1.Erlang防止反编译 , 提供encrypt_debug_info 参数。
abstract_code(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts,ofile=OFile}) -> Abstr = erlang:term_to_binary({raw_abstract_v1,Code}, [compressed]), case member(encrypt_debug_info, Opts) of %%查找EmakeFile里是否带有这个参数。 例如 [encrypt_debug_info,{debug_info_key,"testkey"}] true -> case keyfind(debug_info_key, 1, Opts) of {_,Key} -> encrypt_abs_code(Abstr, Key); %%有的话当然直接去加密,erlang加密算法 des3_cbc , 3DES加密 false -> %% Note: #compile.module has not been set yet. %% Here is an approximation that should work for %% all valid cases. %%如果没有则会去文件中查找,注释的代码在 beam_lib.erl、 %% crypto_key_fun_from_file() -> %% case init:get_argument(home) of %%init:get_argument(home) ,home目录查找,如果没有home那则在当前目录 %% {ok,[[Home]]} -> %% crypto_key_fun_from_file_1([".",Home]); %% _ -> %% crypto_key_fun_from_file_1(["."]) %% end. %% crypto_key_fun_from_file_1(Path) -> %% case f_p_s(Path, ".erlang.crypt") of %%默认查找.erlang.crypt %% {ok, KeyInfo, _} -> %% try_load_crypto_fun(KeyInfo); %% _ -> %% error %% end. Module = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(OFile))), Mode = proplists:get_value(crypto_mode, Opts, des3_cbc), case beam_lib:get_crypto_key({debug_info, Mode, Module, OFile}) of error -> {error, [{none,?MODULE,no_crypto_key}]}; %%报错没有密钥 Key -> encrypt_abs_code(Abstr, {Mode, Key}) end end; false -> {ok, Abstr} end.1. 可以在EmakeFile里指定debug_info_key
2.win下可在当前目录,或者我的文档目录创建 .erlang.crypt -> [{debug_info, des3_cbc, [], "li&^R^%0"}]. linux同理
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%分割线 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
mmake.erl 首先要编译 mmake.erl
mmake.erl 目录自己定义
compile_mmake()-> MMake = case filelib:wildcard("../src/mmake.erl") of []-> case filelib:wildcard("../src/*/*/mmake.erl") of []-> []; [MMakeF]->MMakeF end end, case make:files([MMake],[{outdir, "../ebin"}]) of error-> io:format("can not compile mmake.erl\n"), halt(1); _-> ok end. get_cpu_cores()-> erlang:min(erlang:system_info(logical_processors)-1,1). compile_all(Options)-> case mmake:all(get_cpu_cores(),[Options]) of up_to_date -> halt(0); error -> halt(1) end. compile_all()-> code:add_patha("../ebin"), case mmake:all(get_cpu_cores()) of up_to_date -> halt(0); error -> halt(1) end.
http://blog.csdn.net/phyzhou/article/details/8954931 两位作者。