 bool push_back(SeqList *list, ElemType x);//尾插函数 bool push_front(SeqList *list, ElemType x);//头插函数 bool pop_back(SeqList *list);//尾删函数 bool pop_front(SeqList *list);//头删函数 bool insert_pos(SeqList *list, ElemType key, ElemType x);//位置插入 bool delete_val(SeqList *list, ElemType key);//按值删除 void show(SeqList *list);//显示函数 int find(SeqList *list, ElemType key);//查找函数 //bool delete_val(SeqList *list, ElemType key); bool delete_pos(SeqList *list, ElemType key);//位置删除 int getvalue(SeqList*list, ElemType key);//获取某位置的值 bool modify(SeqList *list, ElemType key, ElemType x);//修改函数 void clear(SeqList *list);//清空顺序表 void destroy(SeqList *list);//销毁顺序表 int length(SeqList *list);//返回表长度 int next(SeqList *list, ElemType key);//查找某位置的后继 int pro(SeqList *list, ElemType key);//查找某位置的前驱 void sort(SeqList *list);//排序(冒泡) int insert_val_pos(SeqList *list, ElemType x);//按值插入(返回位置) void resver(SeqList *list);//翻转函数 #endif
#include"SeqList.h" /* 各个功能函数 */ /* 菜单 */ void menu() { cout << " " << endl; cout << "**********************************" << endl; cout << "* [1] push_back [2] push_front *" << endl; cout << "* [3] show_seqlist[0] quit_system*" << endl; cout << "* [4] pop_back [5] pop_front *" << endl; cout << "* [6] insert_pos [7] insert_val *" << endl; cout << "* [8] delete_pos [9] delete_val *" << endl; cout << "* [10] find [11]getvalue *" << endl; cout << "* [12] modify [13]clear *" << endl; cout << "* [14] destroy [15]sort *" << endl; cout << "* [16] resver [17]length *" << endl; cout << "* [18] next [19]prio *" << endl; cout << "**********************************" << endl; cout << "plese chose:>"; } /* 初始化顺序表 */ void InitSeqList(SeqList *list) { list->capacity = SEQLIST_DEFAULT_SIZE; list->base = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)*list->capacity); assert(list->base != NULL); list->size = 0; } int begin() { return 0; } int end(SeqList *list) { return list->size; } /* 判断是否为空 */ bool isempty(SeqList *list) { return end(list) == 0; } /* 判断是否满 */ bool isfull(SeqList *list) { return end(list) >= list->capacity; } /* 尾部插入 */ bool push_back(SeqList *list, ElemType x) { return insert_pos(list, end(list), x); } /* 头部插入 */ bool push_front(SeqList *list, ElemType x) { return insert_pos(list, begin(), x); } /* bool push_back(SeqList *list,ElemType x) { if(isfull(list)) return false; list->base[list->size++] = x; return true; } bool push_front(SeqList *list,ElemType x) { if(isfull(list)) return false; for(int i=list->size; i>0; --i) { list->base[i] = list->base[i-1]; } list->base[0] = x; list->size++; return true; } */ /* 尾部删除 */ bool pop_back(SeqList *list) { if (isempty(list)) return false; list->size--; //删除结束 数目减1 return true; } /* 头部删除 */ bool pop_front(SeqList *list) { if (isempty(list)) return false; for (int i = begin(); i<end(list) - 1; ++i) { list->base[i] = list->base[i + 1]; } list->size--; //删除结束 数目减1 return true; } /* 位置插入 */ bool insert_pos(SeqList *list, ElemType key, ElemType x) { if (isfull(list) || key < begin() || key > end(list)) return false; for (int i = end(list); i > key; --i) { list->base[i] = list->base[i - 1]; } list->base[key] = x; list->size++; return true; } /* 按值删除 */ bool delete_val(SeqList *list, ElemType key) { int pos = find(list, key); if (pos == -1) return false; delete_pos(list, pos); return true; } /* 查询输入值的位置 */ int find(SeqList *list, ElemType x) { if (isempty(list)) { cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } for (int i = begin(); i<end(list); i++) { if (list->base[i] == x) return i; } cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } /* 位置删除 */ bool delete_pos(SeqList *list, ElemType key) { if (isempty(list) || key < begin() || key > end(list) - 1) return false; for (int i = key; i<end(list) - 1; i++) { list->base[i] = list->base[i + 1]; } list->size--; return true; } //bool delete_val(SeqList *list, ElemType key) //{ // int i = 0; // for(int i=0; i<list->size; ++i) // { // if(list->base[i] == key) // break; // } // if(i >= list->size) // return false; // for(int k=i; k<list->size-1; ++k) // { // list->base[k] = list->base[k+1]; // } // list->size--; // return true; //} /* 获取输入位置的值 */ int getvalue(SeqList *list, ElemType key) { if (isempty(list) || key < begin() || key > end(list)) { cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } for (int i = begin(); i<end(list); i++) { if (key == i) return list->base[i]; } cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } /* 