var a1,n,i,ans:longint; str,u:string; s:array[1..15000] of char; son:array[1..15000,1..26] of longint; a:array[1..15000,1..2] of longint; procedure insert(x:longint;str:string); var i:longint; begin if str='' then begin inc(a[x,2]); exit; end; for i:=1 to a[x,1] do if s[son[x,i]]=str[1] then begin delete(str,1,1); insert(son[x,i],str); exit; end; inc(a1); inc(a[x,1]); s[a1]:=str[1]; a[a1,1]:=0; a[a1,2]:=0; son[x,a[x,1]]:=a1; delete(str,1,1); insert(a1,str); end; procedure count(x:longint;str:string); var i:longint; begin if a[x,2]>ans then begin ans:=a[x,2]; u:=str; end; for i:=1 to a[x,1] do count(son[x,i],str+s[son[x,i]]); end; begin readln(n); while n>0 do begin a1:=1; a[1,1]:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin readln(str); insert(1,str); end; ans:=0; count(1,''); writeln(u); readln(n); end; end.