void Init_Scheduler(void) { struct Kernel_Thread* mainThread = (struct Kernel_Thread *) KERN_THREAD_OBJ; /* * Create initial kernel thread context object and stack, * and make them current. */ Init_Thread(mainThread, (void *) KERN_STACK, PRIORITY_NORMAL, true); g_currentThread = mainThread; Add_To_Back_Of_All_Thread_List(&s_allThreadList, mainThread); /* * Create the idle thread. */ /*Print("starting idle thread\n");*/ Start_Kernel_Thread(Idle, 0, PRIORITY_IDLE, true); /* * Create the reaper thread. */ /*Print("starting reaper thread\n");*/ Start_Kernel_Thread(Reaper, 0, PRIORITY_NORMAL, true); }
/* * Kernel thread context data structure. * NOTE: there is assembly code in lowlevel.asm that depends * on the offsets of the fields in this struct, so if you change * the layout, make sure everything gets updated. */ struct Kernel_Thread { ulong_t esp; /* offset 0 */ volatile ulong_t numTicks; /* offset 4 */ int priority; DEFINE_LINK(Thread_Queue, Kernel_Thread); void* stackPage; struct User_Context* userContext; struct Kernel_Thread* owner; int refCount; /* These fields are used to implement the Join() function */ bool alive; struct Thread_Queue joinQueue; int exitCode; /* The kernel thread id; also used as process id */ int pid; /* Link fields for list of all threads in the system. */ DEFINE_LINK(All_Thread_List, Kernel_Thread); /* Array of MAX_TLOCAL_KEYS pointers to thread-local data. */ #define MAX_TLOCAL_KEYS 128 const void* tlocalData[MAX_TLOCAL_KEYS]; };
/* * Initialize a new Kernel_Thread. */ static void Init_Thread(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread, void* stackPage, int priority, bool detached) { static int nextFreePid = 1; struct Kernel_Thread* owner = detached ? (struct Kernel_Thread*)0 : g_currentThread; memset(kthread, '\0', sizeof(*kthread)); kthread->stackPage = stackPage; kthread->esp = ((ulong_t) kthread->stackPage) + PAGE_SIZE;//指向进程堆栈底部的指针 kthread->numTicks = 0; kthread->priority = priority; kthread->userContext = 0; kthread->owner = owner; /* * The thread has an implicit self-reference. * If the thread is not detached, then its owner * also has a reference to it. */ kthread->refCount = detached ? 1 : 2; kthread->alive = true; Clear_Thread_Queue(&kthread->joinQueue); kthread->pid = nextFreePid++; }
g_currentThread = mainThread
Add_To_Back_Of_All_Thread_List(&s_allThreadList, mainThread)将此结构体链入到结构体链表中
Start_Kernel_Thread(Idle, 0, PRIORITY_IDLE, true)
和Start_Kernel_Thread(Reaper, 0, PRIORITY_NORMAL, true)
/* * Start a kernel-mode-only thread, using given function as its body * and passing given argument as its parameter. Returns pointer * to the new thread if successful, null otherwise. * * startFunc - is the function to be called by the new thread * arg - is a paramter to pass to the new function * priority - the priority of this thread (use PRIORITY_NORMAL) for * most things * detached - use false for kernel threads */ struct Kernel_Thread* Start_Kernel_Thread( Thread_Start_Func startFunc, ulong_t arg, int priority, bool detached ) { struct Kernel_Thread* kthread = Create_Thread(priority, detached); if (kthread != 0) { /* * Create the initial context for the thread to make * it schedulable. */ Setup_Kernel_Thread(kthread, startFunc, arg); /* Atomically put the thread on the run queue. */ Make_Runnable_Atomic(kthread); } return kthread; }
/* * Create a new raw thread object. * Returns a null pointer if there isn't enough memory. */ static struct Kernel_Thread* Create_Thread(int priority, bool detached) { struct Kernel_Thread* kthread; void* stackPage = 0; /* * For now, just allocate one page each for the thread context * object and the thread's stack. */ kthread = Alloc_Page(); if (kthread != 0) stackPage = Alloc_Page(); /* Make sure that the memory allocations succeeded. */ if (kthread == 0) return 0; if (stackPage == 0) { Free_Page(kthread); return 0; } /*Print("New thread @ %x, stack @ %x\n", kthread, stackPage); */ /* * Initialize the stack pointer of the new thread * and accounting info */ Init_Thread(kthread, stackPage, priority, detached); /* Add to the list of all threads in the system. */ Add_To_Back_Of_All_Thread_List(&s_allThreadList, kthread); return kthread; }
