1. 环境部署
mon1.ihep.ac.cn | |
mds1.ihep.ac.cn | |
mds2.ihep.ac.cn | |
osd1.ihep.ac.cn | |
osd2.ihep.ac.cn | |
osd3.ihep.ac.cn | |
#cd ~/.ssh; cat id_dsa.pub >>authorized_keys
#复制.ssh 文件夹到其他机器用户home目录上
2. 在六个节点都安装ceph,步骤基本一致(出去数据节点)
#wget http://ceph.newdream.net/download/ceph-0.27.1.tar.gz
#tar xzvf ceph-0.27.1.tar.gz
#cd ceph-0.27.1
# ./autogen.sh
#./configure ##可能有些会提示你有些依赖包没装,装上就ok
# make
# make install
#cp ./src/sample.* /usr/local/etc/ceph/ ##拷贝ceph的配置文件,后面要修改
#mv /usr/local/etc/ceph/sample.ceph.conf /usr/local/etc/ceph/ceph.conf
#mv /usr/local/etc/ceph/sample.fetch_config /usr/local/etc/ceph/fetch_config
#cp ./src/init-ceph /etc/init.d/ceph
#mkdir /var/log/ceph; ##存放log,现在ceph自己还不自动建这个目录
#mkdir /data ##存储相应信息,下面配置会用到
#yum install btrfs-progs
#fdisk /dev/sda (进入以后做一些选择,不懂就man吧) ##这主要就是创建一个新的分区,我这里sda对应的磁盘还有一部分空余,所以在其上创建了一个/dev/sda4
#mkdf.btrfs /dev/sda4
; global
; enable secure authentication
;auth supported = cephx ##这个注释掉吧,用来授权访问的一个东东,测试没关系的
; allow ourselves to open a lot of files
max open files = 131072
; set up logging
log file = /var/log/ceph/$name.log
; set up pid files
pid file = /var/run/ceph/$name.pid
; monitors
; You need at least one. You need at least three if you want to
; tolerate any node failures. Always create an odd number.
mon data = /data/mon$id
; logging, for debugging monitor crashes, in order of
; their likelihood of being helpful :)
;debug ms = 1
;debug mon = 20
;debug paxos = 20
;debug auth = 20
host = mon1.ihep.ac.cn
mon addr =
; host = beta
; mon addr =
; host = gamma
; mon addr =
; mds
; You need at least one. Define two to get a standby.
; where the mds keeps it's secret encryption keys
keyring = /data/keyring.$name
; mds logging to debug issues.
;debug ms = 1
;debug mds = 20
host = mds1.ihep.ac.cn
host = mds2.ihep.ac.cn
; osd
; You need at least one. Two if you want data to be replicated.
; Define as many as you like.
; This is where the btrfs volume will be mounted.
osd data = /data/osd$id
; Ideally, make this a separate disk or partition. A few
; hundred MB should be enough; more if you have fast or many
; disks. You can use a file under the osd data dir if need be
; (e.g. /data/osd$id/journal), but it will be slower than a
; separate disk or partition.
; This is an example of a file-based journal.
osd journal = /data/osd$id/journal
osd journal size = 1000 ; journal size, in megabytes
; osd logging to debug osd issues, in order of likelihood of being
; helpful
;debug ms = 1
;debug osd = 20
;debug filestore = 20
;debug journal = 20
host = osd1.ihep.ac.cn
; if 'btrfs devs' is not specified, you're responsible for
; setting up the 'osd data' dir. if it is not btrfs, things
; will behave up until you try to recover from a crash (which
; usually fine for basic testing).
btrfs devs = /dev/sda4
host = osd2.ihep.ac.cn
btrfs devs = /dev/sda4
host = osd3.ihep.ac.cn
btrfs devs = /dev/sda4
; host = eta
; btrfs devs = /dev/sdy
## fetch ceph.conf from some remote location and save it to $conf.
## make sure this script is executable (chmod +x fetch_config)
## examples:
## from a locally accessible file
## from a URL:
# wget -q -O $conf http://somewhere.com/some/ceph.conf
## via scp
# scp -i /path/to/id_dsa user@host:/path/to/ceph.conf $conf
scp[email protected]:/usr/local/etc/ceph/ceph/conf $conf
4. 创建文件系统并启动。下面都做都在监控节点做。
#mkcephfs -a -c /usr/local/etc/ceph/ceph.conf --mkbtrfs
#mkdir /etc/ceph; cp /usr/local/etc/ceph/* /etc/ceph ##这个我记不清楚了,反正似乎有用
#/etc/init.d/ceph -a start
5. 挂载
#mkdir /ceph
#mount.ceph /ceph