List of files that you want to run on a regular schedule.
crontab [-e] [-l] [-r] [filename]
-e | edit a copy of the current user's crontab file, or creates an empty file to edit if crontab does not exist. When editing is complete, the file is installed as the user's crontab file. If a user- name is given, the specified user's crontab file is edited, rather than the current user's crontab file; this may only be done by a super-user. The environment variable EDITOR determines which editor is invoked with the -e option. The default editor is ed. Note that all crontab jobs should be submitted using crontab ; you should not add jobs by just editing the crontab file because cron will not be aware of changes made this way. |
-l | list the crontab file for the invoking user. Only a super-user can specify a username following the -r or -l options to remove or list the crontab file of the specified user. |
-r | remove a user's crontab from the crontab |
filename | The filename that contains the commands to run. |
Lines that can be in the crontab file.
minute (0-59),
hour (0-23),
day of the month (1-31),
month of the year (1-12),
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).
crontab -e = edits the crontab file to be used.
0 12 14 2 * mailx john%Happy Birthday!%Time for lunch.
Below is a table that represents what each of the above fields are for.
min | hour | dayofmonth | monthofyear | dayofweek | command |
0 | 12 | 14 | 2 | * | mailx john%Happy Birthday!%Time for lunch. |
Options | Explanation |
* | Is treated as a wild card. Meaning any possible value. |
*/5 | Is treated as ever 5 minutes, hours, days, or months. Replacing the 5 with another numerical value will change this option. |
2,4,6 | Treated as an OR, so if placed in the hours, this could mean at 2, 4, or 6 o-clock. |
9-17 | Treats for any value between 9 and 17. So if placed in day of month this would be days 9 through 17. Or if put in hours it would be between 9 and 5. |
If you wish to create a task to be performed once later during the day you may wish to consider using the at command.
Related commands
1. vi 其中"#!/bin/sh"说明用哪种shell解释这个文件。
chmod +x 将a.sh权限设为可执行文件。
2. 定时器contab命令
基本用法: 1. crontab -l 列出当前的crontab任务
2. crontab -d 删除当前的crontab任务
3. crontab -e (solaris5.8上面是 crontab -r) 编辑一个crontab任务,ctrl_D结束
4. crontab filename 以filename做为crontab的任务列表文件并载入 crontab file的格式: crontab 文件中的行由 6 个字段组成,不同字段间用空格或 tab 键分隔。
前5 个字段指定命令要运行的时间 分钟 (0-59) 小时 (0-23) 日期 (1-31) 月份 (1-12) 星期几(0-6,其中 0 代表星期日) 第 6 个字段是一个要在适当时间执行的字符串
例子: #MIN HOUR DAY MONTH DAYOFWEEK COMMAND #每天早上6点10分 10 6 * * * date #每两个小时 0 */2 * * * date (solaris 5.8似乎不支持此种写法) #晚上11点到早上8点之间每两个小时,早上8点 0 23-7/2,8 * * * date #每个月的4号和每个礼拜的礼拜一到礼拜三的早上11点 0 11 4 * mon-wed date #1月份日早上4点 0 4 1 jan * date
setenv EDITOR=vi (cshell)
export EDITOR=vi (bash)
2. 也可以crontab 直接加文件名。
crontab l > mycronfile
crontab mycronfile