wolf's softwares of debian installation

aptitude install git-core aptitude install git-cola git-gui gitmagic gitk aptitude install ttf-wqy-zenhei


#/**************************************************************** #wolf`s debian clean installation #This installation file is matained by wolf python london ( 刘宇辉) #I'm now a sophomore in NJUPT(Nan Jing University of Posts and Telecommunications). #I like debian and only want to concentrate on debian . #If something goes wrong , you can email me : [email protected]. #*******************************************************************/ aptitude update aptitude upgrade aptitude install build-essential #安装必要的开发工具,比如gcc aptitude install vim aptitude install emacs aptitude install python2.6 python3.1 idle-python2.6 idle-python3.1 #安装我最喜欢的脚本语言python解释器和idle aptitude install geany #这是我最喜欢的一个轻型的ide(一般当作编辑器来用) aptitude install anjuta #另外一个ide ,主要用于cc++程序的开发 aptitude install libqt4-core libqt4-dbg libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql python-qt4 python-qt4-common qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools qt4-doc qt4-qtconfig #安装qt4开发环境 aptitude install ghc gcl #安装haskell 解释器(编译器),gnu lisp 解释器 aptitude install mpg123 #我最喜爱的命令行播放器(GUI的基本不用了) aptitude install pidgin xchat-xsys #两个我最喜爱的聊天工具, ubuntu(9.10以前(含))用户可以这样安装x-chat, aptitude install x-chat aptitude install lynx curl links #三个文本界面浏览器, curl功能更强大 aptitude install dump #安装dump系统备份工具 aptitude install mkisofs #安装制作CD镜像工具 aptitude install cdrecord #安装CD烧录工具cdrecord aptitude install mc #字符界面的文件浏览器 aptitude install stardict sdcv #安装星际译王及其命令行版本 aptitude install texlive #latex aptitude install zsh #another popular shell ,it's highly recommanded on debian community (wiki)

aptitude install dia #安装dia画图软件

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