Play Objective-c with GNUstep in windows

Use NS (NeXtStep) Object in source.m, like:


NSString *hello = @"Hello World!";//a NS string object


creat a file in the folder where source.m at,named "GNUmakefile" with code:

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make TOOL_NAME = appname appname_OBJC_FILES = source.m include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

- in console -

compile with command : make

run the app with command: ./obj/appname




source.m #include<stdio.h> #include<Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(void){ NSString *helloString = @"Hello World!"; printf("%s/n",[helloString cString]); return 0; }

get info = > Hello World!

