--建立学生表 create table stud ( stno char(3) primary key, name char(4), sex char(2), age int, classid char(5) ); insert into stud values('108','曾华','男',19,'95033'); insert into stud values('105','匡明','男',20,'95031'); insert into stud values('107','王丽','女',20,'95033'); insert into stud values('101','李军','男',19,'95033'); insert into stud values('109','王芳','女',22,'95031'); insert into stud values('103','陆君','男',20,'95031'); --建立教师表 create table teacher( tcno char(3) primary key, name char(4), sex char(2), age int , lev char(6), speciality char(8) ); insert into teacher values('804','李成','男',42,'副教授','计算机系'); insert into teacher values('856','张旭','男',35,'讲师','电子工程'); insert into teacher values('825','王萍','女',28,'助教','计算机系'); insert into teacher values('831','刘冰','女',25,'助教','电子工程'); --建立课程表 create table course ( cuid char(5) primary key, cuname char(10), tcno char(3), foreign key(tcno) references teacher(tcno) ); insert into course values('3-105','计算机导论','825'); insert into course values('3-245','操作系统','804'); insert into course values('6-166','数字电路','856'); insert into course values('9-888','高等数学','831'); --建立选课表 create table sc( stno char(3), cuid char(5), primary key(stno,cuid), score int, foreign key(stno) references stud(stno), foreign key(cuid) references course(cuid) ); insert into sc values('103','3-245',86); insert into sc values('105','3-245',75); insert into sc values('109','3-245',68); insert into sc values('103','3-105',92); insert into sc values('105','3-105',88); insert into sc values('109','3-105',76); insert into sc values('101','3-105',64); insert into sc values('107','3-105',91); insert into sc values('108','3-105',78); insert into sc values('101','6-166',85); insert into sc values('107','6-166',79); insert into sc values('108','6-166',81); --查询操作 --1.查询所有内容 select * from stud; select * from teacher; select * from course; select * from sc; --2.查询选修课程'3-105'且成绩在60到80之间的所有记录 select * from sc where cuid = '3-105' and score between 60 and 80; --3.查询成绩为85、86或88的记录 select * from sc where score in(85,86,88); --4.查询'95031'班的学生人数 select count(*) as 学生人数 from stud where classid='95031'; --5.查询最低分大于70,且最高分小于90的学号列 select stno from sc group by stno having min(score)>70 and max(score)<90; --6.查询平均分大于80分的学生的成绩表 select stno 学号,avg(score) 平均成绩 from sc group by stno having avg(score)>80; --7.查询'95033'班每个学生所选课程的平均分 select * from stud where classid='95033' select stno 学号,avg(score) 平均分 from sc where stno in (select stno from stud where classid='95033') group by stno; --8.以选修 '3-105'为例,查询成绩高于'109'号同学的所有同学的记录。 select * from stud where stno in ( select stno from sc where cuid='3-105' and score > (select score from sc where cuid='3-105' and stno='109')); --9.查询与学号为'108'的同学同岁的所有学生的学号、姓名和年龄。 select stno,name,age from stud where age=(select age from stud where stno='108'); --10.查询'张旭'教师任课的课程号,选修其课程学生的学号和成绩 select stno,score from sc where cuid in (select cuid from course where tcno = (select tcno from teacher where name='张旭')); --11.查询选修其课程的学生人数多于5人的教师姓名 select cuid from sc group by cuid having count(cuid)>5; select name from teacher where tcno in ( select tcno from course where cuid in (select cuid from sc group by cuid having count(cuid)>5) );