FFmpeg exit code -1073741515 on av_register_all();

I am attempting to integrate FFmpeg into my Qt app. I used the FFmpeg git-0fb64da 64-bit Dev source from Zeranoe FFmpeg builds page and added avformat.lib to my project. My .pro file:

unix|win32: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../FFmpeg/ffmpeg-20130428-git-0fb64da-win64-dev/lib/ -lavformat INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../FFmpeg/ffmpeg-20130428-git-0fb64da-win64-dev/include DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../FFmpeg/ffmpeg-20130428-git-0fb64da-win64-dev/include

I included libavformat/avformat.h inside the "extern "C"" block.

As long as I don't call av_register_all(), this all works fine, but once I do, my app exits with code -1073741515. Any ideas as to why?


you have to put the necessary ffmpeg dll files beside your exe file

就是在生成的exe文件目录下添加 ffmpeg dll 运行库

你可能感兴趣的:(FFmpeg exit code -1073741515 on av_register_all();)