/* * Set up the initial context for a kernel-mode-only thread. */ static void Setup_Kernel_Thread( struct Kernel_Thread* kthread, Thread_Start_Func startFunc, ulong_t arg) { /* * Push the argument to the thread start function, and the * return address (the Shutdown_Thread function, so the thread will * go away cleanly when the start function returns). */ Push(kthread, arg); Push(kthread, (ulong_t) &Shutdown_Thread); /* Push the address of the start function. */ Push(kthread, (ulong_t) startFunc);//用户指定的函数 /* * To make the thread schedulable, we need to make it look * like it was suspended by an interrupt. This means pushing * an "eflags, cs, eip" sequence onto the stack, * as well as int num, error code, saved registers, etc. */ /* * The EFLAGS register will have all bits clear. * The important constraint is that we want to have the IF * bit clear, so that interrupts are disabled when the * thread starts. */ Push(kthread, 0UL); /* EFLAGS */ /* * As the "return address" specifying where the new thread will * start executing, use the Launch_Thread() function. */ Push(kthread, KERNEL_CS); Push(kthread, (ulong_t) &Launch_Thread);//线程被初次调度运行时,首先运行的是Launch_Thread函数 /* Push fake error code and interrupt number. */ Push(kthread, 0); Push(kthread, 0); /* Push initial values for general-purpose registers. */ Push_General_Registers(kthread);//首次这里压入的通用寄存器值全为0 /* * Push values for saved segment registers. * Only the ds and es registers will contain valid selectors. * The fs and gs registers are not used by any instruction * generated by gcc. */ Push(kthread, KERNEL_DS); /* ds */ Push(kthread, KERNEL_DS); /* es */ Push(kthread, 0); /* fs */ Push(kthread, 0); /* gs */ }
... call Shutdown_Thread ... Shutdown_Thread: call startFunc ... ... ret startFunc: call Launch_Thread ... ... ret Launch_Thread ... ... ... ret
/* * Push a dword value on the stack of given thread. * We use this to set up some context for the thread before * we make it runnable. */ static __inline__ void Push(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread, ulong_t value) { kthread->esp -= 4; *((ulong_t *) kthread->esp) = value; }
/* * Atomically make a thread runnable. * Assumes interrupts are currently enabled. */ void Make_Runnable_Atomic(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread) { Disable_Interrupts(); Make_Runnable(kthread); Enable_Interrupts(); }
/* * Add given thread to the run queue, so that it * may be scheduled. Must be called with interrupts disabled! */ void Make_Runnable(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread) { KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); Enqueue_Thread(&s_runQueue, kthread); }
/* * This is the body of the idle thread. Its job is to preserve * the invariant that a runnable thread always exists, * i.e., the run queue is never empty. */ static void Idle(ulong_t arg) { while (true) Yield(); }
/* * Voluntarily give up the CPU to another thread. * Does nothing if no other threads are ready to run. */ void Yield(void) { Disable_Interrupts(); Make_Runnable(g_currentThread); Schedule(); Enable_Interrupts(); }
/* * Add given thread to the run queue, so that it * may be scheduled. Must be called with interrupts disabled! */ void Make_Runnable(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread) { KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); Enqueue_Thread(&s_runQueue, kthread); }
/* * Queue of runnable threads. */ static struct Thread_Queue s_runQueue;
static __inline__ void Enqueue_Thread(struct Thread_Queue *queue, struct Kernel_Thread *kthread) { Add_To_Back_Of_Thread_Queue(queue, kthread); }
