withScope是最近的发现版中新增加的一个模块,它是用来做DAG可视化的(DAG visualization on SparkUI)
sparkUI中能展示更多的信息。所以把所有创建的RDD的方法都包裹起来,同时用RDDOperationScope 记录 RDD 的操作历史和关联,就能达成目标。下面就是一张WordCount的DAG visualization on SparkUI
/** * A collection of utility methods to construct a hierarchical representation of RDD scopes. * An RDD scope tracks the series of operations that created a given RDD. */ private[spark] object RDDOperationScope extends Logging { private val jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) private val scopeCounter = new AtomicInteger(0) <span style="color:#ff0000;"> def fromJson(s: String): RDDOperationScope = { jsonMapper.readValue(s, classOf[RDDOperationScope]) }</span> //返回一个全局独一无二的scopeID def nextScopeId(): Int = scopeCounter.getAndIncrement /** * Execute the given body such that all RDDs created in this body will have the same scope. * The name of the scope will be the first method name in the stack trace that is not the * same as this method's. * * Note: Return statements are NOT allowed in body. */ private[spark] def withScope[T]( sc: SparkContext, allowNesting: Boolean = false)(body: => T): T = { //设置跟踪堆的轨迹的scope名字 val ourMethodName = "withScope" val callerMethodName = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace() .dropWhile(_.getMethodName != ourMethodName) .find(_.getMethodName != ourMethodName) .map(_.getMethodName) .getOrElse { // Log a warning just in case, but this should almost certainly never happen logWarning("No valid method name for this RDD operation scope!") "N/A" } withScope[T](sc, callerMethodName, allowNesting, ignoreParent = false)(body) } /** * Execute the given body such that all RDDs created in this body will have the same scope. * * If nesting is allowed, any subsequent calls to this method in the given body will instantiate * child scopes that are nested within our scope. Otherwise, these calls will take no effect. * * Additionally, the caller of this method may optionally ignore the configurations and scopes * set by the higher level caller. In this case, this method will ignore the parent caller's * intention to disallow nesting, and the new scope instantiated will not have a parent. This * is useful for scoping physical operations in Spark SQL, for instance. * * Note: Return statements are NOT allowed in body. */ private[spark] def withScope[T]( sc: SparkContext, name: String, allowNesting: Boolean, ignoreParent: Boolean)(body: => T): T = { // Save the old scope to restore it later //先保存老的scope,之后恢复它 val scopeKey = SparkContext.RDD_SCOPE_KEY val noOverrideKey = SparkContext.RDD_SCOPE_NO_OVERRIDE_KEY val oldScopeJson = sc.getLocalProperty(scopeKey) val oldScope = Option(oldScopeJson).map(RDDOperationScope.fromJson) val oldNoOverride = sc.getLocalProperty(noOverrideKey) try { if (ignoreParent) { //ignoreParent: Boolean:当ignorePatent设置为true的时候,那么回忽略之前的全部设置和scope //从新我们自己的scope sc.setLocalProperty(scopeKey, <span style="color:#ff0000;">new RDDOperationScope(name).toJson</span>) } else if (sc.getLocalProperty(noOverrideKey) == null) { // Otherwise, set the scope only if the higher level caller allows us to do so sc.setLocalProperty(scopeKey, <span style="color:#ff0000;">new RDDOperationScope(name, oldScope).toJson</span>) } //可选:不让我们的新的子RDD放入我们的scope中 if (!allowNesting) { sc.setLocalProperty(noOverrideKey, "true") } body } finally { //把所有的新状态恢复放在一起 sc.setLocalProperty(scopeKey, <span style="color:#ff0000;">oldScopeJson</span>) sc.setLocalProperty(noOverrideKey, oldNoOverride) } } }