UIPasteboard 类的使用


iOS 5.1 Library>General>Cocoa Application Competencies for iOS>Pasteboard


Pasteboards can be public or private to one or more applications. Public pasteboards are system provided and are available to all applications. All pasteboards, public and private, must have a unique name. Both platforms have general-purpose pasteboards and pasteboards used in search operations. In iOS, these pasteboards are namedUIPasteboardNameGeneral and UIPasteboardNameFind; in Mac OS X, they are named NSGeneralPboard andNSFindPboard. Mac OS X has additional named system pasteboards for rulers, fonts, and drag-and-drop operations. An application on either platform typically uses one of the system pasteboards, but may create a private pasteboard under a unique name; for example, it might create a private pasteboard to share data with a “sibling” application that was created by the same software vendor.



    [UIPasteboard removePasteboardWithName:@"Demo"];
    UIPasteboard *pasteb = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:@"Demo" create:YES];
    pasteb.strings = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"watsy0007",@"123456", nil];


    UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:@"Demo" create:NO];

    NSLog(@"pasteboardTypes : %@",[pasteboard strings]);

    [pasteboard release];
