-- ============================================= -- Author: DannyWang -- Create date: 2012-08-01 -- Update date: 2013-02-01 -- Description: Dialer绑定速播回拨号码 -- Update: 重新整理SQL语句 -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE bind_speed @current_phone VARCHAR(32) , @current_country_code VARCHAR(10) , @current_nation_code VARCHAR(10) , @out_phone VARCHAR(64) , @out_country_code VARCHAR(10) , @name VARCHAR(64) , @city VARCHAR(32) , @operation VARCHAR(20) , @use_type INT AS DECLARE @error INT = 0 DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(100) = '' DECLARE @business_acctid INT = 0 DECLARE @access_number VARCHAR(32) DECLARE @call_active_count INT DECLARE @access_call_type INT DECLARE @speed_call_type INT DECLARE @log_access_number VARCHAR(32) DECLARE @unbind_flag INT= 0 IF @operation = 'speed_dial' --速直播 BEGIN SELECT @access_call_type = 2, @speed_call_type = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @access_call_type = 3, @speed_call_type = 1 END --检查当前手机号是否注册服务 SELECT @business_acctid = acct_id FROM phone_subscribe WHERE phone = @current_phone AND country_code = @current_country_code IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 AND @@ERROR = 0 BEGIN select @error = 101,@msg = 'Not find Acctid. Current phone is not register.',@call_active_count = 0; GOTO result_end END --手机号合法,检查之前是否有绑定关系 SELECT @access_number = speed_dial, @call_active_count = call_active_cnt FROM speed_dial sp INNER JOIN access_number ac ON ac.access_number = sp.speed_dial WHERE sp.TYPE = @speed_call_type AND sp.ACCTID = @business_acctid AND sp.DNIS_OUT = @out_phone AND sp.D_COUNTRY_CODE = @out_country_code AND ( ( sp.PHONE = @current_phone AND sp.P_COUNTRY_CODE = @current_country_code ) OR ( RTRIM(LTRIM(sp.PHONE)) = '' AND RTRIM(LTRIM(sp.P_COUNTRY_CODE)) = '' ) ) AND ac.client_type = 'IPHONE' IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 AND @@ERROR = 0 --之前有绑定关系 BEGIN SELECT @error = 0,@msg = 'This Number have binded.' GOTO result_end; END --获取当前用户可选的AccessNumber(包含CA),随机获取 SELECT TOP 1 @access_number = access_number FROM access_number ac LEFT OUTER JOIN speed_dial sp ON ac.access_number = sp.speed_dial AND sp.ACCTID = @business_acctid AND sp.phone=@current_phone WHERE ac.NUMBER_TYPE = @access_call_type AND ac.CLIENT_TYPE = 'IPHONE' AND ac.USE_TYPE = @use_type AND ac.COUNTRY_CODE = @current_country_code AND ac.nation_code = @current_nation_code AND ( ( @current_nation_code = 'CA' AND ac.city = @city ) OR ( @current_nation_code <> 'CA' ) ) AND sp.speed_dial IS NULL ORDER BY NEWID() DESC IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0--没有满足条件的接入号码 BEGIN -- 查找之前绑定关系中计数器为0或者绑定时间最早的记录 SELECT TOP 1 @log_access_number = speed_dial FROM speed_dial sp INNER JOIN access_number ac ON sp.speed_dial = ac.access_number WHERE sp.type = @speed_call_type AND sp.acctid = @business_acctid AND sp.phone = @current_phone AND ac.nation_code = @current_nation_code AND ( ( @current_nation_code = 'CA' AND ac.city = @city ) OR ( @current_nation_code <> 'CA' ) ) AND ac.client_type = 'IPHONE' AND ac.USE_TYPE = @use_type AND ac.NUMBER_TYPE = @access_call_type ORDER BY call_active_cnt, LOADTIME ASC IF @@ROWCOUNT = 1 AND @@ERROR = 0 -- 查找到了计数器为0的记录或者绑定时间最早的记录 BEGIN SET @unbind_flag = 1 --需要进行解绑操作 END ELSE --根据绑号规则,没有任何符合条件的号码提供绑定。 BEGIN SELECT @error = 102,@call_active_count = 0,@msg = 'Bind Failure.Not Enough Access Number.' GOTO result_end END END BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION IF @unbind_flag = 1 BEGIN --Add a unbind log INSERT INTO speed_dial_log ( acctid, phone, country_code, dnis_out, d_country_code, speed_dial, s_country_code, operate, operator ) SELECT acctid, @current_phone, @current_country_code, dnis_out, d_country_code, @log_access_number, s_country_code, 'Unbind', 'appAuto' FROM speed_dial WHERE phone=@current_phone AND speed_dial = @log_access_number --解绑查找到的号码 DELETE FROM speed_dial WHERE phone=@current_phone AND speed_dial = @log_access_number END ------------------Begin Bind New Number--------------------- IF @access_number IS NULL BEGIN --获取需要绑定的速拨号码 SET @access_number = @log_access_number END INSERT INTO speed_dial ( ACCTID, SPEED_DIAL, S_COUNTRY_CODE, TYPE, DNIS_OUT, D_COUNTRY_CODE, NAME, LOADTIME, OP_ID, PHONE, P_COUNTRY_CODE ) VALUES ( @business_acctid, @access_number, @current_country_code, @speed_call_type, @out_phone, @out_country_code, @name, GETDATE(), 'iPhone:' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(@business_acctid))), @current_phone, @current_country_code ) --Add a bind log INSERT INTO speed_dial_log ( acctid, phone, country_code, dnis_out, d_country_code, speed_dial, s_country_code, operate, operator ) VALUES ( @business_acctid, @current_phone, @current_country_code, @out_phone, @out_country_code, @access_number, @current_country_code, 'BindNew', 'app' ); SELECT @call_active_count = 0,@error = 0,@msg = 'Bind New AccessNumber' IF @unbind_flag = 1 BEGIN SET @msg = 'Update AccessNumber' END ------------------End Bind New Number--------------------- COMMIT TRANSACTION END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SELECT @error = ERROR_NUMBER(),@call_active_count = 0,@msg = ERROR_MESSAGE() END CATCH RESULT_END: SELECT @error AS ERROR, @msg AS msg, @access_number AS access_number, @call_active_count AS call_active_count GO