DirectFB Porting without fb device:part 2

#ifndef __CORE__LAYERS_H__
#define __CORE__LAYERS_H__

#include <directfb.h>

#include <core/coretypes.h>

#include <core/gfxcard.h>
#include <core/surface_buffer.h>

struct __DFB_CoreLayerRegionConfig {
     int                        width;            /* width of the source in pixels */
     int                        height;           /* height of the source in pixels */
     DFBSurfacePixelFormat      format;           /* pixel format of the source surface */
     DFBSurfaceColorSpace       colorspace;       /* color space of the source surface */
     DFBSurfaceCapabilities     surface_caps;     /* capabilities of the source surface */
     DFBDisplayLayerBufferMode  buffermode;       /* surface buffer configuration */

     DFBDisplayLayerOptions     options;          /* various configuration options */

     DFBDisplayLayerSourceID    source_id;        /* selected source */

     DFBRectangle               source;           /* viewport within source (input) */
     DFBRectangle               dest;             /* viewport on screen (output) */

     u8                         opacity;          /* global region alpha */

     DFBColorKey                src_key;          /* source color key */
     DFBColorKey                dst_key;          /* destination color key */

     int                        parity;           /* field parity (for interlaced) */

     u8                         alpha_ramp[4];    /* alpha values for 1 or 2 bit lookup */

     DFBRegion                 *clips;            /* clip regions */
     int                        num_clips;        /* number of clip regions */
     DFBBoolean                 positive;         /* show or cut out regions */

     bool                       keep_buffers;

#define DFB_CORE_LAYER_REGION_CONFIG_DEBUG_AT( domain, config )                                                    \
     do {                                                                                                          \
          const CoreLayerRegionConfig *_config = config;                                                           \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> size       %dx%d\n", _config->width, _config->height );                        \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> format     %s\n", dfb_pixelformat_name( _config->format ) );                   \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> color spc  %d\n", _config->colorspace );                                       \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> surf caps  0x%08x\n", _config->surface_caps );                                 \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> buffermode %d\n", _config->buffermode );                                       \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> options    0x%08x\n", _config->options );                                      \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> source     %d,%d-%dx%d\n", DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS(&_config->source) );             \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> dest       %d,%d-%dx%d\n", DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS(&_config->dest) );               \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> opacity    %d\n", _config->opacity );                                          \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> src_key    %02x%02x%02x (index %d)\n", DFB_COLORKEY_VALS(&_config->src_key) ); \
          D_DEBUG_AT( domain, "  -> dst_key    %02x%02x%02x (index %d)\n", DFB_COLORKEY_VALS(&_config->dst_key) ); \
     } while (0)
#define DFB_CORE_LAYER_REGION_CONFIG_DEBUG_AT( domain, config )                                                    \
     do {                                                                                                          \
     } while (0)

typedef enum {
     CLRCF_NONE         = 0x00000000,

     CLRCF_WIDTH        = 0x00000001,
     CLRCF_HEIGHT       = 0x00000002,
     CLRCF_FORMAT       = 0x00000004,
     CLRCF_SURFACE_CAPS = 0x00000008,

     CLRCF_BUFFERMODE   = 0x00000010,
     CLRCF_OPTIONS      = 0x00000020,
     CLRCF_SOURCE_ID    = 0x00000040,
     CLRCF_COLORSPACE   = 0x00000080,

     CLRCF_SOURCE       = 0x00000100,
     CLRCF_DEST         = 0x00000200,
     CLRCF_CLIPS        = 0x00000400,

     CLRCF_OPACITY      = 0x00001000,
     CLRCF_ALPHA_RAMP   = 0x00002000,

     CLRCF_SRCKEY       = 0x00010000,
     CLRCF_DSTKEY       = 0x00020000,

     CLRCF_PARITY       = 0x00100000,

     CLRCF_SURFACE      = 0x10000000,
     CLRCF_PALETTE      = 0x20000000,

     CLRCF_FREEZE       = 0x80000000,

     CLRCF_ALL          = 0xB01337FF
} CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags;

typedef struct {
   /** Driver Control **/

      * Return size of layer data (shared memory).
     int       (*LayerDataSize) ( void );

      * Return size of region data (shared memory).
     int       (*RegionDataSize)( void );

