




链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgFqTJy 密码: yusy

1. 下载相应的源


     查看readme. 查看指导。按说明安装 sudo pip install requests.

    如果提示安装pip就先按提示安装python pip。


sudo ./byty.py list


再输入。  sudo ./byty.py list 



  sudo ./setup.py  build

  sudo ./setup.py  install


5. 上传的位置在 我的应用数据  bypy里




agv@yhzhao:~$ bypy.py   syncup   /home/agv/Desktop/petrobot    /petrobot

注:远程云盘地址的书写 在'/apps/bypy'下。。只需要写云盘  {我的应用数据/pyby}路径下的地址。。



agv@agv:~/000_yhzhao$ ./bypy.py help

Token file: '/home/agv/.bypy.json'
Hash Cache file: '/home/agv/.bypy.pickle'
App root path at Baidu Yun '/apps/bypy'
sys.stdin.encoding = UTF-8
sys.stdout.encoding = UTF-8

usage: bypy.py [-h] [--TESTRUN] [--PROFILE] [-V] [-d] [-v] [-r RETRY]
               [-q QUIT] [-t TIMEOUT] [-s SLICE] [--chunk CHUNK] [-e] [-f]
               [-l LISTFILE] [--resume-download RESUMEDL]
               [--include-regex INCREGEX] [--on-dup ONDUP] [--no-symlink]
               [--disable-ssl-check] [-c]
               [command [command ...]]

bypy -- Python client for Baidu Yun


bypy is a Baidu Yun client written in Python (2.7).

positional arguments:
  command               operations (quota / list)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --TESTRUN             Perform python doctest [default: False]
  --PROFILE             Profile the code [default: False]
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -d, --debug           enable debugging & logging [default: 0]
  -v, --verbose         set verbosity level [default: 0]
  -r RETRY, --retry RETRY
                        number of retry attempts on network error [default: 5
  -q QUIT, --quit-when-fail QUIT
                        quit when maximum number of retry failed [default:
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        network timeout in seconds [default: 60]
  -s SLICE, --slice SLICE
                        size of file upload slice (can use '1024', '2k',
                        '3MB', etc) [default: 20 MB]
  --chunk CHUNK         size of file download chunk (can use '1024', '2k',
                        '3MB', etc) [default: 20 MB]
  -e, --verify          Verify upload / download [default : False]
  -f, --force-hash      force file MD5 / CRC32 calculation instead of using
                        cached values [default: False]
  -l LISTFILE, --list-file LISTFILE
                        input list file (used by some of the commands only
                        [default: None]
  --resume-download RESUMEDL
                        resume instead of restarting when downloading if local
                        file already exists [default: True]
  --include-regex INCREGEX
                        regular expression of files to include. if not
                        specified (default), everything is included. for
                        download, the regex applies to the remote files; for
                        upload, the regex applies to the local files. to
                        exclude files, think about your regex, some tips here:
                        [default: ]
  --on-dup ONDUP        what to do when the same file / folder exists in the
                        destination: 'overwrite', 'skip', 'prompt' [default:
  --no-symlink          DON'T follow symbol links when uploading / syncing up
                        [default: True]
  --disable-ssl-check   DON'T verify host SSL cerificate [default: True]
  -c, --clean           1: clean settings (remove the token file) 2: clean
                        settings and hash cache [default: 0]

help command - provide some information for the command
cleancache - remove invalid entries from hash cache file
combine <remotefile> [md5s] [localfile] - try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
compare [remotedir] [localdir] - compare the remote direcotry with the local directory
copy/cp <from> <to> - copy a file / dir remotely at Baidu Yun
delete/remove/rm <remotepath> - delete a file / dir remotely at Baidu Yun
downdir <remotedir> [localdir] - download a remote directory (recursively)
downfile <remotefile> [localpath] - download a remote file.
dumpcache - display file hash cache
list/ls [remotepath] [format] [sort] [order] - list the 'remotepath' directory at Baidu PCS
listrecycle [start] [limit] - list the recycle contents
meta <remotepath> [format] - get information of the given path (dir / file) at Baidu Yun.
mkdir <remotedir> - create a directory at Baidu Yun
move/mv/rename/ren <from> <to> - move a file / dir remotely at Baidu Yun
quota/info - displays the quota information
refreshtoken - refresh the access token
restore <remotepath> - restore a file from the recycle bin
search <keyword> [remotepath] [recursive] - search for a file using keyword at Baidu Yun
stream <remotefile> <localpipe> [format] [chunk] - stream a video / audio file converted to M3U format at cloud side, to a pipe.
syncdown [remotedir] [localdir] [deletelocal] - sync down from the remote direcotry to the local directory
syncup [localdir] [remotedir] [deleteremote] - sync up from the local direcotry to the remote directory
upload [localpath] [remotepath] [ondup] - upload a file or directory (recursively)
