Tothe ‘any’ virtual interface that means packets received/sent onall system interfaces are accepted.
$cd <PF_RING PATH>/kernel
#insmod <PF_RING PATH>/kernel/pf_ring.ko[transparent_mode=0|1|2]
min_num_slots:Minnumber of ring slots (default – 4096).
enable_tx_capture:Setto 1 to capture outgoing packets, set to 0 to disable captureoutgoing packets (default – RX+TX).
enable_ip_defrag:Setto 1 to enable IP defragmentation, only rx traffic is defragmented.
quick_mode:Setto 1 to run at full speed but with up to one socket per
[lhl@localhost/proc/net/pf_ring 17:43 # 124]$cat info
PF_RINGVersion : 6.0.0 ($Revision: 已导出$)
Totalrings : 0
Standard(non DNA) Options
Ringslots : 4096
Slotversion : 15
CaptureTX : Yes [RX+TX]
IPDefragment : No
SocketMode : Standard
Transparentmode : Yes [mode 1]
Totalplugins : 0
ClusterFragment Queue : 0
ClusterFragment Discard : 0
[lhl@localhost/proc/net/pf_ring 17:44 # 129]$cat plugins_info
ID Plugin
1 dummy[This is a dummy plugin]
$cd<PF_RING PATH>/userland/lib
$sudomake install
Notethat the lib is reentrant hence it’s necessary to link yourPF_RING-enabled applications also against the -lpthread library.
[root@localhostexamples]# ./pfcount -i p4p1
UsingPF_RING v.6.0.0
Capturingfrom p4p1 [A4:1F:72:8F:AC:B1][ifIndex: 2]
#Device RX channels: 1
#Polling threads: 1
Dumpingstatistics on /proc/net/pf_ring/stats/10628-p4p1.9
AbsoluteStats: [0 pkts rcvd][0 pkts filtered][0 pkts dropped]
TotalPkts=0/Dropped=0.0 %
0pkts - 0 bytes
Asof version 4.7, the PF_RING library has a new modular architecture,making it possible to use
additionalcomponents other than the standard PF_RING kernel module. Thesecomponents are
compiledinside the library according to the supports detected by theconfigure script.
Currently,the set of additional modules includes:
Thismodule adds native support for Endace DAG cards in PF_RING. In orderto use this module it’s
necessaryto have the dag library (4.x or later) installed and to link yourPF_RING-enabled
applicationusing the -ldag flag.
Thismodule can be used to open a device in DNA mode, if you own asupported card and a DNA
driver.Please note that the PF_RING kernel module must be loaded before thethe DNA driver. With
DNAyou can dramatically increase the packet capture and transmissionspeed as the kernel layer
isbypassed and applications can communicate directly with the card.
Currentlythese DNA-aware drivers are available:
Thedrivers are part of the PF_RING distribution and can be found indrivers/DNA/.
Withall the drivers you can achieve wire rate at any packet size, bothfor RX and TX. You can test
RXusing the pfcount application, and TX using the pfsend application.
PF_RINGUser’s Guide v.6.0.0
Notethat in case of TX, the transmission speed is limited by the RXperformance. This is because
whenthe receiver cannot keep-up with the capture speed, the ethernet NICsends ethernet PAUSE
framesback to the sender to slow it down. If you want to ignore theseframes and thus send at full
speed,you need to disable autonegotiation and ignore them (ethtool -A dnaXautoneg off rx off tx
• ZCmodule.
Thismodule can be used to open a device in ZC mode, if you own asupported card and a
PF_RING-awaredriver with ZC support. As with DNA, ZC dramatically increases thepacket capture
andtransmission speed as the kernel layer is bypassed and applicationscan communicate
directlywith the card.
Currentlythese ZC drivers are available:
Thedrivers are part of the PF_RING distribution and can be found indrivers/PF_RING_aware/
identifiedby the suffix ‘-zc’. With all the drivers you can achieve wirerate at any packet size, both
forRX and TX. In order to open a device in ZC mode you should use the“zc:” prefix: “zc:ethX”.
•LinkAggregation (“multi”) module.
Thismodule can be used to aggregate multiple interfaces in order tocapture packets from all of
themopening a single PF_RING socket. For example it is possible to open aring with device name
•UserspaceRING (“userspace”) module.
Thismodule allows an application to send packets to another processleveraging on the standard
PF_RINGAPI by creating virtual devices (e.g. usrX, where X is a uniqueidentifier for the userspace
ring).In order to do this, the sending application has to open a ring byusing as device name
“userspace:usrX”(where “userspace:” identifies the Userspace RING module), whilethe receiving
applicationhas to open a ring in the standard way by using as device name“usrX”.
•Libzeroconsumer (“dnacluster”) module.
Thismodule can be used to attach to a DNA Cluster allowing theapplication to send and receive
packetsleveraging on the standard PF_RING API. The sending application hasto open a ring by
usingas device name “dnacluster:X@Y” where X is the cluster identifierand Y is the consumer
identifier,or “dnacluster:X” for auto-assigning the consumer identifier.
•LinuxTCP/IP Stack injection (“stack”) module.
Thismodule can be used to inject/capture packets to/from the Linux TCP/IPStack, simulating the
arrival/sendingof those packets on an interface. The application has to open a ringby using as
devicename “stack:dnaX” where dnaX is the interface bound to thepackets injected into the stack.
Inorder to inject a packet to the stack pfring_send() has to be used,in order to capture outgoing
packetspfring_recv() has to be used.