      * Called once by the master to initialize layer data and reset hardware.
      * Return layer description, default configuration and color adjustment.
     DFBResult (*InitLayer)     ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                  void                       *driver_data,
                                  void                       *layer_data,
                                  DFBDisplayLayerDescription *description,
                                  DFBDisplayLayerConfig      *config,
                                  DFBColorAdjustment         *adjustment );

      * Called once by the master to shutdown the layer.
      * Use this function to free any resources that were taken during init.
     DFBResult (*ShutdownLayer) ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                  void                       *driver_data,
                                  void                       *layer_data );

      * Called once by the master for each source.
      * Driver fills description.
     DFBResult (*InitSource)    ( CoreLayer                         *layer,
                                  void                              *driver_data,
                                  void                              *layer_data,
                                  int                                source,
                                  DFBDisplayLayerSourceDescription  *description );

   /** Layer Control **/

      * Return the currently displayed field (interlaced only).
     DFBResult (*GetCurrentOutputField)( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                         void                   *driver_data,
                                         void                   *layer_data,
                                         int                    *field );

      * Return the z position of the layer.
     DFBResult (*GetLevel)             ( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                         void                   *driver_data,
                                         void                   *layer_data,
                                         int                    *level );

      * Move the layer below or on top of others (z position).
     DFBResult (*SetLevel)             ( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                         void                   *driver_data,
                                         void                   *layer_data,
                                         int                     level );

   /** Configuration **/

      * Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation etc.
     DFBResult (*SetColorAdjustment)   ( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                         void                   *driver_data,
                                         void                   *layer_data,
                                         DFBColorAdjustment     *adjustment );

      * Set the stereo depth for L/R mono and stereo layers.     // FIXME: Use SetRegion()!
     DFBResult (*SetStereoDepth)       ( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                         void                   *driver_data,
                                         void                   *layer_data,
                                         bool                    follow_video,
                                         int                     z );

   /** Region Control **/

      * Check all parameters and return if this region is supported.
     DFBResult (*TestRegion)   ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config,
                                 CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags *failed );

      * Add a new region to the layer, but don't program hardware, yet.
     DFBResult (*AddRegion)    ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 void                       *region_data,
                                 CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config );

      * Setup hardware, called once after AddRegion() or when parameters
      * have changed. Surface and palette are only set if updated or new.
     DFBResult (*SetRegion)    ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 void                       *region_data,
                                 CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config,
                                 CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags  updated,
                                 CoreSurface                *surface,
                                 CorePalette                *palette,
                                 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *left_lock, 
                                 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *right_lock );

      * Remove a region from the layer.
     DFBResult (*RemoveRegion) ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 void                       *region_data );

      * Flip the surface of the region.
     DFBResult (*FlipRegion)   ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 void                       *region_data,
                                 CoreSurface                *surface,
                                 DFBSurfaceFlipFlags         flags,
                                 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *left_lock, 
                                 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *right_lock );

      * Indicate updates to the front buffer content.
     DFBResult (*UpdateRegion) ( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 void                       *region_data,
                                 CoreSurface                *surface,
                                 const DFBRegion            *left_update,
                                 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *left_lock, 
                                 const DFBRegion            *right_update,
                                 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *right_lock );

      * Control hardware deinterlacing.
     DFBResult (*SetInputField)( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                                 void                       *driver_data,
                                 void                       *layer_data,
                                 void                       *region_data,
                                 int                         field );

   /** Override defaults. Subject to change. **/

      * Allocate the surface of the region.
     DFBResult (*AllocateSurface)  ( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                     void                   *driver_data,
                                     void                   *layer_data,
                                     void                   *region_data,
                                     CoreLayerRegionConfig  *config,
                                     CoreSurface           **ret_surface );

      * Reallocate the surface of the region.
     DFBResult (*ReallocateSurface)( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                     void                   *driver_data,
                                     void                   *layer_data,
                                     void                   *region_data,
                                     CoreLayerRegionConfig  *config,
                                     CoreSurface            *surface );

      * Deallocate the surface of the region.
     DFBResult (*DeallocateSurface)( CoreLayer              *layer,
                                     void                   *driver_data,
                                     void                   *layer_data,
                                     void                   *region_data,
                                     CoreSurface            *surface );
} DisplayLayerFuncs;

 * Add a layer to a graphics device by pointing to a table
 * containing driver functions. The supplied driver data
 * will be passed to these functions.
CoreLayer *dfb_layers_register( CoreScreen              *screen,
                                void                    *driver_data,
                                const DisplayLayerFuncs *funcs );

