cursor pin S wait on X; 这是10.2版本提出的mutex(互斥)机制用来解决library cache bin latch争夺问题引入的新事件,是否使用这种机制受到隐含参数_kks_use_mutex_pin的限制,从10.2.0.2开始该参 数default为true,使用这种机制oracle是为了解决library cache bin latch的串行使用问题,但是mutex貌似还不是很稳定,在很多系统中会出现cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件 ,这个事件和mutex的使用有关,最近一客户受到cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件的困扰,出现cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件时通常等待比较严重,系统会出现hang,这个事件 的出现受到很多因素的影响: 在高并发的情况下: 1.sga自动管理,sga的频繁扩展和收缩 2.过渡硬解析,造成library cache中的cursor object被频繁的reload 3.bug doc描述 cursor: pin S wait on X A session waits for this event when it is requesting a shared mutex pin and another session is holding an exclusive mutex pin on the same cursor object. Wait Time: Microseconds Parameter Description P1 Hash value of cursor P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contains SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0) P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps 以下是11G测试: session 1: --============================ SQL> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1; SID ---------- 24 --创建测试表 SQL> create table t tablespace users as select *from dba_objects; 表已创建。 --验证系统是否使用mutex机制 SQL> SELECT nam.ksppinm NAME, val.ksppstvl VALUE FROM x$ksppi nam, x$ksppsv val WHERE nam.indx = val.indx AND nam.ksppinm LIKE '%mutex%' ORDER BY 1; 2 3 4 5 NAME VALUE ------------------------------ ---------- _kgl_mutex_wait_time 0 11G 默认值为0 SQL> SQL> declare 2 v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter system flush shared_pool'; 3 msql varchar2(200); 4 begin 5 loop 6 execute immediate v_string; 7 for i in 1 .. 100 loop 8 msql:='select object_id from t where object_id='||i; 9 execute immediate msql; 10 end loop; 11 end loop; 12 end; 13 / --============================== session 2: SQL> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1; SID ---------- 32 SQL> declare 2 v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter system flush shared_pool'; 3 msql varchar2(200); 4 begin 5 loop 6 execute immediate v_string; 7 for i in 1 .. 100 loop 8 msql:='select object_id from t where object_id='||i; 9 execute immediate msql; 10 end loop; 11 end loop; 12 end; 13 / --================================ 查看ASH监控: BLOCKING_SESSION 12 2009070 24 14-3月 -01 下午 9kvh5ub3p290k cursor: pin S wait on X 32 select object_id from t where object_id=13 SELECT sid, SUBSTR (event, 1, 30), p1, TO_CHAR(p1, 'xxxxxxxx') p1_16, --P1RAW P1_16, p2, p3 FROM v$session_wait WHERE sid in (32,12) SID SUBSTR(EVENT,1,30) P1 P1_16 P2 P3 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- 12 rdbms ipc message 300 12c 0 0 32 cursor: pin S wait on X 272866798 10439dee 1572864 327680 select b.*, sq.sql_text from v$session se, v$sql sq, (select a.*, s.sql_text from v$sql s, (select sid, event, wait_class, p1, p2raw, to_number(substr(p2raw, 1, 4), 'xxxx') sid_hold_mutex_x from v$session_wait where event like 'cursor%') a where s.HASH_VALUE = a.p1) b where se.sid = b.sid and se.sql_hash_value = sq.hash_value; SID EVENT WAIT_CLASS P1 P2RAW SID_HOLD_MUTEX_X SQL_TEXT SQL_TEXT ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- 32 cursor: pin S wait o Concurrenc 3952272319 0000000000180000 0 select obj select obj n X y ect_id fro ect_id fro m t where m t where object_id= object_id= 89 89