修改某位置的值 */ bool modify(SeqList *list, ElemType key, ElemType x) { if (isempty(list) || key < begin() || key > end(list) - 1) return false; for (int i = begin(); i<end(list); i++) { if (key == i) list->base[i] = x; } return true; } /* 清空顺序表 */ void clear(SeqList *list) { list->size = 0; } /* 销毁顺序表 */ void destroy(SeqList *list) { if (list->base) free(list->base); list->size = 0; list->capacity = 0; } /* 获取表长 */ int length(SeqList *list) { if (list->capacity = NULL) { cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } return end(list); } /* 返回输出位置的后继 */ int next(SeqList *list, ElemType key) { if (isempty(list) || key < begin() || key >= end(list) - 1) { cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } return list->base[key + 1]; } /* 返回输出位置的前驱 */ int pro(SeqList *list, ElemType key) { if (isempty(list) || key < 1 || key >= end(list)) { cout << "INPUT_ERROR "; return ERROR; } return list->base[key - 1]; } /* 升序排序 */ void sort(SeqList *list) { for (int i = begin(); i < end(list); i++) { for (int j = begin(); j < end(list) - i - 1; j++) { if (list->base[j] > list->base[j + 1]) { list->base[j] = list->base[j] ^ list->base[j + 1]; list->base[j + 1] = list->base[j] ^ list->base[j + 1]; list->base[j] = list->base[j] ^ list->base[j + 1]; } } } } /* 按照值的大小插入(返回位置),再通过 insert_pos 实现插入功能 */ int insert_val_pos(SeqList *list, ElemType x)//只返回插入位置 { cout << "the changes of SeqList will be incremental ! " << endl; sort(list); for (int i = begin(); i<end(list); ++i) { if (x >= list->base[i] && x <= list->base[i + 1]) return i + 1; } } /* 翻转顺序表 */ void resver(SeqList *list) { int *top = &list->base [0]; int *end = &list->base[list->size-1]; for (; top < end; (top++ && end--)) { *top = *top ^ *end; *end = *top ^ *end; *top = *top ^ *end; } } /* 显示 */ void show(SeqList *list) { for (int i = begin(); i< end(list); ++i) { cout << list->base[i] << " "; } cout << endl; }
#include<iostream> #include"SeqList.h" using namespace std; int main() { SeqList mylist; InitSeqList(&mylist); int select = 1; ElemType item; int pos = 0; while (select) { menu(); cin >> select; switch (select) { case 1: cout << "please enter data end with -1:>"; while (cin >> item, item != -1) { push_back(&mylist, item); } break; case 2: cout << "please enter data end with -1:>"; while (cin >> item, item != -1) { push_front(&mylist, item); } break; case 3: show(&mylist); break; case 4: pop_back(&mylist); break; case 5: pop_front(&mylist); break; case 6: cout << "please enter position(begin 0):>"; cin >> pos; cout << "please enter insert data:>"; cin >> item; insert_pos(&mylist, pos, item); break; case 7: cout << "please enter insert data:>"; cin >> item; insert_pos(&mylist, insert_val_pos(&mylist, item), item); break; case 8: cout << "please enter position(begin 0):>"; cin >> pos; delete_pos(&mylist, pos); break; case 9: cout << "please enter delete data:>"; cin >> item; delete_val(&mylist, item); break; case 10: cout << "please enter data:>"; cin >> item; cout << "the pos is:>" << find(&mylist, item) << endl; break; case 11: cout << "please enter position(begin 0):>"; cin >> pos; getvalue(&mylist, pos); cout << "the data of pos is>" << getvalue(&mylist, pos) << endl; break; case 12: cout << "please enter position(begin 0):>"; cin >> pos; cout << "please enter the modify data:>"; cin >> item; modify(&mylist, pos, item); break; case 13: clear(&mylist); cout << "the SeqList was cleared !"<<endl; break; case 14: destroy(&mylist); cout<<"the SeqList was destroyed !"<<endl; cout << "After destroy ,any operation is invalid!" << endl; cout << "Please quit_system!" << endl; break; case 15: sort(&mylist); cout << "the changes of SeqList will be incremental ! " << endl; break; case 16: cout << "the changes of SeqList will be resver ! " << endl; resver(&mylist); break; case 17: length(&mylist); cout << "the length of SeqList is:>" << length(&mylist) << endl; break; case 18: cout << "please enter position(begin 0):>"; cin >> pos; getvalue(&mylist, pos); cout << "the data of pos is>" << getvalue(&mylist, pos) << endl; next(&mylist, pos); cout << "the next of data is>" << next(&mylist, pos) << endl; break; case 19: cout << "please enter position(begin 0):>"; cin >> pos; getvalue(&mylist, pos); cout << "the data of pos is>" << getvalue(&mylist, pos) << endl; next(&mylist, pos); cout << "the next of data is>" << pro(&mylist, pos) << endl; break; default: break; return 0; } } }