 * Replace functions of the primary layer implementation by passing
 * an alternative driver function table. All non-NULL functions in the new
 * table replace the functions in the original function table.
 * The original function table is written to 'primary_funcs' before to allow
 * drivers to use existing functionality from the original implementation.
CoreLayer *dfb_layers_hook_primary( CoreGraphicsDevice *device,
                                    void               *driver_data,
                                    DisplayLayerFuncs  *funcs,
                                    DisplayLayerFuncs  *primary_funcs,
                                    void              **primary_driver_data );

 * Replace functions of the primary layer implementation completely by passing
 * an alternative driver function table.
CoreLayer *dfb_layers_replace_primary( CoreGraphicsDevice *device,
                                       void               *driver_data,
                                       DisplayLayerFuncs  *funcs );

typedef DFBEnumerationResult (*DisplayLayerCallback) (CoreLayer *layer,
                                                      void      *ctx);

void dfb_layers_enumerate( DisplayLayerCallback  callback,
                           void                 *ctx );

int        dfb_layer_num( void );

CoreLayer *dfb_layer_at( DFBDisplayLayerID id );

CoreLayer *dfb_layer_at_translated( DFBDisplayLayerID id );

void dfb_layer_get_description( const CoreLayer            *layer,
                                DFBDisplayLayerDescription *desc );

CoreScreen *dfb_layer_screen( const CoreLayer *layer );

CardState  *dfb_layer_state( CoreLayer *layer );

DFBDisplayLayerID dfb_layer_id( const CoreLayer *layer );

DFBDisplayLayerID dfb_layer_id_translated( const CoreLayer *layer );

DFBDisplayLayerID dfb_layer_id_translate( DFBDisplayLayerID layer_id );

DFBSurfacePixelFormat dfb_primary_layer_pixelformat( void );







DFB_CORE_SYSTEM( userdefined )
static void
system_get_info( CoreSystemInfo *info );
static DFBResult
system_initialize( CoreDFB *core, void **data );




static DFBResult
system_initialize( CoreDFB *core, void **data )
	char       *driver;
	CoreScreen *screen;

                /* init */
	D_ASSERT( g_dfb_bcm == NULL );
	g_dfb_bcm = (DFB_BCM_T*) SHCALLOC( dfb_core_shmpool(core), 1, sizeof(DFB_BCM_T) );
	if (!g_dfb_bcm) {
		D_ERROR( "DirectFB/BCMNEXUS: Couldn't allocate shared memory!\n" );
		return D_OOSHM();

	g_dfb_bcm_core = core;


	/* Register */
	g_dfb_bcm->data_shmpool = dfb_core_shmpool_data( core );

	dfb_surface_pool_initialize( core, &bcmSurfacePoolFuncs, &g_dfb_bcm->bcm_pool );
	fusion_skirmish_init( &g_dfb_bcm->lock, "BCM System", dfb_core_world(core) );

	fusion_call_init( &g_dfb_bcm->call, dfb_bcm_call_handler, NULL, dfb_core_world(core) );

	screen = dfb_screens_register( NULL, g_dfb_bcm, g_bcmscreenScreenFuncs );

	dfb_layers_register( screen, g_dfb_bcm, g_bcmscreenLayerFuncs );	

	*data = g_dfb_bcm;

	return DFB_OK;


typedef struct
                /* Private Data */
	FusionSkirmish  lock;
	FusionCall      call;
	FusionSHMPoolShared *data_shmpool;
	CoreSurfacePool     *bcm_pool;
	UpdateScreenData update;


	Type Declare
typedef struct {
     int                    layer_id;
	 void* pBuffer;
} BcmLayerData;

typedef enum {

	Local Function Declare

/* ScreenFuncs */
static DFBResult
bcmscreenInitScreen( CoreScreen           *screen,
				  CoreGraphicsDevice   *device,
				  void                 *driver_data,
				  void                 *screen_data,
				  DFBScreenDescription *description );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenGetScreenSize( CoreScreen *screen,
					 void       *driver_data,
					 void       *screen_data,
					 int        *ret_width,
					 int        *ret_height );

