在进行android-sdk-windows中进行 update all时, 报错 folder failed to be renamed or moved



在进行android-sdk-windows中进行 update all时, 报错 folder failed to be renamed or moved...,goole了一下,有外国网友解决办法如下:
1, 复制 tools目录 为一个新的目录 tools-copy ,此时在android-sdk-windows 目录下有两个目录 tools 和 tools-copy
2, 在tools-copy目录运行 android.bat ,这样就可以正常 update all 了
3,之后,关闭 sdk,
4, 在 android-sdk-windows 目录运行 SDK Setup.exe, 就可以了



The following is my solution:
1. Find the "temp" folder and you can find the "tools_r05-windows.zip" or other
files which you will update.
2.unzip it.
3.here you will find the "tools_r05-windows" and copy all the files in the file.
which should be updated file.
4.copy to the "tools" folder.
In a word, the solution is our manual update the files.
