卸载 CrossOver 8


Hi Ken,

To perform a complete uninstall of Crossover and all of its components and
bottles, you'll need to remove the following items from your computer:

- (home)/Library/Application Support/Crossover
- (home)/Library/Caches/com.codeweavers.CrossOver
- (home)/Library/Preferences/com.CrossOver.Codeweavers.plist
- (home)/Applications/Crossover  (the Crossover icon, itself)

Then perform a complete re-install of Crossover from a new download (you can get
new downloads of Crossover from the My Account->My Downloads section on our
website), and install Office 2003 into a new bottle.

For future reference, un-installing and re-installing applications within a
pre-existing bottle will usually fail.  The preferred method for re-installing
apps in Crossover is to delete the current bottle and install into a brand new

Please let me know if this is successful.


On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 9:24, Ken Sayers wrote:
> CX Version: 8.0.0-std
> Application: Microsoft Office 2003
> Distribution:
> I have a corrupt installation of outlook 2003 and i have uninstalled
> and reinstalled outlook several times however this does not resolve the
> issue i have.
> I want to create a new bottle kneck so i tried to uninstall crosscover
> by putting it in the trash, when installing crossover it keeps the
> "settings" of outlook and doesnt remove it fully (so i have the same
> issue as above). Its like the registry (from a windows POV) needs
> deleting.
> "the operation failed due to an installation problem. restart outlook
> and try again. if prob persists please reinstall."
> Can you help please?

把上面红色部门的文件删除了 就可以卸载 CrossOver 了
