// readBook2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "valarray" #include "string" class CStudent { public: typedef std::valarray<double> ArrayDb; CStudent() : sz_Name( "Null Student" ), m_ArrScores() { } CStudent( const string& name ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores() { } explicit CStudent( int n ) : sz_Name( "Nully" ), m_ArrScores( n ) { } CStudent( const string& name, int n ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores( n ) { } CStudent( const string& name, const ArrayDb& a ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores( a ) { } CStudent( const char* name, const double* pd, int n ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores( pd, n ) { } double Average() const { if ( m_ArrScores.size() > 0 ) { return ( m_ArrScores.sum() / m_ArrScores.size() ); } else { return 0; } } const string& GetName() const { return sz_Name; } double& operator[]( int i) { return m_ArrScores[ i ]; } double operator[]( int i ) const { return m_ArrScores[ i ]; } ostream& CStudent::arr_out( ostream& os ) const { int i; int lim = m_ArrScores.size(); if ( lim > 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) { os << m_ArrScores[ i ] << " "; if ( 4 == i % 5 ) { os << endl; } } if ( 0 != i % 5 ) { os << endl; } } else { os << "empty array"; } return os; } friend istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ); friend istream& operator <<( istream& os, const CStudent& stu ); friend istream& getline( istream& is, const CStudent& stu ); ~CStudent(){}; private: string sz_Name; ArrayDb m_ArrScores; }; istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ) { is >> stu.sz_Name; return is; } ostream& operator <<( ostream& os, const CStudent& stu ) { os << "this student name is:" << stu.GetName() << endl; os << "this student scores is:" << endl; stu.arr_out( os ); return os; } istream& getline( istream& is, const CStudent& stu ) { getline( is, stu.sz_Name ); return is; } const int puplis = 3; const int quizzes = 5; void set( CStudent& sa, int n ); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CStudent ada[ puplis ] = { CStudent( quizzes ), CStudent( quizzes ), CStudent( quizzes ) }; int i; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; ++i ) { set( ada[ i ], quizzes ); } cout << "\nStudent List:" << endl; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; ++i ) { cout << ada[ i ].GetName() << endl; } cout << "\nResults:" << endl; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; i++ ) { cout << endl << ada[ i ]; cout << "average" << ada[ i ].Average() << endl; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; } void set( CStudent& sa, int n ) { cout << "Please enter the student name:" << endl; getline( cin, sa ); cout << "Please enter " << n << "quiz scores:" << endl; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cin >> sa[ i ]; } while( '\n' != cin.get() ) { continue; } }
// 在
istream& getline( istream& is, const CStudent& stu )
getline( is, stu.sz_Name );
return is;
//const CStudent& stu导致递归
// readBook2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "valarray" #include "string" class CStudent { public: typedef std::valarray<double> ArrayDb; CStudent() : sz_Name( "Null Student" ), m_ArrScores() { } CStudent( const string& name ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores() { } explicit CStudent( int n ) : sz_Name( "Nully" ), m_ArrScores( n ) { } CStudent( const string& name, int n ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores( n ) { } CStudent( const string& name, const ArrayDb& a ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores( a ) { } CStudent( const char* name, const double* pd, int n ) : sz_Name( name ), m_ArrScores( pd, n ) { } double Average() const { if ( m_ArrScores.size() > 0 ) { return ( m_ArrScores.sum() / m_ArrScores.size() ); } else { return 0; } } const string& GetName() const { return sz_Name; } double& operator[]( int i) { return m_ArrScores[ i ]; } double operator[]( int i ) const { return m_ArrScores[ i ]; } ostream& CStudent::arr_out( ostream& os ) const { int i; int lim = m_ArrScores.size(); if ( lim > 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) { os << m_ArrScores[ i ] << " "; if ( 4 == i % 5 ) { os << endl; } } if ( 0 != i % 5 ) { os << endl; } } else { os << "empty array"; } return os; } friend istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ); friend istream& operator <<( istream& os, const CStudent& stu ); friend istream& getline( istream& is, CStudent& stu ); ~CStudent(){}; private: string sz_Name; ArrayDb m_ArrScores; }; istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ) { is >> stu.sz_Name; return is; } ostream& operator <<( ostream& os, const CStudent& stu ) { os << "this student name is:" << stu.GetName() << endl; os << "this student scores is:" << endl; stu.arr_out( os ); return os; } istream& getline( istream& is, CStudent& stu ) { getline( is, stu.sz_Name ); return is; } const int puplis = 3; const int quizzes = 5; void set( CStudent& sa, int n ); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CStudent ada[ puplis ] = { CStudent( quizzes ), CStudent( quizzes ), CStudent( quizzes ) }; int i; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; ++i ) { set( ada[ i ], quizzes ); } cout << "\nStudent List:" << endl; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; ++i ) { cout << ada[ i ].GetName() << endl; } cout << "\nResults:" << endl; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; i++ ) { cout << endl << ada[ i ]; cout << "average" << ada[ i ].Average() << endl; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; } void set( CStudent& sa, int n ) { cout << "Please enter the student name:"; getline( cin, sa ); cout << "Please enter " << n << "quiz scores:" << endl; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cin >> sa[ i ]; } while( '\n' != cin.get() ) { continue; } }
#include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "valarray" #include "string" class CStudent : private valarray<double>, private string { private: typedef std::valarray<double> ArrayDb; public: CStudent() : string( "Null Student" ), ArrayDb() { } CStudent( const string& name ) : string( name ), ArrayDb() { } explicit CStudent( int n ) : string( "Nully" ), ArrayDb( n ) { } CStudent( const string& name, int n ) : string( name ), ArrayDb( n ) { } CStudent( const string& name, const ArrayDb& a ) : string( name ), ArrayDb( a ) { } CStudent( const char* name, const double* pd, int n ) : string( name ), ArrayDb( pd, n ) { } ~CStudent(){}; double Average() const { if ( ArrayDb::size() > 0 ) { return ( ArrayDb::sum() / ArrayDb::size() ); } else { return 0; } } const string& GetName() const { return ( const string& ) *this; } double& operator[] ( int i ) { return ArrayDb::operator[]( i ); } const double operator[] ( int i ) const { return ArrayDb::operator[]( i ); } ostream& arr_out( ostream& os ) const { int i; int lim = ArrayDb::size(); if ( lim > 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) { // os << ArrayDb[ i ] << " "; os << ArrayDb::operator[]( i ) << " "; if ( 4 == i % 5 ) { os << endl; } } if ( 0 != i % 5 ) { os << endl; } } else { os << "empty array"; } return os; } friend istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ); friend istream& operator <<( istream& os, const CStudent& stu ); friend istream& getline( istream& is, CStudent& stu ); }; istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ) { is >> ( string& )stu; return is; } ostream& operator <<( ostream& os, const CStudent& stu ) { os << "this student name is:" << stu.GetName() << endl; os << "this student scores is:" << endl; stu.arr_out( os ); return os; } istream& getline( istream& is, CStudent& stu ) { getline( is, ( string& )stu ); return is; } const int puplis = 3; const int quizzes = 5; void set( CStudent& sa, int n ); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CStudent ada[ puplis ] = { CStudent( quizzes ), CStudent( quizzes ), CStudent( quizzes ) }; int i; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; ++i ) { set( ada[ i ], quizzes ); } cout << "\nStudent List:" << endl; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; ++i ) { cout << ada[ i ].GetName() << endl; } cout << "\nResults:" << endl; for ( i = 0; i < puplis; i++ ) { cout << endl << ada[ i ]; cout << "average" << ada[ i ].Average() << endl; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; } void set( CStudent& sa, int n ) { cout << "Please enter the student name:"; getline( cin, sa ); cout << "Please enter " << n << "quiz scores:" << endl; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cin >> sa[ i ]; } while( '\n' != cin.get() ) { continue; } }
const string& GetName() const { return ( const string& ) *this; }
引用stu不会自动转换为string引用,根本原因在于,在私有继承中,不在进行显示类型转换的清华下,不能讲指向派生类的引用或指针赋给基类引用或指针。不过,即使这个例子使用的是公有继承,也必须使用显示类型转换。原因之一是,如果不适用类型转换,代码is >>stu;与友元函数原型匹配,从而导致递归调用:
istream& operator >>( istream& is, CStudent& stu ) { is >> ( string& )stu; return is; }
一个例子(注意这里为了能够进行显示转换需要使用virtual public方式继承)
// testMI.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" class Worker { public: Worker( const string& Name, long Id ) : m_fullName( Name ), m_lId( Id ) { } Worker() : m_fullName( "no one" ), m_lId( 0L ) { } virtual ~Worker() = 0; virtual void Set() = 0; virtual void Show() const = 0; protected: void Data() const { cout << "Name:" << m_fullName << endl; cout << "Employee ID:" << m_lId << endl; } void Get() { getline( cin, m_fullName ); cout << "Enter worker's ID:"; cin >> m_lId; while ( '\n' != cin.get() ) { continue; } } private: string m_fullName; long m_lId; }; Worker::~Worker() { } class Waiter : virtual public Worker { public: Waiter() : Worker(), m_nPanache( 0 ) { } Waiter( const string& Name, long Id, int p = 0 ) : Worker( Name, Id ), m_nPanache( p ) { } Waiter( const Worker& rWorker, int p = 0 ) : Worker( rWorker ), m_nPanache( p ) { } void Set() { cout << "Enter waiter's name:"; Worker::Get(); Get(); } void Show() const { cout << "Category:waiter" << endl; Worker::Data(); Data(); } protected: void Data() const { cout << "Panache rating:" << m_nPanache << endl; } void Get() { cout << "Enter waiter's Panache rating:"; cin >> m_nPanache; while ( '\n' != cin.get() ) { continue; } } private: int m_nPanache; }; class Singer : virtual public Worker { public: Singer() : Worker(), voice( 0 ) { } Singer( const string& Name, long Id, int v = 0 ) : Worker( Name, Id ), voice( v ) { } Singer( const Worker& rWorker, int v = 0 ) : Worker( rWorker ), voice( v ) { } void Set() { cout << "Enter singer's name:"; Worker::Get(); Get(); } void Show() const { cout << "Category:singer" << endl; Worker::Data(); Data(); } protected: enum{ other, alto, contralto, soprano, base, baritone, tenor }; enum{ Vtypes = 7 }; void Data() const { cout << "Vocal range:" << pv[ voice ] << endl; } void Get() { cout << "Enter number for singer's vocal range:" << endl; int i; for ( i = 0; i < Vtypes; i++ ) { cout << i << ":" << pv[ i ] << " "; if ( 3 == i % 4 ) { cout << endl; } } if ( 0 != i % 4 ) { cout << endl; } cin >> voice; while ( '\n' != cin.get() ) { continue; } } private: static char* pv[ Vtypes ]; int voice; }; char* Singer::pv[ Singer::Vtypes ] = { "other", "alto", "contralto", "Soprano", "bass", "baritone", "tenor" }; class SingingWaiter : public Singer, public Waiter { public: SingingWaiter(){} SingingWaiter( const string& Name, long Id, int p = 0, int v = other ) : Worker( Name, Id ), Waiter( Name, Id, p ), Singer( Name, Id, v ) { } SingingWaiter( const Worker& rWorker, int p = 0, int v = other ) : Worker( rWorker ), Waiter( rWorker, p ), Singer( rWorker, v ) { } SingingWaiter( const Waiter& rWaiter, int v = other ) : Worker( rWaiter ), Waiter( rWaiter ), Singer( rWaiter, v ) { } SingingWaiter( const Singer& rSinger, int p = 0 ) : Worker( rSinger ), Waiter( rSinger, p ), Singer( rSinger ) { } void Set() { cout << "Enter singing waiter's name:"; Worker::Get(); Get(); } void Show() const { cout << "Category:singing waiter" << endl; Worker::Data(); Data(); } protected: void Data() const { Singer::Data(); Waiter::Data(); } void Get() { Waiter::Get(); Singer::Get(); } }; const int SIZE = 5; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Worker* loals[ SIZE ]; int ct; for ( ct = 0; ct < SIZE; ct++ ) { char choice; cout << "Enter the employee category:" << endl; cout << "w:waiter s:singer " << "t:sing waiter q:quit" << endl; cin >> choice; while ( NULL == strchr( "wstq", choice ) ) { cout << "Please enter a, w, s, t, or, q:"; cin >> choice; } if ( 'q' == choice ) { break; } switch ( choice ) { case 'w': loals[ ct ] = new Waiter; break; case 's': loals[ ct ] = new Singer; break; case 't': loals[ ct ] = new SingingWaiter; break; } cin.get(); loals[ ct ]->Set(); } cout << "\nHere is your staff:" << endl; int i; for ( i = 0; i < ct; i++ ) { cout << endl; loals[ i ]->Show(); } for ( i = 0; i < ct; i++ ) { delete loals[ i ]; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; }
模板的声明template<typename Type>,关键字typename告诉编译器,将要定义一个模板。尖括号中的内容相当于函数的参数列表。可以把关键字typename看作是变量的类型名,该变量接受类型作为其值,把Type看做是该变量的名称。
// testTemplate.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" #include "ctime" template<typename Type> class CStack { public: explicit CStack( int ss = SIZE ); CStack( const CStack& st ); ~CStack() { if ( items ) { delete[] items; } } public: bool isEmpty() { return ( 0 == m_nTop ); } bool isFull() { return ( m_StackSize == m_nTop ); } bool push( const Type& Item ); bool pop( Type& Item ); CStack& operator= ( const CStack& rCStack ); private: enum { SIZE = 10 }; int m_StackSize; Type* items; int m_nTop; }; template<typename Type> CStack<Type>::CStack( int ss /* = SIZE */ ) : m_StackSize( ss ), m_nTop( 0 ) { items = new Type[ m_StackSize ]; } template<typename Type> CStack<Type>::CStack( const CStack<Type>& st ) { m_StackSize = st.m_StackSize; m_nTop = st.m_nTop; items = new Type[ st.m_StackSize ]; for ( int i = 0; i < m_StackSize; i++ ) { items[ i ] = st.items[ i ]; } } template<typename Type> bool CStack<Type>::push( const Type& Item ) { if ( !isFull() ) { items[ m_nTop ] = Item; m_nTop++; return true; } return false; } template<typename Type> bool CStack<Type>::pop( Type& Item ) { /* if ( !isEmpty() ) { Item = items[ m_nTop ]; // 注意这样写是不对的,因为未满的时候items[ m_nTop ]指向未知 m_nTop--; return true; }*/ if ( m_nTop > 0) { Item = items[ --m_nTop ]; return true; } return false; } template<typename Type> CStack<Type>& CStack<Type>::operator= ( const CStack<Type>& rCStack ) { if ( rCStack == *this) { return *this; } if ( items ) { delete[] items; } m_StackSize = st.m_StackSize; m_nTop = st.m_nTop; items = new Type[ st.m_StackSize ]; for ( int i = 0; i < m_StackSize; i++ ) { items[ i ] = st.items[ i ]; } } const int NUM = 10; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { srand( time( 0 ) ); cout << "Please enter stack size:"; int stacksize; cin >> stacksize; CStack< const char* > st( stacksize ); // in basket const char* in[ NUM ] = { "1:Hack Gilgamesh", "2:KiKi Ishtar", "3:Betty Rocker", "4:Ian Flagranti", "5:Wolfgang Kibble", "6:Portia Koop", "7:Joy Almondo", "8:Xaverie Parika", "9:Juan Moore", "10:Misha Mache" }; // out basket const char* out[ NUM ]; int processed = 0; int nextin = 0; while ( processed < NUM ) { if ( st.isEmpty() ) { st.push( in[ nextin++ ] ); } else if ( st.isFull() ) { st.pop( out[ processed++ ] ); } else if ( rand() % 2 && nextin < NUM ) { st.push( in[ nextin++ ] ); } else { st.pop( out[ processed++ ] ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < NUM; i++ ) { cout << out[ i ] << endl; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; }
比如Array<double, 12> MyArray;其中的表达式参数可以是整形、枚举、引用或指针。因此,double m是不合法的,但double* r是合法的。另外,模板代码不能修改参数的值,也不能使用参数的地址。
// testTemplate2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" template<typename T, int n> class MyArray { public: MyArray(){} explicit MyArray( const T& v ); public: virtual T& operator[]( int i ); virtual T operator[]( int i ) const; private: T ar[ n ]; }; template<typename T, int n> // init MyArray<T, n>::MyArray( const T& v ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { ar[ i ] = v; } } template<typename T, int n> // init T& MyArray<T, n>::operator[]( int i ) { if ( i < 0 || i >= n) { cerr << "Error in array limits:" << i << " is out of range" << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return ar[ i ]; } template<typename T, int n> // init T MyArray<T, n>::operator[]( int i ) const { if ( i < 0 || i >= n) { cerr << "Error in array limits:" << i << " is out of range" << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return ar[ i ]; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { MyArray<int ,10> sums; MyArray<double, 10> aves; MyArray< MyArray<int, 5>, 10 > twodee; int i, j; for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { sums[ i ] = 0; for ( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { twodee[ i ][ j ] = ( i + 1 ) * ( j + 1 ); sums[ i ] += twodee[ i ][ j ]; } aves[ i ] = ( double )sums[ i ] / 10; } for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { cout.width( 2 ); cout << twodee[ i ][ j ] << " "; } cout << ":sum = "; cout.width( 3 ); cout << sums[ i ] << ", average = " << aves[ i ] << endl; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; }
MyArray< MyArray<int, 5>, 10 > twodee;这使得twodee是一个包含10个元素的数组,其中每个元素都是一个包含5个int元素的数组。与之等价的常规数组声明如下:int twodee[ 10 ][ 5 ];在模板句法中,维的顺序与等价的二维数组相反。
// testPair.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" template<typename T1, typename T2> class CPair { public: CPair(){} CPair( const T1& aval, const T2 bval ) : a( aval ), b( bval ) { } public: T1& first() { return a; } T2& second() { return b; } T1& first() const { return a } T2& second() const { return b } private: T1 a; T2 b; }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CPair<string, int> ratings[ 4 ] = { CPair<string, int>( "The Purple Duke", 5 ), CPair<string, int>( "Jake's Frisco Al Fresco", 4 ), CPair<string, int>( "Mont Souffle", 5 ), CPair<string, int>( "Gertie's Eats", 3 ), }; int joins = sizeof( ratings ) / sizeof( CPair<string, int> ); cout << "Raring:\tEatery\n"; for ( int i = 0; i < joins; i++ ) { cout << ratings[ i ].second() << ":\t" << ratings[ i ].first() << endl; } cout << "Oops ! Revised rating:" << endl; ratings[ 3 ].first() = "Gertie's Fab Eat"; ratings[ 3 ].second() = 6; cout << ratings[ 3 ].second() << ":\t" << ratings[ 3 ].first() << endl; cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; }
