K-means ++是解决K-means聚类中心初始化的问题,能有效地选择初始点。 保证初始的聚类中心之间的相互距离要尽可能的远。wiki上对该算法的描述是如下:
1、K 是事先给定的,这个 K 值的选定是非常难以估计的。很多时候,事先并不知道给定的数据集应该分成多少个类别才最合适。( ISODATA 算法通过类的自动合并和分裂,得到较为合理的类型数目 K)
下面的K-means算法的Python代码实现,不知道是否正确,参照这篇博文http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-24774106-id-3412491.html?page=2 的C语言
import pdb from numpy import * import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # show your cluster only available with 2-D data def showCluster(dataSet, k, centroids, clusterAssment): numSamples, dim = dataSet.shape if dim != 2: print "Sorry! I can not draw because the dimension of your data is not 2!" return 1 mark = ['or', 'ob', 'og', 'ok', '^r', '+r', 'sr', 'dr', '<r', 'pr'] if k > len(mark): print "Sorry! Your k is too large! please contact Zouxy" return 1 # draw all samples for i in xrange(numSamples): markIndex = int(clusterAssment[i, 0]) plt.plot(dataSet[i, 0], dataSet[i, 1], mark[markIndex]) mark = ['Dr', 'Db', 'Dg', 'Dk', '^b', '+b', 'sb', 'db', '<b', 'pb'] # draw the centroids for i in range(k): plt.plot(centroids[i, 0], centroids[i, 1], mark[i], markersize = 12) plt.show() # calculate Euclidean distance def euclDistance(vector1, vector2): return sqrt(sum(power(vector2 - vector1, 2))) def findCentroids(dataSet, k): minDist = 1000; minIndex = 0 numSamples, dim = dataSet.shape dist = zeros(numSamples,float) centroids = zeros((k, dim)) index = int(random.uniform(0, numSamples)) centroids[0, :] = dataSet[index, :] for i in range(1,k): sum = 0 for j in range(numSamples): for n in range(i): d = euclDistance(centroids[n,:],dataSet[j,:]) if minDist > d: minDist = d minIndex = n dist[j] = minDist sum = sum + minDist minDist = 1000 sum = float(random.uniform(0,sum)) for m in range(numSamples): sum = sum - dist[m] if (sum > 0): continue centroids[i,:] = dataSet[m] break; return centroids # k-means cluster def kmeanspp(dataSet, k): numSamples = dataSet.shape[0] # first column stores which cluster this sample belongs to, # second column stores the error between this sample and its centroid clusterAssment = mat(zeros((numSamples, 2))) clusterChanged = True ## step 1: init centroids centroids = findCentroids(dataSet, k) showCluster(dataSet, k, centroids, clusterAssment) ##pdb.set_trace() while clusterChanged: clusterChanged = False ## for each sample for i in xrange(numSamples): minDist = 100000.0 minIndex = 0 ## for each centroid ## step 2: find the centroid who is closest for j in range(k): distance = euclDistance(centroids[j, :], dataSet[i, :]) if distance < minDist: minDist = distance minIndex = j ## step 3: update its cluster if clusterAssment[i, 0] != minIndex: clusterChanged = True clusterAssment[i, :] = minIndex, minDist**2 ## step 4: update centroids for j in range(k): pointsInCluster = dataSet[nonzero(clusterAssment[:, 0].A == j)[0]] centroids[j, :] = mean(pointsInCluster, axis = 0) ##showCluster(dataSet, k, centroids, clusterAssment) print 'Congratulations, cluster complete!' return centroids, clusterAssment if __name__ == '__main__': ## step 1: load data print "step 1: load data..." dataSet = [] fileIn = open('C://Python27/test/testSet.txt') for line in fileIn.readlines(): lineArr = line.strip().split('\t') dataSet.append([float(lineArr[0]), float(lineArr[1])]) #pdb.set_trace() ## step 2: clustering... print "step 2: clustering..." dataSet = mat(dataSet) k = 4 centroids, clusterAssment = kmeanspp(dataSet, k) ## step 3: show the result print "step 3: show the result..." showCluster(dataSet, k, centroids, clusterAssment)