[置顶] Clang 3.4 文档(updating)

翻译于 ( http://clang.llvm.org/docs/index.html#)

Clang 3.4 documentation


  • Clang 3.4 (In-Progress) Release Notes


  • Clang 编译器用户手册

  • Clang 语言扩展

  • 使用Clang交叉编译

  • AddressSanitizer(内存错误检测)

  • ThreadSanitizer (数据争用探测)

  • MemorySanitizer

  • DataFlowSanitizer

  • Sanitizer special case list

  • Modules

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

把Clang 作为一个Library使用

  • Choosing the Right Interface for Your Application

  • External Clang Examples

  • Introduction to the Clang AST

  • LibTooling

  • LibFormat

  • Clang Plugins

  • How to write RecursiveASTVisitor based ASTFrontendActions.

  • Tutorial for building tools using LibTooling and LibASTMatchers

  • Matching the Clang AST

  • How To Setup Clang Tooling For LLVM

  • JSON Compilation Database Format Specification

使用Clang 的tools

  • Overview

  • ClangCheck

  • ClangFormat

  • Clang-Format Style Options


  • “Clang” CFE Internals Manual

  • Driver Design & Internals

  • Pretokenized Headers (PTH)

  • 预编译的头文件和内部模块


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