/* DisplayLayerFuncs */

static int
bcmscreenLayerDataSize( void );

static int
bcmscreenRegionDataSize( void );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenInitLayer( CoreLayer                  *layer,
				 void                       *driver_data,
				 void                       *layer_data,
				 DFBDisplayLayerDescription *description,
				 DFBDisplayLayerConfig      *config,
				 DFBColorAdjustment         *adjustment );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenTestRegion( CoreLayer                  *layer,
				  void                       *driver_data,
				  void                       *layer_data,
				  CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config,
				  CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags *failed );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenAddRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
				 void                  *driver_data,
				 void                  *layer_data,
				 void                  *region_data,
				 CoreLayerRegionConfig *config );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenSetRegion( CoreLayer                  *layer,
				 void                       *driver_data,
				 void                       *layer_data,
				 void                       *region_data,
				 CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config,
				 CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags  updated,
				 CoreSurface                *surface,
				 CorePalette                *palette,
				 CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *lock );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenRemoveRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
					void                  *driver_data,
					void                  *layer_data,
					void                  *region_data );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenFlipRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
				  void                  *driver_data,
				  void                  *layer_data,
				  void                  *region_data,
				  CoreSurface           *surface,
				  DFBSurfaceFlipFlags    flags,
				  CoreSurfaceBufferLock *lock );

static DFBResult
bcmscreenUpdateRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
					void                  *driver_data,
					void                  *layer_data,
					void                  *region_data,
					CoreSurface           *surface,
					const DFBRegion       *left_update,
					CoreSurfaceBufferLock *left_lock,
					const DFBRegion       *right_update,
					CoreSurfaceBufferLock *right_lock );

static DFBResult
bcmSetStereoDepth( CoreLayer              *layer,
                       void                   *driver_data,
                       void                   *layer_data,
                       bool                    follow_video,
                       int                     z );

/* */

static DFBResult update_screen( const DFBRectangle *clip, CoreSurfaceBufferLock *lock);


static ScreenFuncs bcmscreenScreenFuncs = {
	.InitScreen    = bcmscreenInitScreen,
	.GetScreenSize = bcmscreenGetScreenSize,

static DisplayLayerFuncs bcmscreenLayerFuncs = {
	.LayerDataSize     = bcmscreenLayerDataSize,
	.RegionDataSize    = bcmscreenRegionDataSize,
	.InitLayer         = bcmscreenInitLayer,

	.TestRegion        = bcmscreenTestRegion,
	.AddRegion         = bcmscreenAddRegion,
	.SetRegion         = bcmscreenSetRegion,
	.SetStereoDepth = bcmSetStereoDepth,
	.RemoveRegion      = bcmscreenRemoveRegion,
	.FlipRegion        = bcmscreenFlipRegion,
	.UpdateRegion      = bcmscreenUpdateRegion,


ScreenFuncs *g_bcmscreenScreenFuncs = &bcmscreenScreenFuncs;
DisplayLayerFuncs *g_bcmscreenLayerFuncs = &bcmscreenLayerFuncs;

	Local Function Implement

/* ScreenFuncs */
static DFBResult
bcmscreenInitScreen( CoreScreen           *screen,
					CoreGraphicsDevice   *device,
					void                 *driver_data,
					void                 *screen_data,
					DFBScreenDescription *description )
	/* Set the screen capabilities. */

	/* Set the screen name. */
	snprintf( description->name, DFB_SCREEN_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "Bcm Primary Screen" );

	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenGetScreenSize( CoreScreen *screen,
					   void       *driver_data,
					   void       *screen_data,
					   int        *ret_width,
					   int        *ret_height )
	D_ASSERT( g_dfb_bcm != NULL );

	if(g_dfb_bcm->primary != NULL)
		*ret_width  = g_dfb_bcm->bcm_w;
		*ret_height = g_dfb_bcm->bcm_h;
		*ret_width = g_dfb_bcm->bcm_w;
		*ret_height = g_dfb_bcm->bcm_h;

	return DFB_OK;

/* DisplayLayerFuncs */

static int
bcmscreenLayerDataSize( void )
	return sizeof(BcmLayerData);

static int
bcmscreenRegionDataSize( void )
	return 0;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenInitLayer( CoreLayer                  *layer,
				   void                       *driver_data,
				   void                       *layer_data,
				   DFBDisplayLayerDescription *description,
				   DFBDisplayLayerConfig      *config,
				   DFBColorAdjustment         *adjustment )
	/* set capabilities and type */
	description->caps = DLCAPS_SURFACE;
	description->type = DLTF_GRAPHICS;

