Nlog是一款可以通过自动化配置来把log信息指定写入 win console,Sql server,甚至是通过STMP 发送邮件的log engine
首先下载Nlog DLL,通过网上直接download 或者nuget 下载DLL都可以。
然后把下载下来的Nlog.dll ,Nlog,extension.dll 加入项目reference.
之后就是配置文件了,(Nlog Configuration), 它其实是一个 config文件Name:(Nlog.config)
01 |
<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?> |
02 |
<nlog xmlns= "" |
03 |
xmlns:xsi= "" > |
06 |
See |
07 |
for information on customizing logging rules and outputs. |
10 |
<!-- add your targets here --> |
13 |
<target xsi:type= "File" name= "f" fileName= "${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log" |
14 |
layout= "${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" /> |
19 |
<!-- add your logging rules here --> |
22 |
<logger name= "*" minlevel= "Trace" writeTo= "f" /> |
<section name="nlog" type="NLog.Config.ConfigSectionHandler, NLog"/>
<nlog xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- See for information on customizing logging rules and outputs. -->
<target xsi:type="File" name="f" fileName="${basedir}/APP_Data/logs/${shortdate}.log" layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="f" />
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> |
02 |
< nlog xmlns = "" |
03 |
xmlns:xsi = "" > |
21 |
< target xsi:type = "File" name = "f" fileName = "${basedir}/App_Data/logs/${shortdate}.log" |
22 |
layout = "${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${loginuser} ${message} ${machinename} ${exception:format=type} ${callsite:className=true} ${logger} ${exception:stacktrace} ${exception:format=tostring}" /> |
24 |
< target xsi:type = "Database" name = "db" dbProvider = "mssql" commandText = "Insert into NLog_Record(time_stamp, level, host, url, type, source, logger, message, stacktrace, detail, loginuser) Values(@time_stamp, @level, @host, @url, @type, @source, @logger, @message, @stacktrace, @detail, @loginuser);" connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Log_DB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=資料庫登入帳號;Password=資料庫登入密碼;" > |
26 |
< parameter name = "@time_stamp" layout = "${date:format=yyyy\-MM\-dd HH\:mm\:ss.fff} " /> |
27 |
< parameter name = "@level" layout = "${level}" /> |
28 |
< parameter name = "@host" layout = "${machinename}" /> |
29 |
< parameter name = "@url" layout = "${aspnet-request:serverVariable=url}" /> |
30 |
< parameter name = "@type" layout = "${exception:format=type}" /> |
31 |
< parameter name = "@source" layout = "${callsite:className=true}" /> |
32 |
< parameter name = "@logger" layout = "${logger}" /> |
33 |
< parameter name = "@message" layout = "${message}" /> |
34 |
< parameter name = "@stacktrace" layout = "${exception:stacktrace}" /> |
35 |
< parameter name = "@detail" layout = "${exception:format=tostring}" /> |
36 |
< parameter name = "@loginuser" layout = "${loginuser}" /> |
39 |
< target xsi:type = "Mail" name = "FatalMail" |
40 |
smtpServer = "" |
42 |
smtpAuthentication = "Basic" |
43 |
smtpUsername = "你要寄出的Email帳號" |
44 |
smtpPassword = "寄出Email的密碼" |
48 |
to = "收信的Email,收信的Email2" |
49 |
subject = "${machinename} 於 ${shortdate} ${time} Log級別:${level} 於 ${callsite:className=true}, 出現 ${exception:format=type}!" |
50 |
header = "=========================================================================" |
52 |
發生時間:${longdate} ${newline}${newline} |
53 |
Log等級:${ level:uppercase = true } ${newline}${newline} |
54 |
Logger:${logger} ${newline}${newline} |
55 |
Source:${ callsite:className = true } ${newline}${newline} |
56 |
使用者:${loginuser} ${newline}${newline} |
57 |
Exception類別:${ exception:format = type } ${newline}${newline} |
58 |
錯誤訊息:${message} ${newline}${newline}" |
59 |
footer = "=========================================================================" |
62 |
< target bufferSize = "5" name = "ErrorMail" xsi:type = "BufferingWrapper" > |
63 |
< target xsi:type = "Mail" |
64 |
smtpServer = "" |
66 |
smtpAuthentication = "Basic" |
67 |
smtpUsername = "你要寄出的Email帳號" |
68 |
smtpPassword = "寄出Email的密碼" |
72 |
to = "收信的Email,收信的Email2" |
73 |
subject = "${machinename} 於 ${shortdate} ${time} Log級別:${level} 出現錯誤!" |
74 |
header = "=========================================================================" |
76 |
發生時間:${longdate} ${newline}${newline} |
77 |
Log等級:${ level:uppercase = true } ${newline}${newline} |
78 |
Logger:${logger} ${newline}${newline} |
79 |
Source:${ callsite:className = true } ${newline}${newline} |
80 |
使用者:${loginuser} ${newline}${newline} |
81 |
Exception類別:${ exception:format = type } ${newline}${newline} |
82 |
錯誤訊息:${message} ${newline}${newline}" |
83 |
footer = "=========================================================================" |
92 |
< logger name = "*" maxlevel = "Info" writeTo = "f" /> |
93 |
< logger name = "*" minlevel = "Warn" writeTo = "db" /> |
94 |
< logger name = "*" level = "Fatal" writeTo = "FatalMail" /> |
95 |
< logger name = "*" level = "Error" writeTo = "ErrorMail" /> |
<target> 存放log的地方,文件 /数据库/邮件
<rule> 是写入/显示log的方式
using NLog;
private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public ActionResult Index()
logger.Trace("Sample trace message");
logger.Debug("Sample debug message");
logger.Info("Sample informational message");
logger.Warn("Sample warning message");
logger.Error("Sample error message");
logger.Fatal("Sample fatal error message");
// alternatively you can call the Log() method
// and pass log level as the parameter.
logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Sample informational message");