Win7 64位编译Python扩展解决”error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat”问题



之前使用Win32系统,系统上安装有Visual Studio 2010以及相应的SDK,然后Python编译扩展命令python install但命令总是失败,出现error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat,比如编译py-bcrypt扩展:

running install
running bdist_egg
running egg_info
writing py_bcrypt.egg-info\PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to py_bcrypt.egg-info\top_level.txt
writing dependency_links to py_bcrypt.egg-info\dependency_links.txt
reading manifest file 'py_bcrypt.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'py_bcrypt.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
installing library code to build\\egg
running install_lib
running build_py
running build_ext
building 'bcrypt._bcrypt' extension
error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

搜索了网上大多数解决方案,多是要你换用mingw32或者修改Python官方源代码的,使用mingw32时会出现形如undefined reference to `_imp__Py...' build\无法链接到Python库的问题,本来想以这个为突破口寻求解决办法,结果在stackoverflow上《Cython won’t compile on Windows 7 x64》找到这么一段文字,给我泼了一盆冷水:

I’d suggest you to switch to x86 Python, you gain no real advantage by using the x64 version. If you want to stick with x64, you can’t use MingW and you have to use MS SDK C++ compiler.

意思是无法使用MingW编译64位的Python扩展,如果一定那么做就必须使用MSVC微软的编译器,有人肯定会问为什么不使用64位的mingw64呢?原文作者也给出了说明,也可以参考《Compiling 64-bit extension modules on Windows》这篇文章:

** Do not use MinGW-w64. As you will notice, the MinGW import library for Python (e.g. libpython27.a) is omitted from the AMD64 version of Python. This is deliberate. Do not try to make one using dlltool. There is no official MinGW-w64 release yet, it is still in “beta” and considered unstable, although you can get a 64-bit build from e.g. TDM-GCC. There have also been issues with the mingw runtime conflicting with the MSVC runtime; this can happen from places you don’t expect, such as inside runtime libraries for g++ or gfortran. To stay on the safe side, avoid MinGW-w64 for now.

意思是mingw64还不稳定,存在一些问题,那刚才的问题又回到了起先,还有一个办法是改官方的安装脚本源代码,我觉得这样不太好,于是摸索了一番,正好又在stackoverflow上找到这么一篇文章《Building 64-bit C Python extensions on Windows》,然后问题被成功解决了!


1.打开64位Visual Studio 2010命令行编译模式,你可以依次从开始菜单 – Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 – Visual Studio Tools – Visual Studio x64 Win64 命令提示(2010),如下图所示:

Win7 64位编译Python扩展解决”error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat”问题_第1张图片


set MSSdk=1


python install



注:上述方案在Windows 7 x64、Visual Studio 2010以及Python 27 x64测试通过。

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