一般的永华都是隐式实例化(implicit instantiation),即他们声明一个活多个对象,指出所需的类型,而编译器使用通用模板提供的处方生成具体的类定义
当使用关键字template并支出所需类型来声明类时,编译器将生成类声明的显示实例化(explicit insantiation)。声明必须位于模板定义所在的名称空间中。例如,
template class MyArray<string, 100>
将MyArray<string, 100>声明为一个类。在这种情况下,虽然没有创建或提及类对象,编译器也将生成类声明(包括方法定义)。和隐式实例化一样,也将根据通用模板来生成具体化。
3.显示具体化(explicit specialization)
template<typename T>
class CSortedArray
template<> class CSortedArray<char *>
c++还允许部分具体化(partial specialization),即部分限制模板的通用性。例如,部分具体化可以给类型参数之一指定具体的类型
template<class T1, class T2> class CPair {};
template<class T1> class CPair<T1, int> {}:
template<> class CPair<int, int> {};
// testParSpe.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; template< typename T1, typename T2 > class Test { public: Test( T1 a, T2 b ) { m_a = a; m_b = b; } void show() { cout << "the a value is:" << m_a << endl; cout << "the b value is:" << m_b << endl; } private: T1 m_a; T2 m_b; }; template< typename T1 > class Test< T1, int > { public: Test( T1 a, int b ) { m_a = a; m_b = b; } void show() { cout << "this template< typename T1 >, the a value is:" << m_a << endl; cout << "this template< typename T1 >, the b value is:" << m_b << endl; } private: T1 m_a; int m_b; }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Test< double, int > test( 20.1, 4 ); test.show(); return 0; }
// testTemplateFriend.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" template <typename T> class CBeta { public: CBeta( T t, int i ) : q( t ), n( i ) {} template<typename U> U blab( U u, T t ) { return ( n.Value() + q.Value() ) * u / t; } void show() const { q.show(); n.show(); } private: template<typename V> class CHold { public: CHold( V v = 0 ) : val( v ){} void show() const { cout << val << endl; } V Value() const { return val; } private: V val; }; CHold<T> q; CHold<int> n; }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CBeta<double> quy( 3.5, 3 ); quy.show(); cout << quy.blab( 10, 2.3 ) << endl; cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; }
CHold<T> q;
CHold<int> n;
模板可以包含类型参数(如typename T)和非类型参数(例如int n)。模板还可以包含本身就是模板的参数。这种参数是模板新增的特性,用于实现STL。
// testTemplateParam.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" #include "ctime" template<typename Type> class CStack { public: explicit CStack( int ss = SIZE ); CStack( const CStack& st ); ~CStack() { if ( items ) { delete[] items; } } public: bool isEmpty() { return ( 0 == m_nTop ); } bool isFull() { return ( m_StackSize == m_nTop ); } bool push( const Type& Item ); bool pop( Type& Item ); CStack& operator= ( const CStack& rCStack ); private: enum { SIZE = 10 }; int m_StackSize; Type* items; int m_nTop; }; template<typename Type> CStack<Type>::CStack( int ss /* = SIZE */ ) : m_StackSize( ss ), m_nTop( 0 ) { items = new Type[ m_StackSize ]; } template<typename Type> CStack<Type>::CStack( const CStack<Type>& st ) { m_StackSize = st.m_StackSize; m_nTop = st.m_nTop; items = new Type[ st.m_StackSize ]; for ( int i = 0; i < m_StackSize; i++ ) { items[ i ] = st.items[ i ]; } } template<typename Type> bool CStack<Type>::push( const Type& Item ) { if ( !isFull() ) { items[ m_nTop ] = Item; m_nTop++; return true; } return false; } template<typename Type> bool CStack<Type>::pop( Type& Item ) { /* if ( !isEmpty() ) { Item = items[ m_nTop ]; // 注意这样写是不对的,因为未满的时候items[ m_nTop ]指向未知 m_nTop--; return true; }*/ if ( m_nTop > 0) { Item = items[ --m_nTop ]; return true; } return false; } template<typename Type> CStack<Type>& CStack<Type>::operator= ( const CStack<Type>& rCStack ) { if ( rCStack == *this) { return *this; } if ( items ) { delete[] items; } m_StackSize = st.m_StackSize; m_nTop = st.m_nTop; items = new Type[ st.m_StackSize ]; for ( int i = 0; i < m_StackSize; i++ ) { items[ i ] = st.items[ i ]; } } template< template<typename T> class Thing > class Crab { public: Crab(){} bool push( int iA, double fB ) { return ( s1.push( iA ) && s2.push( fB ) ); } bool pop( int& iA, double& fB ) { return ( s1.pop( iA ) && s2.pop( fB ) ); } private: Thing<int> s1; Thing<double> s2; }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Crab<CStack> nebula; int nj; double nb; cout << "Enter int double pairs, such as 4 3.5 ( 0 0 to be end):" << endl; while ( cin >> nj >> nb && nj > 0 && nb > 0 ) { if ( !nebula.push( nj, nb ) ) { break; } } while ( nebula.pop( nj, nb) ) { cout << nj << ", " << nb << endl; } cout << "Done." << endl; return 0; }
template< template<typename t> class Thing, typename U, typename V>
class Crab
Thing<U> s1;
Thing<V> s2;
// testTemplateFriend2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" template<typename T> class CHasFriend { public: CHasFriend( const T& t ) : item( t ) { ct++; } ~CHasFriend() { ct--; } friend void counts(); friend void report( const CHasFriend<T>& ); private: explicit CHasFriend( const CHasFriend& rCHasFriend ){} private: T item; static int ct; }; template<typename T> int CHasFriend<T>::ct = 0; void counts() { cout << "int count:" << CHasFriend<int>::ct; cout << " double count:" << CHasFriend<double>::ct << endl; } void report( const CHasFriend<int>& hf ) { cout << "CHasFriend item:" << hf.item << endl; } void report( const CHasFriend<double>& hf ) { cout << "CHasFriend item:" << hf.item << endl; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout << "No objects declared:"; counts(); CHasFriend<int> hfil1( 10 ); cout << "After hfil1 declared:"; counts(); CHasFriend<int> hfil2( 20 ); cout << "After hfil2 declared:"; counts(); CHasFriend<double> hfdb( 10.5 ); cout << "After hfdb declared:"; counts(); report( hfil1 ); report( hfil2 ); report( hfdb ); return 0; }
// testTemplateFriend3.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" template<typename T> void counts() { cout << "this count value is:" << CHasFriend<T>::ct << endl; } template<typename T> void report( const T& hr ) { cout << "this count value is:" << hr.m_item << endl; } template<typename TT> class CHasFriend { public: CHasFriend( const TT item ) : m_item( item ) { ct++; } ~CHasFriend() { ct--; } friend void counts<TT>(); friend void report<>( const CHasFriend<TT>& hr ); private: explicit CHasFriend( const CHasFriend& rCHasFriend ){} private: TT m_item; static int ct; }; template<typename T> int CHasFriend<T>::ct = 0; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { counts<int>(); CHasFriend<int> hfil( 10 ); CHasFriend<int> hfi2( 20 ); CHasFriend<double> hfdb( 10.5 ); report( hfil ); report( hfi2 ); report( hfdb ); cout << "counts<int>() output :" << endl; counts<int>(); cout << "counts<double>() output :" << endl; counts<double>(); return 0; }
声明中的<>指出这是模板具体化。对于report(),<>可以为空,这是因为可以从函数参数推断出模板类型参数(CHasFriend<TT>)。不过,也可以使用report< CHasFriend<TT> >( CHasFriend<TT>& )。但counts()函数没有参数,因此必须使用模板参数句法(<TT>)来指明其具体化。还需要注意的是,TT是CHasFriend类的参数类型。
// testTemplateFriend4.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; #include "string" template<typename T> class CManyFriend { public: CManyFriend( const T& i ) : item( i ) { } template<typename C, typename D> friend void show( C&, D& ); private: T item; }; template<typename C, typename D>void show( C& c, D& d ) { cout << c.item << " " << d.item << endl; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CManyFriend<int> hfil( 10 ); CManyFriend<int> hfil2( 20 ); CManyFriend<double> hfdb( 10.5 ); cout << "hfil, hfil2:"; show( hfil, hfil2 ); cout << "hfil2, hfdb:"; show( hfil2, hfdb ); return 0; }
template<typename C, typename D> friend void show( C&, D& );