/* * Schedule a thread that is waiting to run. * Must be called with interrupts off! * The current thread should already have been placed * on whatever queue is appropriate (i.e., either the * run queue if it is still runnable, or a wait queue * if it is waiting for an event to occur). */ void Schedule(void) { struct Kernel_Thread* runnable; /* Make sure interrupts really are disabled */ KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); /* Preemption should not be disabled. */ KASSERT(!g_preemptionDisabled); /* Get next thread to run from the run queue */ runnable = Get_Next_Runnable(); /* * Activate the new thread, saving the context of the current thread. * Eventually, this thread will get re-activated and Switch_To_Thread() * will "return", and then Schedule() will return to wherever * it was called from. */ Switch_To_Thread(runnable); }
/* * Get the next runnable thread from the run queue. * This is the scheduler. */ struct Kernel_Thread* Get_Next_Runnable(void) { struct Kernel_Thread* best = 0; best = Find_Best(&s_runQueue); KASSERT(best != 0); Remove_Thread(&s_runQueue, best); /* * Print("Scheduling %x\n", best); */ return best; }
/* * Find the best (highest priority) thread in given * thread queue. Returns null if queue is empty. */ static __inline__ struct Kernel_Thread* Find_Best(struct Thread_Queue* queue) { /* Pick the highest priority thread */ struct Kernel_Thread *kthread = queue->head, *best = 0; while (kthread != 0) { if (best == 0 || kthread->priority > best->priority) best = kthread; kthread = Get_Next_In_Thread_Queue(kthread); } return best; }
static __inline__ void Remove_Thread(struct Thread_Queue *queue, struct Kernel_Thread *kthread) { Remove_From_Thread_Queue(queue, kthread); }
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Switch_To_Thread() ; Save context of currently executing thread, and activate ; the thread whose context object is passed as a parameter. ; ; Parameter: ; - ptr to Kernel_Thread whose state should be restored and made active ; ; Notes: ; Called with interrupts disabled. ; This must be kept up to date with definition of Kernel_Thread ; struct, in kthread.h. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- align 16 Switch_To_Thread://栈中存储着函数的第一个参数(欲运行的线程结构体) ; Modify the stack to allow a later return via an iret instruction. ; We start with a stack that looks like this: ; ; thread_ptr ; esp --> return addr ; ; We change it to look like this: ; ; thread_ptr ; eflags ; cs ; esp --> return addr //调整栈状态,因为将来系统会在其他的线程上下文中使用iret切换回来。iret需要从栈中弹出eflag、cs、return addr(线程运行地址) push eax ; save eax mov eax, [esp+4] ; get return address,得到返回地址存到eax中,也就是Schedule中Switch_To_Thread函数执行完后的下条指令地址 mov [esp-4], eax ; move return addr down 8 bytes from orig loc,将返回地址向下移8B add esp, 8 ; move stack ptr up pushfd ; put eflags where return address was mov eax, [esp-4] ; restore saved value of eax push dword KERNEL_CS ; push cs selector sub esp, 4 ; point stack ptr at return address,这句运行结束后,堆栈状态就是上面的图示。这里压入的线程参数会在下次 ; Push fake error code and interrupt number,压入错误码,和中断向量,这里是线程切换,无需理会中断向量,所以中断向量设为0即可。 push dword 0 push dword 0 ; Save general purpose registers. Save_Registers ; Save stack pointer in the thread context struct (at offset 0).g_currentThread指向当前执行的线程,这里就是得到Idle这个线程的结构体指针,并把esp赋给Idle线程结构体 mov eax, [g_currentThread] mov [eax+0], esp ; Clear numTicks field in thread context, since this ; thread is being suspended.Idle线程结构体中的numTicks变量置0,因为Idle将被挂起 mov [eax+4], dword 0 ; Load the pointer to the new thread context into eax. ; We skip over the Interrupt_State struct on the stack to ; get the parameter.将要运行的线程的结构体指针赋给eax mov eax, [esp+INTERRUPT_STATE_SIZE] ; Make the new thread current, and switch to its stack.将线程设置为当前运行线程,并切换esp到新的堆栈。 mov [g_currentThread], eax mov esp, [eax+0] ; Restore general purpose and segment registers, and clear interrupt ; number and error code.从新的esp栈中弹出数据,在这里还原新进程的上下文。 Restore_Registers ; We'll return to the place where the thread was ; executing last.切换到新进程了,这里是极其核心,极其关键的一步!!!注意iret和ret的区别,iret还还原了寄存器cs和eflag。 iret
