[TOP(expression) [PERCENT]]
{ <object> | rowset_function_limited
[ WITH ( <Table_Hint_Limited> [ ...n ] ) ] /*指定表提示*/
| view_name } /*视图名*/
[(column_list) ] /*指定列名*/
[<OUTPUT Clause> ]
{VALUES /*指定列名的取值*/
{DEFAULT | NULL | expression}[1…n]) /*列值的构成形式*/
|derived_table|execute_statement } } /*结果集*/
|DEFAULT VALUES /*所有列均取默认值*/
/*插入单个元组*/ /*向student表中插入一个学生记录(‘200’,‘曾雷’,‘女’,‘1978-2-3’,‘05001’)*/ USE test INSERT INTO student_1 VALUES(100,'曾雷','女','1995-2-3',20) /*查询student表,查看结果*/ select * from student_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*向student表中插入一个学生记录(‘201’,‘孙浩’,‘男’,‘1977-8-4’,NULL)*/ INSERT INTO student_1(sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,sage) VALUES(200,'孙浩','男','1996-8-4',null) select * from student_1 delete from student_1 where sno=200 INSERT INTO student_1(sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday) VALUES(200,'孙浩','男','1996-8-4') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*插入元组集合*/ /*将student_1表中的相关数据插入到student表中*/ select * from student select * from student_1 insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage) select sno,sname,ssex,sage from student_1 /*向student表中添加两个新生*/ INSERT INTO student_1(sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,sage) VALUES(300,'王明','男','1996-8-4',19),(400,'赵强','男','1996-4-1',19) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*向自增列添加数据*/ create table testidentity( id int identity, words varchar(10)) insert into testidentity values('a') --标识列不指定 insert into testidentity values('b') --指定除了标识列外的列 set IDENTITY_INSERT testidentity on insert into testidentity(id,words) values(10,'c') --指定标识列 set IDENTITY_INSERT testidentity off insert into testidentity values('d') select * from testidentity
SET column_name = {expression | DEFAULT | NULL}[1…n]
where where_clause
/*将sc表中的成绩小于60的加5。*/ UPDATE sc SET grade=grade+5 WHERE grade<70 /*将张三选修1号课程的成绩置零。*/ UPDATE sc SET grade=0 WHERE cno=1 and sno in (select sno from student where sname='张三') /*将学号为1的学生的姓名改为张三十,年龄改小2岁。*/ UPDATE student SET sname='张三十',sage=sage-2 --同时更新多列 WHERE sno=1 select * from student ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*使用top表达式*/ UPDATE top(2) student SET sage=sage-2 UPDATE top(50) percent student SET sage=sage-2
DELETE table_name
WHERE search_condition
/*删除student表中学号为200的记录*/ select * from student select * from sc DELETE student WHERE sno='200' /*删除张三的选修1号课程的选课记录*/ DELETE sc WHERE cno=1 and sno in (select sno from student where sname='张三') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*TRANCATE*/ /*TRUNCATE TABLE table_name*/ /*一次删除表中所有数据,即清空表, 但表的结构及约束保持不变,且该操作不记录日志,无法恢复,使用时必须慬慎。*/ /*删除student_1表中的记录*/ TRUNCATE TABLE student_1 select * from student_1
SELECT 语句语法:
SELECT select_list
[INTO new_table]
FROM table_source
[WHERE search_condition]
[GROUP BY group_by_expression]
[HAVING search_condition]
[ORDER BY order_expression [ASC | DESC]]
/*查询列*/ /*查询student表中所有记录的sname、ssex和sage列*/ SELECT sname,ssex,sage FROM student /*查询有选课记录的课程cno*/ select distinct cno --避免重复项 from sc /*查询有85分以上成绩的课程cno*/ SELECT DISTINCT cno FROM sc WHERE grade>85 /*查询student表的所有记录*/ SELECT * FROM student SELECT sno as '学号',sname as '姓名',ssex as '性别' FROM student /*返回部分结果top*/ select top(1) * from student select top(1) * from student where ssex='女' select top(1) with ties * from student order by sage select top(50) percent * from student /*计算列*/ select sno,sname,2015-sage as '出生年月' from student select sno,cno,grade*1.1 from sc ----------------------------------------------------- /*选择查询 查询sc表中成绩大于60的所有记录*/ SELECT * FROM sc WHERE grade>60 /*查询sc表中1号课程成绩大于60的所有记录*/ SELECT * FROM sc WHERE cno=2 and grade>60 /*查询score表中成绩在60~80之间的所有记录*/ SELECT * FROM sc WHERE grade between 60 and 80 /*查询sc表中成绩为85、86或88的记录*/ SELECT * FROM sc WHERE grade in(85,86,88) /*字符串匹配*/ /* % 匹配任意字符 _ 匹配单个字符 [] 匹配括号中的任意一个字符 [^]或[!]