#define bucketSize 10//bucket capcity #define splitPoint 0//waiting for spliting,这个就是待分裂指针开始指向的位置。 #define iniListSize 2//initialize the bucket number //Structure area //define information structure of the external file typedef struct{ int split_point;//waiting for split int entry;//entries number int m_bucketMaxCapacity; int m_currentLevel;//know the max of split point //int m_currentMaxBucketsBeforeSplit; //int m_nextBucketIndexToSplit; }Information; //define the struct for bucket typedef struct{ int head_pos;//the first node's position int tail_pos;//the last node's position, }H_bucket; //define the record node, this is extendable for modification typedef struct{ int pos;//the position of this record in the database int value;// the value form the data files }H_record; //define the node struct typedef struct{ int parent;//define the position of the node behind int next;//define the position of the node next to it. If there is no node followed, then next == 0 H_record record; }H_node;
void initialize(FILE* head) { Information infor; H_bucket hbuc; infor.entry = 0; infor.m_bucketMaxCapacity = 2; infor.m_currentLevel = 1; infor.split_point = 0; //information node rewind(head); fwrite(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); hbuc.head_pos = hbuc.tail_pos = -1; hbuc.count = 0; //first two buckets fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); }
void insert(FILE* head, FILE* index, int value)//insert function { //bool split = false;//do or not need to be split rewind(head); Information infor; fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); int key = hashFunction(value, infor.m_currentLevel); if (key<infor.split_point) { key = hashFunction(value, infor.m_currentLevel + 1); } //insert //define the variation H_bucket hbuc; H_node hnode, hnode_temp; hnode.record.value = value; hnode.next = hnode.parent = -1; //fine the bucket position fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + key*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); int pos_buc = ftell(head); //read the bucket fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); //write into the bucket fseek(index, 0, SEEK_END); int pos = ftell(index); //int pos = findPosition(index);//iteration for first blank position if (hbuc.head_pos==-1) { hnode.next = hbuc.head_pos; hnode.parent = pos_buc; hbuc.head_pos = pos; }else { hnode.next = hbuc.head_pos; fseek(index, hnode.next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hnode_temp.parent = pos; fseek(index, -sizeof(H_node), SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(hnode_temp), index); hbuc.head_pos = pos; hnode.parent = pos_buc; } fseek(index, pos, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hbuc.count++; infor.entry++; rewind(head); fwrite(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); fseek(head, pos_buc, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); //if split if (hbuc.count>bucketSize) { //test //printf("current count: %d\n",hbuc.count); splitHash(head, index); } rewind(head); fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); printf("1 current level: %d\n", infor.m_currentLevel); }
void splitHash(FILE* head, FILE* index) { //find the bucket to be split H_bucket hbuc; Information infor; rewind(head); fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); //add a new bucket hbuc.count = 0; hbuc.head_pos = hbuc.tail_pos = -1; fseek(head, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); //modify the information infor.split_point++; int next_split = infor.split_point; infor.m_bucketMaxCapacity++; fseek(head, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); //reinsert //fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + infor.split_point*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); //fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); //modify one bucket splitInsert(head, index, next_split); //fread(&hbuc, 1, infor.split_point*sizeof(H_bucket), head); //modify the information rewind(head); fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); if (infor.split_point>=topLevel(infor.m_currentLevel)) { infor.split_point = 0; printf("2 current level: %d\n", infor.m_currentLevel); infor.m_currentLevel++; } fseek(head, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); } void splitInsert(FILE* head, FILE* index, int next_split) { Information infor; H_bucket hbuc, hbuc_new; int buc_pos, new_pos; rewind(head); fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + (next_split-1)*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); buc_pos = ftell(head); fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); fseek(head, -sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_END); new_pos = ftell(head); fread(&hbuc_new, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); //int key = hashFunction(hnode.record.value, infor.m_currentLevel + 1); int count = hbuc.count; int next = hbuc.head_pos; for (int i=0,j=0;i<count;i++,j++) { H_node hnode, hnode_temp; fseek(index, next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); int new_next = hnode.next;//save int key = hashFunction(hnode.record.value, infor.m_currentLevel + 1); if (key>(next_split-1)) { //delete //parent if (j==0) { j--; hbuc.head_pos = hnode.next; } else { fseek(index, hnode.parent, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hnode_temp.next = hnode.next; fseek(index, hnode.parent, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); } //next if (hnode.next!=-1) { fseek(index, hnode.next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hnode_temp.parent = hnode.parent; fseek(index, hnode.next, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); } hbuc.count--; //insert hnode.next = hbuc_new.head_pos; hnode.parent = new_pos; if (hnode.next!=-1) { fseek(index, hnode.next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hnode_temp.parent = next; fseek(index, -sizeof(H_node), SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(hnode_temp), index); } hbuc_new.head_pos = next; hbuc_new.count++; fseek(index, next, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); } next = new_next; } fseek(head, buc_pos, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); fseek(head, new_pos, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hbuc_new, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); }
