4)for i=3 to n-1 do
1)while 由次栈顶元素、栈顶元素和Pi所形成角不是向左转do栈顶元素出栈s;
type lala=array[1..2] of longint; var n,m1,i:longint; ans:real; u:lala; a,m:array[0..200,1..2] of longint; function hehe(i,j:lala):boolean; var s:longint; begin if (i[1]=j[1])and(i[2]=j[2]) then exit(false); if (i[1]=u[1])and(i[2]=u[2]) then exit(true); if (j[1]=u[1])and(j[2]=u[2]) then exit(false); s:=(i[1]-u[1])*(j[2]-u[2])-(j[1]-u[1])*(i[2]-u[2]); if s<0 then exit(true); if s>0 then exit(false); if sqr(i[1]-u[1])+sqr(i[2]-u[2])>sqr(j[1]-u[1])*sqr(j[2]-u[2]) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j:longint; k:array[1..2] of longint; begin if l>=r then exit; i:=l; j:=r; k:=a[(i+j) div 2]; repeat while hehe(a[i],k) do inc(i); while hehe(k,a[j]) do dec(j); if i<=j then begin a[0]:=a[i];a[i]:=a[j];a[j]:=a[0]; inc(i);dec(j); end; until i>j; qsort(i,r); qsort(l,j); end; function cj(k,i,j:lala):longint; begin cj:=(i[1]-k[1])*(j[2]-k[2])-(j[1]-k[1])*(i[2]-k[2]); end; procedure tb; var i:longint; begin qsort(1,n); for i:=1 to 3 do begin inc(m1); m[m1]:=a[i]; end; inc(n); a[n]:=u; for i:=4 to n do begin while cj(m[m1-1],m[m1],a[i])>=0 do dec(m1); inc(m1); m[m1]:=a[i]; end; end; begin readln(n); while n>0 do begin m1:=0; for i:=1 to n do readln(a[i,1],a[i,2]); if n=1 then begin writeln('0.00'); readln(n); continue; end; if n=2 then begin writeln(2*sqrt(sqr(a[1,1]-a[2,1])+sqr(a[2,1]-a[2,2])):0:2); readln(n); continue; end; u[1]:=maxlongint; u[2]:=maxlongint; for i:=1 to n do if (a[i,2]<u[2])or(a[i,2]=u[2])and(a[i,1]<u[1]) then u:=a[i]; tb; ans:=0; for i:=2 to m1 do ans:=ans+sqrt(sqr(m[i,1]-m[i-1,1])+sqr(m[i,2]-m[i-1,2])); writeln(ans:0:2); readln(n); end; end.