OJ中针对与PHP的测试用例的输入方式是文件读取,输出是echo或print,注意加上"\n"表示换行... 整体而言,OJ中的PHP输入输出规范和C语言差不多,区别在用:PHP可以不声明变量类型,另外PHP中自定义的抽象数据结构ADT用class实现,而C中用struct.
PHP中的 fscanf($fd, "%d %d %d", $var1, $var2, $varN)==N 用来从文件中按行读取数据。
ZOJ 1001
提交网址: http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=1
1 5
<?php $fd = STDIN; // STDIN是oj提供的常量,等价于 fopen("php://stdin","r")); // $fd=fopen('inputfileName','+r'); while(fscanf($fd, "%d %d", $a, $b)==2) echo ($a + $b)."\n"; ?>
<?php while(fscanf(STDIN, "%d %d", $a, $b) == 2) echo ($a + $b)."\n"; // '\n' 或 PHP_EOL常量均不允许使用 ?>
<?php while(fscanf(STDIN, "%d %d", $a, $b) == 2) print ($a + $b)."\n";
再附上ZOJ 1088相应的已AC代码:
<?php function judge($m, $n) { $from = 0; for($i = 2; $i < $n; $i++) $from = ($from + $m)%($i); if($from + 1 == 1) return 1; else return 0; } $fd = STDIN; // STDIN是oj提供的常量,等价于 fopen("php://stdin","r")); while(fscanf($fd, "%d", $n)==1 && $n!=0) { $m = 1; while(!judge($m, $n)) { ++$m; } echo $m."\n"; }
本地测试 代码1(独立文件保存测试输入,fopen):
<?php // To-Do: 约瑟夫环问题 $fd = fopen("stdin", "r"); // $fd = STDIN; function judge($m, $n) { $from = 0; for($i = 2; $i < $n; $i++) $from = ($from + $m)%($i); if($from + 1 == 1) return 1; else return 0; } while(fscanf($fd,"%d", $n)==1 && $n!=0) { $m = 1; while(!judge($m, $n)) { ++$m; } echo $m."\n"; }
<?php // To-Do: 约瑟夫环问题 $inFile="./stdin.txt"; $fd0 = fopen($inFile, "w+"); $data = array( "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0" ); fwrite($fd0, $data[0]); // 将测试数据放进$data中 fclose($fd0); $fd = fopen($inFile, "r"); // $fd = STDIN; function judge($m, $n) { $from = 0; for($i = 2; $i < $n; $i++) $from = ($from + $m)%($i); if($from + 1 == 1) return 1; else return 0; } while(fscanf($fd,"%d", $n)==1 && $n!=0) { $m = 1; while(!judge($m, $n)) { ++$m; } echo $m."\n"; }
<?php // To-Do: 约瑟夫环问题 $inFile="./stdin.txt"; $data = array( "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0" ); file_put_contents($inFile, $data[0]); $fd = fopen($inFile, "r"); // $fd = STDIN; function judge($m, $n) { $from = 0; for($i = 2; $i < $n; $i++) $from = ($from + $m)%($i); if($from + 1 == 1) return 1; else return 0; } while(fscanf($fd,"%d", $n)==1 && $n!=0) { $m = 1; while(!judge($m, $n)) { ++$m; } echo $m."\n"; }
1. OJ中PHP的标准输入输出与C的fscanf基本一致;
2. 换行,要求使用"\n",如果用'\n' 或 PHP_EOL常量替代会提示Non-zero Exit Code;
3. PHP文件最后的结束符 ?> 可以省略,当然也可写上...
SPL提供了一组标准数据结构. They are grouped here by their underlying implementation which usually defines their general field of application.
A Doubly Linked List (DLL) is a list of nodes linked in both directions to each others. Iterator's operations, access to both ends, addition or removal of nodes have a cost of O(1) when the underlying structure is a DLL. It hence provides a decent implementation for stacks and queues.
Heaps are tree-like structures that follow the heap-property: each node is greater than or equal to its children, when compared using the implemented compare method which is global to the heap.
Arrays are structures that store the data in a continuous way, accessible via indexes. Don't confuse them with PHP arrays: PHP arrays are in fact implemented as ordered hashtables.
A map is a datastructure holding key-value pairs. PHP arrays can be seen as maps from integers/strings to values. SPL provides a map from objects to data. This map can also be used as an object set.
<?php class MySimpleHeap extends SplHeap { //compare()方法用来比较两个元素的大小,决定他们在堆中的位置 public function compare( $value1, $value2 ) { return ( $value1 - $value2 ); } } $obj = new MySimpleHeap(); $obj->insert( 4 ); $obj->insert( 8 ); $obj->insert( 1 ); $obj->insert( 0 ); echo $obj->top(); //8 echo $obj->count(); //4 foreach($obj as $number) echo $number."\n";
New SPL Features in PHP 5.3 http://matthewturland.com/2010/05/20/new-spl-features-in-php-5-3/
SPL 数据结构 http://php.net/manual/zh/spl.datastructures.php