	/* set name */
	snprintf( description->name,

	/* fill out the default configuration */
	config->buffermode  = DLBM_FRONTONLY;

	D_ASSERT( g_dfb_bcm != NULL );

	config->width = g_dfb_bcm->bcm_w;
	config->height = g_dfb_bcm->bcm_h;

	config->pixelformat = DSPF_ARGB;

	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenTestRegion( CoreLayer                  *layer,
					void                       *driver_data,
					void                       *layer_data,
					CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config,
					CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags *failed )
	CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags fail = 0;

     switch (config->buffermode) {
          case DLBM_FRONTONLY:
          case DLBM_BACKSYSTEM:
          case DLBM_BACKVIDEO:
          case DLBM_TRIPLE:

               fail |= CLRCF_BUFFERMODE;

     switch (config->format) {
          case DSPF_LUT8:
          case DSPF_RGB16:
          case DSPF_NV16:
          case DSPF_RGB444:
          case DSPF_ARGB4444:
          case DSPF_RGBA4444:
          case DSPF_RGB555:
          case DSPF_ARGB1555:
          case DSPF_RGBA5551:
          case DSPF_BGR555:
          case DSPF_RGB24:
          case DSPF_RGB32:
          case DSPF_ARGB:
          case DSPF_ABGR:
          case DSPF_AYUV:
          case DSPF_AVYU:
          case DSPF_VYU:
          case DSPF_UYVY:
          case DSPF_ARGB8565:
          case DSPF_RGBAF88871:
          case DSPF_YUV444P:
          case DSPF_YV16:

               fail |= CLRCF_FORMAT;

     if (config->options & ~(DLOP_ALPHACHANNEL | DLOP_LR_MONO | DLOP_STEREO))
          fail |= CLRCF_OPTIONS;

     if (failed)
          *failed = fail;

     if (fail)
          return DFB_UNSUPPORTED;

	return DFB_OK;


static DFBResult
bcmscreenAddRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
				   void                  *driver_data,
				   void                  *layer_data,
				   void                  *region_data,
				   CoreLayerRegionConfig *config )
	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenSetRegion( CoreLayer                  *layer,
				   void                       *driver_data,
				   void                       *layer_data,
				   void                       *region_data,
				   CoreLayerRegionConfig      *config,
				   CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags  updated,
				   CoreSurface                *surface,
				   CorePalette                *palette,
				   CoreSurfaceBufferLock      *lock )
	DFBResult ret;

	if (surface)
		g_dfb_bcm->primary = surface;
	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenRemoveRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
					  void                  *driver_data,
					  void                  *layer_data,
					  void                  *region_data )
	g_dfb_bcm->primary = NULL;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenFlipRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
					void                  *driver_data,
					void                  *layer_data,
					void                  *region_data,
					CoreSurface           *surface,
					DFBSurfaceFlipFlags    flags,
					CoreSurfaceBufferLock *lock )
	DFBRegion  left_region;
	left_region.x1 = 0;
	left_region.y1 = 0;
	left_region.x2 = surface->config.size.w -1;
	left_region.y2 = surface->config.size.h -1;
	dfb_surface_flip( surface, false );
	int ret;
	g_dfb_bcm->update.left_lock = *lock;
	g_dfb_bcm->update.left_region = left_region;

	if (fusion_call_execute( &g_dfb_bcm->call, FCEF_NONE, BCM_UPDATE_SCREEN, &g_dfb_bcm->update, &ret ))
          return DFB_FUSION;

static DFBResult
bcmscreenUpdateRegion( CoreLayer             *layer,
					  void                  *driver_data,
					  void                  *layer_data,
					  void                  *region_data,
					  CoreSurface           *surface,
					  const DFBRegion       *left_update,
					CoreSurfaceBufferLock *left_lock,
					const DFBRegion       *right_update,
					CoreSurfaceBufferLock *right_lock )
	DFBRegion  left_region;
	left_region.x1 = 0;
	left_region.y1 = 0;
	left_region.x2 = surface->config.size.w -1;
	left_region.y2 = surface->config.size.h -1;
	int ret;

	g_dfb_bcm->update.left_lock = *left_lock;
	g_dfb_bcm->update.left_region = left_region;


	if (fusion_call_execute( &g_dfb_bcm->call, FCEF_NONE, BCM_UPDATE_SCREEN, &g_dfb_bcm->update, &ret ))
          return DFB_FUSION;

