
1. tftpd-hpa依赖于xinetd,否则无法启动。另外,tftpd-hpa安装过后,默认的配置

    文件  "/etc/default/tftpd-hpa"中




2. 中文输入法:"System->Administrator->Language support","Supported Languages"选

    上"chinese", "Input method"勾选复选框


3. ubuntu下使用firefox发送中文邮件,有时会出现乱码,需要设置firefox

       Edit->Preferences->Content->Languages  添加中文支持


4. ubuntu 默认终端显示会将当前全路径也显示出来,例如 "duanbei@duanbei:~/project/test$ ",路径深的话会显

     示很长,不习惯,改为红帽系列的格式 "[duanbei@duanbei test]$"

          修改 ~/.bashrc,找到PS1项,将 "/u@/h:/w/$" 改为 "[/u@/h /W]/$"


5. sudo 免输密码

      修改/etc/sudoers, 在最后一行加入如下内容,假设用户名为duanbei


       duanbei ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL



6. C开发手册: sudo apt-get install  manpages-dev

                      sudo apt-get install manpages-posix-dev


7. Ubuntu在启动时若没有连接显示器,则默认分辨率为800*600。

    改变默认分辨率须设置 /etc/X11/xorg.conf



    Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Configured Monitor" HorizSync 30-83 VertRefresh 56-75 EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor" Device "Configured Video Device" SubSection "Display" Modes "1280*1024@60" EndSubSection EndSection 


8. Ubuntu 10.04后窗口采用了MAC的风格,放大/缩小/关闭 按钮在窗口左上角,不习惯~


  • run: gconf-editor
  • Navigate to apps -> metacity -> general
  • Right-click on the button_layout key and select Edit Key
  • Change the Value field to: ":minimize,maximize,close" – the leading colon is important
  • When you click OK, the buttons will leap back to the right-hand side of the window.

9. pdf reader: xpdf

        sudo apt-get install xpdf
