binary search tree

Binary Search Tree
regarding with the action : search , search_min , search_max ,
search_predecessor , search_successor.
Data structure of the tree
struct tree_node{
       unsigned int data;
       struct tree_node *left, *right, *parent;
struct tree_node x;
Key(x) : x->data
Parent(x) : x->parent
Left(x) : x->left
Right(x) : x->right

binary search tree_第1张图片


Inodertraverse : 1->2->3->4->5->6->7
if u inodertraverse the binary search trees, the result must be Ascending.
So , if node has two children(left and right),
the predecessor of that node must be the maximunm of node->left
likewisely ;
the successor of that node must be the minimum of node->right
1 search :
unsigned char *search(struct tree_node *x, int v)
       if(Key(x) == v)
              return x;
       if(v > Key(x))
              search(Right(x), v);
       else if(v < Key(x))
              search(Left(x), v);
2 search_min :
just look up recursively along with left pointer of every node until
encountering with NULL
unsigned char *search_min(struct tree_node *root)
       struct tree_node *now = root;
       while(now != NULL)
             now = Left(now);
       return now;
3 search_max
the same principle as the min , look up recursively along with the right pionter
of every node until encountering with NULL
unsigned char *search_max(struct tree_node *root)
       struct tree_node *now = root;
       while(now != NULL)
             now = Right(now);
       return now;
question of successor or predecessor
4 search_successor
spilted into 2 circumstances :
   (1)when the node->right != NULL , just find the minimun item of the node-
       >right , just like 4 is the successor of 3
   (2)when node->right == NULL , just find the first ancesstor whose left
       child is also the ancestor of that node , just like 5 ->6
unsigned char *search_successor(struct tree_node *x)
      if(Right(x) != NULL)
             return search_min(Right(x));
             y = Parent(x);
             while(y != NULL && Right(y) == x){
                   x = y;
                   y = Parent(y);
             return y;
5 search_predecessor
in comparsion to the successor one , can draw the conclusion that
   (1)when node->left != NULL , just find the maximun iten of node->left
   (2)if not , apply same priciple , like 3 is the predecessor of 4
unsigned char *search_predecessor(struct tree_node *x)
      if(Left(x) != NULL)
             return search_max(Left(x));
             y = Parent(x);
             while(y != NULL && Left(y) == x){
                   x = y;
                   y = Parent(y);

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