/* * This struct reflects the contents of the stack when * a C interrupt handler function is called. * It must be kept up to date with the code in "lowlevel.asm". */ struct Interrupt_State { /* * The register contents at the time of the exception. * We save these explicitly. */ uint_t gs; uint_t fs; uint_t es; uint_t ds; uint_t ebp; uint_t edi; uint_t esi; uint_t edx; uint_t ecx; uint_t ebx; uint_t eax; /* * We explicitly push the interrupt number. * This makes it easy for the handler function to determine * which interrupt occurred. */ uint_t intNum; /* * This may be pushed by the processor; if not, we push * a dummy error code, so the stack layout is the same * for every type of interrupt. */ uint_t errorCode; /* These are always pushed on the stack by the processor. */ uint_t eip; uint_t cs; uint_t eflags; };
/* * The reaper thread. Its job is to de-allocate memory * used by threads which have finished. */ static void Reaper(ulong_t arg) { struct Kernel_Thread *kthread; Disable_Interrupts(); while (true) { /* See if there are any threads needing disposal. s_graveyardQueue是等待回收内存的队列*/ if ((kthread = s_graveyardQueue.head) == 0) { /* Graveyard is empty, so wait for a thread to die. */ Wait(&s_reaperWaitQueue); } else { /* Make the graveyard queue empty.清空队列,下面要回收队列中的所有内存 */ Clear_Thread_Queue(&s_graveyardQueue); /* * Now we can re-enable interrupts, since we * have removed all the threads needing disposal. */ Enable_Interrupts(); Yield(); /* allow other threads to run? 因为Reaper线程永远不会退出,所以要给其他线程运行的机会,这里没有Yield的话系统就死机了*/ /* Dispose of the dead threads.遍历整个链表 */ while (kthread != 0) { struct Kernel_Thread* next = Get_Next_In_Thread_Queue(kthread); #if 0 Print("Reaper: disposing of thread @ %x, stack @ %x\n", kthread, kthread->stackPage); #endif Destroy_Thread(kthread);//清除线程的栈空间,以及线程结构体,将线程从系统所有线程队列中删除 kthread = next; } /* * Disable interrupts again, since we're going to * do another iteration. */ Disable_Interrupts(); } } }
/* * Wait on given wait queue. * Must be called with interrupts disabled! * Note that the function will return with interrupts * disabled. This is desirable, because it allows us to * atomically test a condition that can be affected by an interrupt * and wait for it to be satisfied (if necessary). * See the Wait_For_Key() function in keyboard.c * for an example. */ void Wait(struct Thread_Queue* waitQueue) { struct Kernel_Thread* current = g_currentThread; KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); /* Add the thread to the wait queue. */ Enqueue_Thread(waitQueue, current); /* Find another thread to run. */ Schedule(); } /* * Wake up all threads waiting on given wait queue. * Must be called with interrupts disabled! * See Keyboard_Interrupt_Handler() function in keyboard.c * for an example. */ void Wake_Up(struct Thread_Queue* waitQueue) { struct Kernel_Thread *kthread = waitQueue->head, *next; KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); /* * Walk throught the list of threads in the wait queue, * transferring each one to the run queue. */ while (kthread != 0) { next = Get_Next_In_Thread_Queue(kthread); Make_Runnable(kthread); kthread = next; } /* The wait queue is now empty. */ Clear_Thread_Queue(waitQueue); }
/* * Exit the current thread. * Calling this function initiates a context switch. */ void Exit(int exitCode) { struct Kernel_Thread* current = g_currentThread; if (Interrupts_Enabled()) Disable_Interrupts(); /* Thread is dead */ current->exitCode = exitCode; current->alive = false; /* Clean up any thread-local memory */ Tlocal_Exit(g_currentThread); /* Notify the thread's owner, if any */ Wake_Up(¤t->joinQueue); /* Remove the thread's implicit reference to itself. */ Detach_Thread(g_currentThread); /* * Schedule a new thread. * Since the old thread wasn't placed on any * thread queue, it won't get scheduled again. */ Schedule(); /* Shouldn't get here */ KASSERT(false); }
/* * Hand given thread to the reaper for destruction. * Must be called with interrupts disabled! */ static void Reap_Thread(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread) { KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); Enqueue_Thread(&s_graveyardQueue, kthread); Wake_Up(&s_reaperWaitQueue); } /* * Called when a reference to the thread is broken. */ static void Detach_Thread(struct Kernel_Thread* kthread) { KASSERT(!Interrupts_Enabled()); KASSERT(kthread->refCount > 0); --kthread->refCount; if (kthread->refCount == 0) { Reap_Thread(kthread); } }