// opencv_dft.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include <OpenCV245.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Mat src; Mat Image = imread("C:\\Users\\sony\\Desktop\\111.png", 0); if (Image.empty()) return -1; Mat padded; int m = getOptimalDFTSize(Image.rows); int n = getOptimalDFTSize(Image.cols); copyMakeBorder(Image, padded, 0, m - Image.rows, 0, n - Image.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0)); Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)}; Mat iplanes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)}; Mat complexI; merge(planes, 2, complexI); dft(complexI, complexI); dft(complexI, src, DFT_SCALE|DFT_INVERSE); split(complexI, planes); magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]); Mat magI = planes[0]; split(src, iplanes); magnitude(iplanes[0], iplanes[1], iplanes[0]); Mat imagI = iplanes[0]; magI += Scalar::all(1); log(magI, magI); magI = magI(Rect(0, 0, magI.cols & -2, magI.rows & -2)); Mat O = magI.clone(); int cx = magI.cols/2; int cy = magI.rows/2; Mat q0(magI, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant Mat q1(magI, Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Right Mat q2(magI, Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Left Mat q3(magI, Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Right Mat tmp; // swap quadrants (Top-Left with Bottom-Right) q0.copyTo(tmp); q3.copyTo(q0); tmp.copyTo(q3); q1.copyTo(tmp); // swap quadrant (Top-Right with Bottom-Left) q2.copyTo(q1); tmp.copyTo(q2); normalize(magI, magI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); normalize(O, O, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); normalize(imagI, imagI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); imshow("input Image", Image); imshow("spectrum magnitude", magI); imshow("0", O); /*cout<<src<<endl;*/ imshow("src",imagI); waitKey(0); return 0; }