w3c 文档进度 里程碑

  1. draft documents:Working Draft: Working Drafts are published and announced specifically to ask for review and input from the community. Often there are issues that a Working Group would particularly like input on. Usually multiple Working Drafts of a technical report are published.
  2. complete technical report:Last Call Working Draft: When a Working Group believes it has addressed all comments and technical requirements, it provides the complete document for community review and announces the Last Call.
  3. using computer with technical report:Candidate Recommendation: The main purpose of Candidate Recommendation is to ensure that the technical report can be implemented. W3C encourages developers to use the technical report in their projects. The technical report is stable at this stage; however, it may change based on implementation experience.
  4. endorsing technical report:Proposed Recommendation: After there are implementations of each feature of the technical report, W3C announces it as a Proposed Recommendation. At this stage, the report is submitted to the W3C Membership for endorsement.
  5. approved technical report:W3C Recommendation (Web Standard): Once there is significant support for the technical report from the W3C Members, the W3C Director, and the public, it is published as a Recommendation. W3C encourages widespread deployment of its Recommendations.
1 工作草案:工作草案发布,并要求社区进行review 和 征求意见。通常一个技术的多个可行的草案同时发布

2 最后工作草案:当工作组确信自己已经解决的所有的评论和技术难题后,工作组将发布草案的最后一个版本

3 候选推荐:这个里程碑主要是为了确认技术能够实现草案。这个时候的技术标准已经相对稳定,W3C鼓励开发者在项目中使用该技术。

4 提议推荐标准:当草案中涉及的特性都被实现后,W3C宣布该草案作为提议推荐草案,并等待W3C会员认可支持

5 W3C推荐(网页标准):一旦得到会员、主席的认可,这项草案就宣布成为正式的标准。W3C鼓励大范围的部署实施该方案


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