Sometimes the need arises for me to terminate a connection or two to Oracle from SQL. Applications with connections to Oracles does not always terminate their connections properly, and Oracle some times does not discover them as dead. Luckily, you can discover them through SQL into Oracles data-dictionary, and kill them using a quick alter system command. Here is how.
You start by logging into the instance, that you want to kill connections to. In this example, I login as sysdba. You will need to login with someone with proper privileges (alter system).
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
Then, you will need to query the v$session table, to obtain a SID-id and serial#-number combination, which you will need to kill the session.
select sid,serial#,username from v$session
Which gives something like this:
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
126 61720 foo
127 51013 bar
135 18809 bleech
136 48908 bleech
Say we want to terminate the bar user session, you will need both the SID value 127 and the serial# value 51013.
Then fire off an alter session SQL like this:
alter system kill session '127,51013';
If this does not kill it, you can try adding immediate to the alter, like this:
alter system kill session '127,51013' immediate;