匹配没有出现在括号中的单个字符 escape换码字符 */ select * from student /*查询student表中姓张的或性别为“女”的学生记录*/ SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname like '张%'or ssex='女' /*查询student表中姓李的学生*/ SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname like '李%' SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname like '[李]%' SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname like '李_' SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname like '[^李]%' SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname not like '[李]%' SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname like '%[四]%' /*查询sc表中没成绩的记录*/ SELECT * FROM sc WHERE grade is null SELECT * FROM sc WHERE grade is not null /*查询结果排序*/ SELECT * FROM sc order by grade SELECT * FROM sc order by cno,grade desc /*分组查询*/ /*group by group_by_expression[with rollup|cube]* having search_condition with rollup 只返回第一个分组条件制定的列的统计行; 而with cube除返回group by制定的列外,还返回按组统计的行*/ SELECT cno,AVG(grade) FROM sc group by cno SELECT cno,AVG(grade) FROM sc group by cno having AVG(grade)>60 SELECT cno,tno,AVG(grade) FROM sc group by cno,tno SELECT cno,tno,AVG(grade) FROM sc group by cno,tno with rollup select AVG(grade) from sc
/*嵌套查询*/ use test /*使用IN或NOT IN*/ select sname from student where sno in (select sno from sc where cno=2) select sname from student where sno not in (select sno from sc where cno=2) /*比较运算符的子查询*/ select sno,grade from sc sc1 where sc1.cno=1 and sc1.grade=(select sc2.grade from sc sc2 where sc2.cno=1 and sc2.sno=1) select * from sc select sno,grade from sc sc1 where sc1.cno=1 and sc1.grade>(select sc2.grade from sc sc2 where sc2.cno=1 and sc2.sno=1) select sno from sc where cno=1 and grade>all(select grade from sc where sno=1) select sno from sc where cno=1 and grade>(select max(grade) from sc where sno=1) select student.sno,sname,cno,grade from sc as a,student where student.sno=a.sno and --不相关子查询 grade>(select avg(grade) from sc b where b.cno=a.cno) /*exists*/ SELECT sname FROM student WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sc WHERE student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=2) SELECT sname FROM student WHERE not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sc WHERE student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=2) /*多层嵌套查询 查询最高分的学生姓名*/ select * from student where not exists (select * from course where not exists (select * from sc where sc.sno=student.sno and sc.cno=course.cno)) select sname from student where sno in (select sno from sc where grade= (select max(grade) from sc)) go select * from sc select * from student /*DELETE、UPDATE和INSERT语句中的子查询*/ ------------------------------------------------------------ /*联接查询*/ use test /*查询学生的姓名,选课号及成绩*/ select sname,cno,grade from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno select sname,cname,grade from student,sc,course --多表连接 where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno select sname,cno,grade from student inner join sc on(student.sno=sc.sno) --内连接 select student.sname,sc.cno,sc.grade from student left join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) --左向外连接 select student.sname,sc.cno,sc.grade from student right join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) --右向外连接 select student.sname,sc.cno,sc.grade from student full outer join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) --完全外部连接 select student.sno,sc.sno,sc.cno,sc.grade from student cross join sc --交叉连接 select student.sno,sc.sno,sc.cno,sc.grade from student cross join sc --带限定条件的交叉连接 where student.sno<2 select c1.cno,c2.cname from course c1,course c2 --自连接 where c1.cpno=c2.cno -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*无法使用ntext、text或image列上直接连接表, 但是使用substring函数在ntext、text或image列上间接联接表,如*/ select * from student join sc on substring(student.mytext,1,2)=substring(sc.mytext,1,2) ------------------------------ /*使用UNION运算符组合多个结果 查询所有作者和客户的号码和名称*/ select sno,sname from student where sno=1 union select sno,sname from student where sno=2 go --------------------------- /*在查询的基础上创建新表 将查询得到的学生学号、姓名、课程和分数输入到新建的表score1中, 再显示该新表的记录*/ select student.sno,avg(grade) as 平均成绩 into avggrade --该表自动生成 from student inner join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) group by student.sno select * from avggrade drop table avggrade