Get - When you don't know phrasal verbs, use "GET"

Two weeks ago, my husband caught a very bad cold, which result in an inflammation of tonsils (扁桃体) and then 4 days' continuous high fever consequently.

In the beginning , we visited local clinic and the doctor doubted  it was HFMD(Hand,foot andmouth disease ) and just asked us to take a rest.

The fifth day's midnight, my husband couldn't endure the suffering any more and said "Okay, let's go the the hospital ".

So I tried to contact my friend whose wife is working in hospital, hoping he can recommend a hospital for us.

Unfortunately, I failed to get hold of him, maybe he is busy with his own business even at mid-night?

Anyway, we just called a taxi and went to the nearest hospital to my place - KTPH  (Khoo Teck Puat Hospital  Alexandra Health.

$95 for Registration ;

waiting 20 mins;seeing assistant doctor who collected my husband's situation;

waiting again around 30 mins;

During our waiting time,  we just got round the hospital which is like a big garden. Even some residents were taking a walk around.

All the shops were close at midnight  but Cheers, where we grabbed some food.

seeing a real doctor who is Indian guy

We tried  to explain what happened the past day and what  medication my husband had taken.

It was quite okay to get across <express> our ideas ,since the Indian seems like a Singaporean and he can understand us ^_^ .

Then he took  some blood for normal test, to check whether  some organs had been impacted by a few days' fever.

Again, Waiting 30 Mins, we went back to the doctor as the results had come out. Thank Goodness, everythingwas normal.

The conclusion is an inflammation of tonsils. Just cool down the  inflammation. 

 Finally, another 20 mins,  we payed the bill, got our medicines and got off the hospital.

Three days later ,my husband got over his really bad illness.I reallygot big big relief.~~ 


get on the subway

get in a subway car (车厢)

get off the subway

get out of my map

get good at reading maps

你可能感兴趣的:(Get - When you don't know phrasal verbs, use "GET")