1 背景
2 平移
double selPt[3] = {1, 0, 0}; // 平移的目标位置 double center[3]; imagePlaneWidget->GetCenter( center ); vtkSmartPointer <vtkTransform> transform = vtkSmartPointer <vtkTransform>::New(); transform->Translate( selPt[0] - center[0], selPt[1] - center[1], selPt[2] - center[2]); // Modify and update planeWidget double newpt[3]; transform->TransformPoint( imagePlaneWidget->GetPoint1(), newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->SetPoint1( newpt ); transform->TransformPoint( imagePlaneWidget->GetPoint2(), newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->SetPoint2( newpt ); transform->TransformPoint( imagePlaneWidget->GetOrigin(), newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->SetOrigin( newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->UpdatePlacement();
3 旋转
double normal[3]; imagePlaneWidget->GetNormal( normal ); double dir[3] = {1, 1, 0}; double axis[3]; double angle = vtkMath::AngleBetweenVectors(normal, dir) / vtkMath::Pi() * 180; vtkMath::Cross( normal, dir, axis ); transform->RotateWXYZ(angle, axis); // Modify and update planeWidget double newpt[3]; transform->TransformPoint( imagePlaneWidget->GetPoint1(), newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->SetPoint1( newpt ); transform->TransformPoint( imagePlaneWidget->GetPoint2(), newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->SetPoint2( newpt ); transform->TransformPoint( imagePlaneWidget->GetOrigin(), newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->SetOrigin( newpt ); imagePlaneWidget->UpdatePlacement();
[1]vtkImagePlaneWidget: how to update plane's orientation?