1. 安装JDK1.5.09
2. 安装eclipse 3.21解压到D:/praml celipse目录
3. 设置环境变量
JAVA Home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_09/
Path=%Jave Home%/bin;
将Eclipse 解压到一个目录
4. 安装MyEclipse 3.1. 2
1. Intnduction
2. License Angreement
3. Choose Edipse Folder选择我的Eclipse 的安装目录
4. Choose Install Folder
5. Choose Shortcut Folder
6. Pre-intalltion Sumnany
7. Instaling
5. New Feature,In MyEclipse 5.0.00.GA
1. Ajax Jacascript Debugging
2. Suppont on Websphere 0.1
3. New Crss-platform Visaal Jsp/strats /JSJ
4. Extended database support for Microsoft SQL Server
5. Extensible Matisse4MyE
6. Hibernat 3.1 Support
7. Add Web Sercices Support to any existing Java
6. 安装Apache Tomcat Version 5.012
1. Tomcat 5.0 And JNI Based Applications
2. Tomcat 5.0 Standard APIS Available
3. Tomcat 5.0 and Xml Parsers
4. Web application releading and static fields in shared libraries
5. Javac leaking mamory
6. LinX and Sun JDK 1.2.X-1.3.X
7. Enabling SSI and CGI Support
8. seanity manager URLS symlinking static resources Enabling invoker servlet when all else fails