bool deleteNode(FILE* head, FILE* index, int value) { rewind(head); Information infor; fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); //test printf("1current value: %d\n",value); int pos = searchNode(head, index, &value); printf("2 current value: %d\n",*&value); if (pos>-1) { //rewind(index); fseek(index, pos, SEEK_SET); H_node hnode, hnode_temp; fread(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); if (value==-1)//father node is bucket { fseek(head, hnode.parent, SEEK_SET); H_bucket hbuc; fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); hbuc.head_pos = hnode.next; fseek(head, hnode.parent, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); }else { fseek(index, hnode.parent, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hnode_temp.next = hnode.next; fseek(index, hnode.parent, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); } if (hnode.next>-1)//has next node { fseek(index, hnode.next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); hnode_temp.parent = hnode.parent; fseek(index, hnode.next, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode_temp, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); } int key = hashFunction(hnode.record.value, infor.m_currentLevel); if (key<infor.split_point) { key = hashFunction(hnode.record.value, infor.m_currentLevel + 1); } fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + key*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); H_bucket hbuc; fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); hbuc.count--; fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + key*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); hnode.next = hnode.parent = -1; fseek(index, pos, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); infor.entry--; rewind(head); fwrite(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); return true; } return false; }
int searchNode(FILE* head, FILE* index, int* valuep) { int pos = -1; int flag = 0; rewind(head); Information infor; fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); int key = hashFunction(*valuep, infor.m_currentLevel); if (key<infor.split_point) { key = hashFunction(*valuep, infor.m_currentLevel + 1); } H_bucket hbuc; //fine the bucket position fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + key*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); int next = hbuc.head_pos; while (next>-1) { flag ++; H_node hnode; fseek(index, next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); if (hnode.record.value==*valuep) { pos = next; break; } next = hnode.next; } if (flag == 1) { *valuep = -1; } return pos; }
void print_hash(FILE* head, FILE* index) { FILE *fp; H_bucket hbuc; H_node hnode; Information infor; int next = -1; if (!(fp=fopen("HashTableOutput","w"))) { //fp=fopen("HashTableOutput","w"); printf("Create output file failed\n"); exit(0); } else printf("Create output file succeed!\n"); rewind(head); fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); //implementation int i; for (i=0; i<infor.m_bucketMaxCapacity; i++) { //print bucket fseek(head, sizeof(Information) + i*sizeof(H_bucket), SEEK_SET); fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), head); next = hbuc.head_pos; printf("bucket %d :", i); fprintf(fp,"bucket %d :", i); //rewind(index); //fseek(index, hbuc.head_pos, SEEK_SET); //fread(&hbuc, 1, sizeof(H_bucket), index); //next = hbuc.head_pos; //print chains int bracket = 0; while (next>-1) { if ((bracket%bucketSize)==0) { printf("[ "); fprintf(fp,"[ "); } if ((bracket%bucketSize)==(bucketSize-1)) { fseek(index, next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); printf("%d ",hnode.record.value); fprintf(fp,"%d ",hnode.record.value); printf("]"); fprintf(fp,"]"); }else { fseek(index, next, SEEK_SET); fread(&hnode, 1, sizeof(H_node), index); printf("%d, ",hnode.record.value); fprintf(fp,"%d, ",hnode.record.value); } bracket++; next = hnode.next; } if (bracket%bucketSize!=0) { while ((bracket%bucketSize)!=(bucketSize-1)) { printf("%d, ",-1); fprintf(fp,"%d, ",-1); bracket++; } printf("-1]"); fprintf(fp,"-1]"); } printf("end\n"); //printf(" |\n"); //printf(" V\n"); printf(" %c\n",25); fprintf(fp,"end\n"); //fprintf(fp,"%c\n",25); fprintf(fp," |\n"); fprintf(fp," V\n"); } printf(" end\n"); fprintf(fp," end\n"); fclose(fp); rewind(head); //Information infor; fread(&infor, 1, sizeof(Information), head); printf("current lever is : %d\n", infor.m_currentLevel); printf("current split point is : %d\n", infor.split_point); }
int hashFunction( int value, int depth)//this is the hash function, depth is the work round { if ( value < 0 || depth < 0 ) return FAILURE; if ( value == 0 || depth == 0 ) return 0; int key = 0; for ( depth-- ; depth >= 0 ; depth-- ) { key <<= 1; if ( value & (1 << depth) )//only lift the remain number : 00010000... key++; } return key; }
top level 值
int topLevel(int level)//the number for 2^level { int result = 1; for ( level-- ; level >= 0 ; level-- ) { result <<= 1; } return result; }