	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmSetStereoDepth( CoreLayer              *layer,
                       void                   *driver_data,
                       void                   *layer_data,
                       bool                    follow_video,
                       int                     z )
	return DFB_OK;



typedef struct

typedef struct 
	void* pBufferPtr;
	DFB_BCM_T* pBcm;


static int
bcmPoolDataSize( void )
     	return sizeof(bcmPoolData);

static int
bcmPoolLocalDataSize( void )
     	return sizeof(bcmPoolLocalData);

static int
bcmAllocationDataSize( void )
     	return sizeof(bcmAllocationData);

static DFBResult
bcmInitPool( CoreDFB                    *core,
             CoreSurfacePool            *pool,
             void                       *pool_data,
             void                       *pool_local,
             void                       *system_data,
             CoreSurfacePoolDescription *ret_desc )

	bcmPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
	DFB_BCM_T* pBcm = (DFB_BCM_T*)system_data;
	local->pBufferPtr = NULL;
	local->pBcm = pBcm;
     	ret_desc->caps              = CSPCAPS_VIRTUAL;
     	ret_desc->access[CSAID_CPU] = CSAF_READ | CSAF_WRITE | CSAF_SHARED;
     	ret_desc->priority          = CSPP_DEFAULT;

     	/* For showing our X11 window */
     	ret_desc->access[CSAID_LAYER0] = CSAF_READ;
     	ret_desc->access[CSAID_LAYER1] = CSAF_READ;
     	ret_desc->access[CSAID_LAYER2] = CSAF_READ;

	snprintf( ret_desc->name, DFB_SURFACE_POOL_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "bcm buffer" );

     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmJoinPool( CoreDFB                    *core,
             CoreSurfacePool            *pool,
             void                       *pool_data,
             void                       *pool_local,
             void                       *system_data )
     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmDestroyPool( CoreSurfacePool *pool,
                void            *pool_data,
                void            *pool_local )
	bcmPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
	if(local->pBufferPtr != NULL)
		SHFREE(local->pBcm->data_shmpool, local->pBufferPtr);
		local->pBufferPtr = NULL;
     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmLeavePool( CoreSurfacePool *pool,
              void            *pool_data,
              void            *pool_local )

     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmTestConfig( CoreSurfacePool         *pool,
               void                    *pool_data,
               void                    *pool_local,
               CoreSurfaceBuffer       *buffer,
               const CoreSurfaceConfig *config )
     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmAllocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                   void                  *pool_data,
                   void                  *pool_local,
                   CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                   CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                   void                  *alloc_data )
	bcmPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
	bcmAllocationData* alloc = (bcmAllocationData*)alloc_data;

	alloc->pitch = ;	

     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmDeallocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                     void                  *pool_data,
                     void                  *pool_local,
                     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                     CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                     void                  *alloc_data )
	bcmPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmLock( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
         void                  *pool_data,
         void                  *pool_local,
         CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
         void                  *alloc_data,
         CoreSurfaceBufferLock *lock )
	bcmPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
	bcmAllocationData* alloc = (bcmAllocationData*)alloc_data;
	lock->addr = /* Framebuffer addr */
	lock->pitch = alloc->pitch;

	//printf("addr: %p\n", lock->addr);
     	return DFB_OK;

static DFBResult
bcmUnlock( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
           void                  *pool_data,
           void                  *pool_local,
           CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
           void                  *alloc_data,
           CoreSurfaceBufferLock *lock )

     	return DFB_OK;

const SurfacePoolFuncs bcmSurfacePoolFuncs = {
     .PoolDataSize       = bcmPoolDataSize,
     .PoolLocalDataSize  = bcmPoolLocalDataSize,
     .AllocationDataSize = bcmAllocationDataSize,

     .InitPool           = bcmInitPool,
     .JoinPool           = bcmJoinPool,
     .DestroyPool        = bcmDestroyPool,
     .LeavePool          = bcmLeavePool,

     .TestConfig         = bcmTestConfig,

     .AllocateBuffer     = bcmAllocateBuffer,
     .DeallocateBuffer   = bcmDeallocateBuffer,

     .Lock               = bcmLock,
     .Unlock             = bcmUnlock,




DirectFB Porting without fb device:part 2_第1张图片


你可能感兴趣的:(DirectFB Porting without fb device:part 2)