
1. 获取配置文件的值:应用开发员->配置文件->输入用户配置文件名,找到上面的名称,即可填入fnd_profile.VALUE()中。

2. MO:安全性配置文件有值的话,就代表启用了MOAC.

3.  其中“MO:业务实体”和“MO:安全性配置文件”两者的设置和关系在
     mo_global. set_org_access的注释中有体现:
     If the application being initialized can handle more than one Operating Unit, access will be allowed for the Operating Units encompassed by the security profile (if specified) and the value of the Operating Unit parameter will be ignored, provided access is enabled for the application calling this api. If no security profile is specified, access will be initialized for the Operating Unit only. If both are unspecified an exception will be raised.
4. 当设置了“MO:安全性配置文件”的话,即启用了MOAC时,这时同一职责可以访问多个OU。当我们在做程序开发时,需要初始化MOAC。如下例,先判断是否启用了“MO:安全性配置文件”。

    select fnd_profile.VALUE('XLA_MO_SECURITY_PROFILE_LEVEL')
    into l_moac_profile
    from dual;
    IF l_moac_profile is not null then
    END IF;
